Paradise Quotes

  • [first lines]

    Lamb Mannerheim: This is me, before the accident.

    [standing in the ocean in a sundress]

    Lamb Mannerheim: And here's me after I was barbecued in jet fuel.

    [sitting on the beach completely covered]

    Lamb Mannerheim: The old-me was content, virtuous; believed in everything.

    Lamb Mannerheim: [sundress] Marshmallow.

    Lamb Mannerheim: What an idiot.

  • William: [seeing her grope for her pain pills] Would you like something stronger? Like a gun?

  • William: Where are you going? Why are you not listening to me? Why are you not enchanted?

  • Lamb Mannerheim: I'm not a show girl.

    Loray: Nobody cares what you are, hon.

    Lamb Mannerheim: I care very much. I care about the message that I send out into the world. Besides, I could never do that anyway, people would stare. My skin.

    Loray: Yeah, well I got a skin condition too. It's called black. "People would stare."

  • William: You know how when you're a kid, and you go to bed, and it snows over night, and you wake up the next day, and everything looks pure and pristine and perfect, and you just wanna get your boots on and get out there and mess it up?

    Loray: I'm from Florida.

  • Loray: There *are* girls here that are looking stupid on purpose. At least you can't help it.

  • Lamb Mannerheim: I realized we *do* have something in common.

    Loray: We do, huh?

    Lamb Mannerheim: Yeah. You don't have any black friends, either.

  • William: If I'm so toothless, then how come you're afraid to come upstairs with me?

    Lamb Mannerheim: Afraid? You've gotta be kidding me, I just spent my entire life being trained to follow a man with long hair and a beard. That would just be down right predictable.

  • Loray: Maybe it's just a Tuesday night, and I'm trying to be your magical a negro?

    Lamb Mannerheim: Um, my what?

    William: No! No!

    Loray: Magical negro. Magical negro is a narrative convention in which a black person uses her special black wisdom to help a white person in need.

  • Lamb Mannerheim: He was a good pilot, but...

    Amber: Did he get as messed up as you? All the shit on your neck?

    Lamb Mannerheim: He lucked out.

    Amber: Not a scratch, huh?

    Lamb Mannerheim: No, he died.

  • Lamb Mannerheim: This, this is so much worse than home.

    Amber: [laughs] Nothing's worse than home. Trust me, I'm scared for life.

  • William: I gotta tell you right now, you are awful at being awful.

  • Doug Mannerheim: [running into the room] Is she in pain?

    Melanie Mannerheim: She says she's happy.

    Doug Mannerheim: Oh no.

  • [last lines]

    Lamb Mannerheim: Some people say this whole world is broken. I say it's paradise.

  • Lamb Mannerheim: My mom calls glitter Lucifer Dust.

  • Loray: The last time someone Googled me, there was no Google - they had to Alta Vista that shit.

  • Doug Mannerheim: We're open to hearing about your new beliefs, as long as they're still very conservative.


Director: Diablo Cody

Language: English Release date: October 18, 2013