MythBusters Quotes

  • Adam: I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

  • [repeated line]

    Adam: Well, here's your problem.

  • Adam: Hell or high water we are gonna get him back out! We leave no man behind on MythBusters man!

  • Narrator: Adam and Jamie have never been afraid of going deep.

  • Adam: [operating shark-punching Buster] Oh, my God! This is more fun than should be allowed.

  • Jamie: [over radio] This is one of those "What the hell am I doing?" moments, over!

  • Jamie: Adam, the police officer says you need to drink more.

  • Jamie: I always enjoy seeing Adam in pain.

  • Jamie: [wearing a full-body fire-protection suit with tinted hood] I kinda like it in here, it's private!

  • Adam: Remember, don't try this at home.

    Jamie: We're what you call "experts".

  • Adam: We got a robot in the water, he's stuffed with tuna and it's just another day here at Mythbusters.

  • Jamie: I think this thing could hurt you. I think we're about to find out whether it will hurt you.

    Adam: All right, I'll go put on the suit.

    Narrator: What did I say about dressing up?

    Adam: [dancing in Redman suit] Yeah! You can shake your booty in this!

  • Kari: All right! Looks like it's time to pack Buster's bags for the Bahamas. What do you think he'd wear? Shorts or a little thong?

    Adam: I... I don't know if Buster has enough actual flesh down there for a thong, but a...

    Jamie: He's got no butt at all, in fact he doesn't even have any legs.

  • Adam: [covered in tomato juice] I think it's working!

  • Jamie: I don't think our death ray is working. I'm standing right in it, and I'm not dead yet.

  • Adam: How many of me can you stand?

  • Jamie: [while pushing Adam into the quicksand] Drown, you bastard!

  • [Adam gets upset with Jamie and walks away]

    Jamie: Adam needs a cookie.

  • Narrator: [after Adam hurts himself] Adam is more fragile than this rig.

  • Adam: [while trying to calculate how many pingpong balls it takes to cancel out one pound] Oh no, oh crap.

    Jamie: That's great Adam. I'll see you later.

    [Starts walking away]

    Jamie: Let me know when you get that all worked out.

  • Jamie: What's the problem, you don't believe the math?

  • Adam: If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating

  • Adam: [Fake arrow on his head] Coming up, could a ninja snatch an arrow out of the air?

    Jamie: Sorry about that, man.

    Adam: That's okay.

  • Jamie: So what's in these things?

    Adam: Supposed to be vinegar and water.

    [takes a sip of feminine hygiene products and spits it out]

    Adam: Yeah, tastes like vinegar and water.

    [starts laughing]

    Adam: I just took a taste test.

    [continues laughing]

  • Kari: I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm a really, really bad driver!

  • Adam: [wearing a pilot's helmet] Pilot to bombardier, pilot to bombardier, do you read, over?

  • Adam: [sticks on a Shock Watch sticker] This is the source of all my special powers!

  • Adam: Well, hopefully that's our job, to strap rockets onto everything!

  • Jamie: Give it your best shot! Come on!

  • Salvatore: Mmmmmm... Yummy!

  • Salvatore: He's gonna die... but it's gonna look great.

  • Adam: [holding a floatation barrel] The only thing we're told we can't do is burn them, blow them up, or lose them!

    Salvatore: Has he watched the show?

  • Kari: [christening the Orca V. Bottle does not break] Ewww... How the heck do they do this?

    Narrator: [Kari tries to break the bottle repeatedly] It's made of "stern" stuff, Kari!

  • Grant: [laughing] Bullseye!

  • Kari: [the Shrammer rams into the Orca V] Oh, camera in the water!


  • Scottie: Maybe it's a myth that methane is flammable.

    Adam: It's not a myth. We're just idiots.

  • Jamie: Adam doesn't know it yet but he's digging his own grave.

    Adam: What's that?

    Jamie: What?... Nothing!

  • Jamie: [wearing a wetsuit] I feel kinda sexy!

  • Jamie: [Adam writes "Crash" Hyneman on Jamie's Helmet] What the hell are you writing out there?

  • Scottie: [smells Adam] You smell like a Bloody Mary!

  • Jamie: Good shot, Adam!

    Adam: Thank you, Uncle Jamie.

  • Kari: [after Adam gets shocked by the ark] Do you feel God?

  • Adam: I wouldn't say Jamie's an evil genius.

  • Jamie: When will the fun ever stop?

  • Jamie: [Jamie is holding a duck] Quack, damn you!

    Adam: He looks like he's trying to collect a loan from the duck. Duck loan collection agency!

    [in a mobster accent]

    Adam: We want to talk to you about some outstanding feed!

  • Adam: Jamie, marinade!

  • Adam: [pours tomato juice over himself] Wow, this is like performance art!

  • Adam: [holds a duck to the camera] Do you have anything to say to the ducks back home?

  • Jamie: [fills a truck with vacuum cleaners] Do we suck or what?

  • Jamie: And that was the end of Adam's Television career.

    Adam: No!

    [punches Jamie in the arm]

  • Kari: [hi-fives Scottie] Giant industrial pogo stick! Nice!

  • Adam: [sits on his hovercraft with pizza boxes taped to his arms] I think we may have something here!

  • Adam: [Christine and Tory tape pizza boxes to Adam's arms] We're at the Icarus part of the evening. I think you know what happened to Icarus!

  • Jamie: Well, that's a bright light you got going there, buddy!

  • Adam: This kills you!

