Judgement: Let me ask you a question. Five-three, ninety-nine and a quarter pounds, skin like a porcelain mug full of lactate, nipples size of a baby's fingernails.
Heirophant: What's the question?
Judgement: You be the judge.
High Priestess: I wish it was Sunday.
Fool: How do I know for sure you are who I think you are?
High Priestess: Well, for one, we were just speaking in code. And two... I currently have a Para Carry 9mm pointed squarely at your crotch. I'm High Priestess. Nice to meet you.
Chariot: [to Fool] I tried to read your file but it bored the shit out of me. Sort of like "Thomas Crown" without the pussy.
Chariot: Let's put it this way: If it weren't for Omega...
Fool: Which is who?
High Priestess: Us.
Chariot: ...the Middle East would be a cloud of dust right now.
Fool: Uh, isn't the Middle East already kind of a cloud of dust?
High Priestess: He meant literally.
Fool: What does Alpha do?
Chariot: You know, the usual. Some president, UN official, American politician wants to talk shit about the military industrial complex, wants to stop spending $600 billion on a war with no fucking end, well, whether it be 1963 or now, they intervene.
Chariot: I'm gonna fucking rape your soul!
Fool: All right, so what happens if that door malfunctions? How do we get out?
Chariot: You don't.
Chariot: [to Empress] Oh, wow! Look at you. You vixen. What are you, entering a slut contest?
Devil: [Temperence stands speechless after seeing Fool] Do you find sometimes a pregnant pause just, just says it all?
Chariot: Yes, sir, the tension's palpable.
Empress: I'm hot.
Fool: [Chariot is showing Fool his new office] Am I smaller than everyone else is? And there's a column in the middle.
Chariot: Yeah, well, it's 'cause it's your first day. And you're a fucking loser.
High Priestess: Can you believe this? 70 years of government fuckups all in one room. I bet you half of these are from the past eight years.
Magician: Hey, just out of curiosity, what happened to you? I mean, when I first got here, you were the shit, I mean, I wanted to be you. Now, you know, you're like - I don't know. You're like... borderline homeless. You're a fucking... deadbeat.
Chariot: Yeah, well, look on the bright side. My poetry's really coming along.
Chariot: Little baby dick grew some balls?
Magician: Just orders, man. Just following orders.
Chariot: Well, your subservience will be the death of you.
Fool: [to Temperance] She's already fucking dead! Are you fucking done? She's fucking dead!
Chariot: [Upon seeing Hierophant dead body] You are still hot.
Magician: I just... I can't imagine not waking up tomorrow, you know?
Empress: I can.
Carl: Do you think now that I'm single, someone like Temperance would ever date me?
Neil: Not unless you pay for it.
Carl: [Carl and Neil are watching Temperance slaughtering Hierophant on the monitors] Are you in any way turned on by this?
Chariot: Hey, you know what, you guys have been great, but I'm gonna go drink myself to death.
Empress: Shut the fuck up.
Chariot: Chug my cock.
Empress: You know, before you opened your mouth, I actually entertained the possibility of fucking you one last time.
Emperor: It's that fleeting, huh?
Empress: I know. It's unfortunate, right?
Fool: You do this every morning?
Chariot: [laughs] No, no, I drink as much as I do, because every day is Christmas.
Chariot: Do you want to do the introductions?
High Priestess: No, my fucking feet hurt.
Chariot: I say we watch her and we watch alpha team; I got a bad feeling about this.
Emperor: You sure that's not just the DTs talking?
Chariot: Well I'm still drunk, so, it can't be the DTs.
Emperor: There you go, you corrected me.
Susan: Has anyone been in the devil's safe?
Susan: Hell is everything beyond these walls.
Operation: Endgame Quotes
Extended Reading