Open Water Quotes

  • Daniel: Other people go on vacation and spend their days just laying around. We have a story we're going to be telling for the rest of our lives.

  • Susan: Daniel, where's the boat?

    Daniel: That's a good question.

    [looks around]

    Daniel: I guess it's one of those.

    Susan: You gotta be kidding me.

    Daniel: It better be one of those.

    Susan: Well which one do you think?

    Daniel: I don't know.

  • Susan: [surfacing from the water] Where's the boat. Daniel. Where's the boat?

  • Susan: We're stuck in the middle of the ocean!

  • Daniel: This can't be happening!

  • Susan: Oh God! Something's rubbing against my foot!

  • Daniel: The only reason we are out here in the first place is because of your fucking job!

    Susan: What?

    Daniel: If it were not for your job, we would not have thrown our plans out the window, rushed around at the last minute and settled on this fucking trip! We would be at home, in the middle of our hectic lives, which right now sounds like heaven to me. And in a month's time, seven months ago, we would be where we were supposed to be in the first place, and paying less than we are now to be shark bait!

  • Susan: I can't even believe you'd bring that up right now. You were the one who picked the dates.

    Daniel: Oh yeah, of my whopping two choices - this was the better date.

  • Susan: I wanted to go skiing!

  • Susan: [seeing a shark swimming right in front of them] What kind sharks are those?

    Daniel: Big ones.

  • Susan: Daniel, did you just pee?

    Daniel: Yep.

    Susan: You're disgusting.

    Daniel: Hey, you said you were a little cold.

  • Susan: Was that a shark?

    Daniel: I don't know. I think it was a dolphin.

    Susan: No it wasn't a dolphin, because if it was you would be over there playing with it!

  • [first lines]

    Daniel: [on his cellphone] Hey Don. It's Daniel. Listen, don't put the boiler in until I get back. The framing inspection isn't for a couple of weeks, so we've got plenty of time. And I'll check in with you guys in a couple of days, OK? Take care. Bye.

  • [last lines]

    [a camera has been found in a shark's stomach]

    Man: Check it out.


    Child: What's the yellow thing?

    Man: Man, they really do eat anything. I wonder if it works.

  • Susan: I guess it could go either way. I'm sorry, honey.