Graf Orlok: Your wife has such a beautiful neck...
[as Hutter is on his way to Knock's real estate office]
Prof. Bulwer: Not so hasty, young friend! No one can escape his destiny.
Knock, ein häusermakler: - of course, it will cost you some effort... a little sweat and... perhaps... a little blood.
Graf Orlok: You have hurt yourself... your precious blood!
Ellen Hutter, seine Frau: Why did you kill them... the lovely flowers...?
[And when he crossed the bridge, the phantoms came to meet him]
Title Card: Nosferatu. Does this word not sound like the midnight call of the Bird of Death? Do not utter it, or the images of life will fade - into pale shadows and ghostly dreams will rise from your heart and feed your Blood.
Knock, ein häusermakler: Go quickly, travel safely, my young friend, to the land of ghosts.
Hutter: I am going far away to the land of robbers and ghosts.
Wirt, the Innkeeper: You must not go further, the werewolf haunts the woods.
Hutter: I am plagued by mosquitoes. Two have just bitten me on the neck, quite close together, one on each side.
Hutter: My dreams are heavy in this desolate castle, but do not fear.
Ellen Hutter, seine Frau: Hutter !
Hutter: Ellen ! Ellen !
Knock, ein häusermakler: Blood is life ! Blood is life !
Ellen Hutter, seine Frau: I must go to him. He is coming !
Knock, ein häusermakler: The Master is near... The Master is near...
Book: Of Vampires: At night, Nosferatu sinketh his fangs into his victim and feedeth on his blood = his hellish elixir of life.
Book: Of Vampires: Beware that his shadow doth not burden your dreams with horrible fears.
Book: Of Vampires: Wherefrom there is no salvation except that a woman without sin should cause the vampire to forget the first cock crow. Of her own free will she should give him her blood.
Ellen Hutter, seine Frau: Bulwer! Fetch Bulwer!