Night Hunter Quotes

  • Cooper: If a lion eats someone, and you lock it up, and you say, don't do that again, and ten years later you let it out, what happens?

  • [repeated line]

    Simon: I Want Me

    [last lines]

    Simon: Let him

    [his twin]

    Simon: go or I'll stick this up her keeeeeyaaaaant

  • Marshall: [tosses a pair of handcuffs onto the table in front of a sex offender] Put these on... or I'll let her

    [nods to Angie]

    Marshall: and her friends castrate you

  • Marshall: 80% of sex offenders re-offend. 80%. Let them back out on to the street - 7 this last month released within 15 miles of this school. That's 5 out of 7 active predators. Unless you treat the underlying cause of their instinct to offend, hormones. When you do that, the re-offend rate drops to just 5%.

    Cooper: You can't think someone's going to commit a crime, regardless of any of the social factors. Because that is dangerously narrow-minded. It's like thinking all Muslims are terrorists.

    Marshall: I'm not talking about the color of a man's skin, I'm talking about the endless voice in a predator's head. That says do it, do it, do it.

Night Hunter

Director: David Raymond

Language: English Release date: September 6, 2019