    [points to a .30-06 bullet]

    Adam: This kills you and everyone else in the room!

    [points to a .50cal bullet]

  • Jamie: Ninety-two feet to the top of the pulleys!

    Kari: Ninety-two feet to the dead bird!

    [Jamie laughs]

  • Adam: How hard can it be to blow up a room full of gasoline?

  • Jamie: [after spectacularly destroying two semi-trucks] It wasn't quite right, but I don't think we can reset.

  • Adam: This is your head!

    [Touches ballistics gel]

    Adam: This is your head with an axe in it! Are we clear?

  • Adam: Hand me the Jack Russell terrier urine. That'll do it!

  • Adam: Turkey master, I hand you your bird!

  • Adam: I'm not doing anything the Pakish wouldn't have done if they'd had a chainsaw.

  • [holds the live cast of Grant]

    Salvatore: It's little Imahara!

  • Jamie: I think that was one of the most destructive things I've ever done. That was cool!

  • Adam: [Adam laughs] We're escaping Alcatraz in Mach 1!

    Jamie: No wonder they couldn't find them. They're probably in Japan by now.

  • Adam: [Drops a pastrami sandwich on the floor and picks it up again] Whoop, I picked it up after like three seconds, would you eat it?

    Jamie: I wouldn't eat it just because you've handled it.

  • Adam: [pounding at Alcatraz raft loudly] Wait, was that a guard?

    Adam: [Stays silent for a few seconds] Nope!

    Adam: [Contiues pounding]

  • [discussing the lethality of paper-mache arrows]

    Adam: Just thinkin' this one through from a mechanical standpoint... I'd be totally pleased with two inches of penetration.

    Jamie: Generally, I prefer a little bit more.

  • Salvatore: [after frying balistics gel Ben Franklin] Well, we killed a dead president.

    Grant: He was never president.

    Salvatore: He wasn't President? Damn it.

  • Jamie: [while coffin is being closed in the Buried Alive myth] Farewell cruel world!

  • Jamie: Aren't tracer rounds illegal?

  • Narrator: [Jamie talks to Adam about his screwed up Hale rocket] Denial is a river in Africa.

  • Narrator: [Adam extinguishes the bunker after a successful rocket test] Not so much as fire in the hole as fire in the whole shop!

  • Salvatore: [Rubbing two sticks together but getting no embers] Shnike!

    Narrator: Seems like he's off the island too!

  • Jamie: Well, as the myth suggests, William Thomson, aka Lord Kelvin, did indeed live during the Civil War era but he never claimed to have made liquid oxygen.

    Adam: And we're supposed to believe someone who was called Thomson but went around saying he was Lord Kelvin? "That's Lord Kelvin to you."

  • Kari: [Kari makes the gun cotton for the confederate rocket myth] Ok, we're gonna add a half ounce of

    [Donkey sound]

    Kari: to ounce of

    [Rooster sound]

    Kari: slowly!

    Narrator: When you add donkey to rooster you get a violent reaction.

  • Kari: [testing vodka as a poison oak remedy] I hope you don't have a date tonight. Showing up smelling like liquor with poison oak.

    Salvatore: [laughs] Works every time!

  • Kari: [Jiggles two ballistics gel hands] My dastardly scheme, it's coming together!

  • Adam: [Jamie pours gas into the pickup, Adam whistles] You really had to go.

  • Adam: [Holds up a pig's head in front of his face] Jamie!

    Jamie: Yeah?

    Adam: Please don't fire bullets into my head!

    Jamie: Its only got one ear though.

    Adam: We don't need ears for testing lethality of bullets at terminal velocity man!

  • Adam: [Holds a weather balloon] For science!

    [Releases the weather balloon and it floats away]

    Jamie: [Points to the weather balloon] It's going that way!

    [Adam laughs]

    Adam: You're a budding meteorologist Jamie!

    [Jamie laughs]

  • Salvatore: [mixing explosive chemicals in order to explode pants] Frank, why are you standing so far away?

    Frank Hausman: Because I want to live.

    Salvatore: I guess the second question is, why am I standing so close?

  • Salvatore: If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing, right?

  • Adam: Do you actually have moods?

    Jamie: No.

  • Adam: I think this is the strangest position I've ever been in on this show.

    Kari: [quietly] Notice how he qualifies it with "on this show".

  • Kari: I think we have our exploding pants!

  • Kari: You know, I promised my mom and dad I wouldn't do anything stupid after I got out of college.


    Kari: Sorry, Mom.

  • Adam: When a cameraman gives you a pat on the shoulder it must be really bad.

  • Adam: [in cockney accent to a shotgun toting Jamie facing an oven door] Alright Jamie, here's your motivation: This oven door has run off with your wife, so you decide to gear-up and get even.

  • [Jamie accidentally shoots a fluorescent light with a nail gun]

    Jamie: Whoops! We should get out of here. That's mercury vapor.

  • Jamie: [in anticipation of a massive explosion] Jamie wants big boom.

  • Jamie: It's a beautiful day at the bomb range. Birds are singing, rabbits are hopping about... and pretty soon there's gonna be a big explosion.

  • Salvatore: [being massaged for an episode on the effects of stress levels on driving] This is the best damn Mythbusters *ever*.

  • Adam: Am I missing an eyebrow?

Extended Reading
  • Gabe 2022-02-15 08:01:31

    I love your persistence and stupidity

  • Devante 2022-02-15 08:01:31

    It's so pretty! The quick wit of perverted scientists!