Lacie: Don't shit on me for aiming higher.
Ryan: Pelican Cove higher?
Lacie: What's wrong with Pelican Cove? They're great apartments!
Ryan: They are fake-smile jail cells!
Truck Driver: Eight years ago, Tom, my husband, got cancer. It was pancreatic, a real bitch. The symptoms showed up late.
Lacie: I'm so sorry.
Truck Driver: You don't know me, so you're not really sorry. You're just mainly awkward 'cause I have sprung some cancer talk at you.
Man in Jail: I don't like your brassiere.
Lacie: I don't like your mustache.
Man in Jail: I don't like your aura.
Lacie: My aura?
Man in Jail: Yeah.
Lacie: I don't like... your... head. Your entire head is just ridiculous to me.
Man in Jail: Really?
Lacie: You look like an alcoholic former weatherman.
Ryan: [picks up Pelican Cove brochure] Pelican Cove? What is this? A eugenics program?
Lacie: A lifestyle community.
Ryan: [looks at the photo on the brochure] No one is *this* happy. A two-year-old with a fucking balloon isn't this happy.
Hansen: So in terms of quality, you could use a punch up right there. Ideally, that's up votes from quality people.
Lacie: Quality people?
Hansen: High fours. Impress those up-scale folks, you'll gain velocity on your arc and there's your boost.
Lacie: The little girl who, when we were just five-years-old in art camp, started talking to me because she saw I was scared and helped me make Mr. Rags.
Lacie: He reminds me of you and what you meant to me then! And I'm so honored to be here to see this shit! I love you, Nay-Nay! I've always loved you! I love you!
Lacie: [answers phone] Hi, Nay! So, oh, my God, insane night, but I am so close now.
Naomie: Don't come.
Lacie: What?
Naomie: No. No.
Lacie: I'm like an hour away...
Naomie: Don't come. I don't want you here. I don't know what is up with you, but I cannot have a 2.6 at my wedding.
Ryan: There's sugary and then there's fucking diabetes!
Lacie: We'd talk about all the things girls talk about, you know, boys, hair, products, uh... more boys.
Lacie: I mean, I tried sometimes to expand our range a little and talk about climate change, but she found that kind of boring so - Go on. She was probably right. I mean, fuck the planet, right?
Lacie: Whoo! Yes, thank you! Come on. Let's have a little fun here. You know, fuck the planet!
Lacie: -
Lacie: Fuck the planet! -
Lacie: [crockery rattles]
Nosedive Quotes
Syble 2021-12-29 08:01:42
Four, five and six are getting better, you can barely see it, what the hell is the second and the third! Do you want to come up and make up the number if you are clever? Expelled from the mirror!
Angie 2021-12-29 08:01:42
It’s a bit ironic to come over and score after watching the first episode.