Marco: You know this could be dangerous.
Nikita: What's the worst that could happen?
Marco: Leftovers?
Nikita: Why ain't my mother here?
Nikita: Mister, is this heaven here or not?
Amande: Let your pleasure be your guide.
Marco: Stop before it's too late.
Amande: There are two things that are infinite: femininity and means to take advantage of it.
[after Nikita obliterates her target with a large automatic pistol]
Professeur de tir: You've used one of these before?
Nikita: Not on paper.
Bob: You died Saturday at 5:00 p.m. The prison doctor confirmed suicide after an overdose of tranquillizers. You're buried in Maisons-Alfort, row 8, plot 30.
Nikita: [looking at pictures of her funeral] Titi... That's Titi!
Bob: I work, let's say, for the government. We've decided to give you another chance.
Nikita: What do I do?
Bob: Learn. Learn to read, walk, talk, smile and even fight. Learn to do everything.
Nikita: What for?
Bob: To serve your country.
Nikita: What if I don't want to?
Bob: Row 8, Plot 30.
Marco: Time to clean up.
Nikita: I'm scared.
Bob: The worst's over.
Nikita: Bob, the window was bricked up! The window was bricked up!
Bob: Of course it was.
Nikita Quotes
Dortha 2022-04-20 09:01:50
After watching almost all of his, it seems that "The Killer" is really difficult to surpass...
Jayme 2022-04-24 07:01:14
I think it's quite boring, the idea is very good, how does it feel like the general action is not action, love is not love, literature and art are not literary, there are some details, but it's okay