Nightbreed Quotes

  • Boone: That's true.

    Peloquin: Everything is true. God's an Astronaut. Oz is Over the Rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live... And you came to die.

  • Narcisse: It's Shangra-La on Dope. We love it!

  • Boone: You don't understand! I've killed people.

    Peloquin: Who told you that?

    Boone: What do you mean?

    Peloquin: He lied, Asshole!

  • Lylesberg: Aaron Boone... the Tribes of the Moon embrace you!

  • Captain Eigerman: You are a freak and a cannibal and you've come to the wrong town.

  • Dr. Philip K. Decker: Miss Winston, EVERYBODY has a secret face!

  • Kinski: Run while you still got legs!

  • Lylesberg: [to Lori] What is below, stays below. That is the Law.

  • Rickman Boy: There's a bad man in our house.

  • Dr. Philip K. Decker: Oh Lori

    Lori Desinger: How do you know my name?

    Dr. Philip K. Decker: Oh that's a good question

    [takes off his mask]

    Dr. Philip K. Decker: Here's the answer! Boone's alive Lori... and your death is going to bring him out of hiding

  • Dr. Philip K. Decker: Lie still... it's quicker this way

  • Dr. Philip K. Decker: [smirking] Quite a dance huh? Death everywhere and you and me in the middle!

  • Boone: [Sneering... as Decker falls from a cliff] One last dance!

  • Narcisse: Are you going to kill him or not? Only I want his balls, and his eyes... unless you want them.

    Boone: I'll pass

    Narcisse: Remember me doctor? I was dying when you had your way with me. You made me give up my secrets when I was feeling particularly vunerable...

    [Pulls out a set of blades]

    Narcisse: Now

  • Leroy Gomm: [as a shotgun is pointed at him] You don't want to do that

    Redneck with shotgun: Gimme a reason?

    Leroy Gomm: I'll give you two

  • Leroy Gomm: You heard what he said

    Devil Lude: What chance have we got... they're armed

    Leroy Gomm: So am I

  • Boone: Look we can make it out... but we need fighters

    Lylesberg: We're not warriors

    Boone: What about the beserkers?

    Lylesberg: Madness, they're uncontrollable

    Boone: Better yet... let them out. We are the tribes of the moon... you said so

    Lylesberg: [Reminiscing] The tribes of the moon

    [pauses then reluctantly]

    Lylesberg: I'll release them

  • Pettine: We've got the perfect weapon, right over our heads!

    Detective Joyce: Yeah. Just until it goes DOWN.

  • Special Appearance: Did they kick you out? Is that why you hate 'em so much?

    Dr. Philip K. Decker: [Chuckles] I'm not one of them... I'm here to destroy them.


    Dr. Philip K. Decker: See I've cleaned up a lot of breeders, families like cesspools; filth making filth making filth. And I did it over and over and over again, but it was all leading me here... I was born to destroy them... and the breed together.

    Special Appearance: [Last lines] You're crazy!

    Dr. Philip K. Decker: No I'm death... plain and simple

    [now enraged]

    Dr. Philip K. Decker: Say It

    [getting no response he stabs the man]

    Dr. Philip K. Decker: [sighs] Then don't say it!

  • Boone: Decker... isn't this where the dead are supposed to be/go?

    Dr. Philip K. Decker: But you're not dead?

    Lori Desinger: [Passing out] Boone

    Boone: No you're wrong Decker... we're both dead!

    [Decker stabs him, Boone just winces and smirks]

    Boone: You see... blades are no better than bullets!

  • Narcisse: Never touched a legend before!

  • Ashberry: I saw their god master... He burned me! I want to burn him back!

    [as Decker screams... returning to life]

    Ashberry: Halleujiah, Halleujiah, Halleujiah, Halleujiah...

  • Kinski: [having captured Boone] If we eat him, we break the law!

    Peloquin: Oh, fuck the law! I want meat!

  • Dr. Philip K. Decker: [to Boone] I believe you.

    Dr. Philip K. Decker: [to Law Enforcement]


    Dr. Philip K. Decker: He's got a gun!

    Detective Joyce: [shouts] Fire!

    Detective Joyce: Where's the gun?

    Dr. Philip K. Decker: [Shakes head] ... He reached into his jacket.

  • Narcisse: There's a face beneath this face...

  • Rachel: To be able to fly, to be smoke, or a wolf? To know the night and live in it forever? That's not so bad. You call us 'monsters,' but when you dream, you dream of flying, and changing, and living without death. You envy us, and what you envy...

    Lori Desinger: ...We destroy.