Music of the Heart Quotes

  • Isabel Vasquez: [approaching Roberta who is sitting on a bench by herself at lunch after being shunned by other teachers] What's the matter? You got cooties or somethin'?

    Roberta Guaspari: Oh, apparently.

    Isabel Vasquez: Well, I'll take my chances. Isabel Vasquez, second grade.

    Roberta Guaspari: Roberta Guaspari, I'm ...

    Isabel Vasquez: The violin teacher. I know.

    Roberta Guaspari: So is it my imagination, or does *everybody* here hate me?

    Isabel Vasquez: Look, it's hard to fit in when you're doing a special program. People figure you're not gonna be here very long, so they don't make the effort. It may take a while for folks to warm up to you, but they don't hate you.

    Roberta Guaspari: What about Alice?

    Isabel Vasquez: A - She thinks the violin is a waste of time. B - She's a bitch!

    Roberta Guaspari: [laughs] So, why are you being so nice to me?

    Isabel Vasquez: Ulterior motives. I want my daughter in your class next year!

    Roberta Guaspari: If I'm here next year...

    Isabel Vasquez: You will be.

  • Roberta Guaspari: [after finding out her violin program has just been cut] There's got to be some way we can fight this!

    Janet Williams: Fight it for what? I don't have any extra programs I can give them instead.

    Roberta Guaspari: Ohhh, I see! After 10 years, after 1400 kids have learned the violin, "this is just an extra program!"

    Janet Williams: You know I don't feel that way! And you know *damn* well I've been standing by you all these years! You think I haven't noticed what you've done for these kids?

    Roberta Guaspari: Well, then *do* something!

    Janet Williams: I have been on that phone for the past three days trying to do something! They're sick of hearing my voice! Believe me, there are other people around here I would *much* rather get rid of! But as far as the board is concerned, violin classes are not a priority! I don't have the power here, Roberta.

  • Roberta Guaspari: [entering Dorothea's house after a stressful rehearsal for a huge concert] Oh, I can't believe I *ever* agreed to do this! You should hear the Bach double. Ha-ha-ha! It's a *complete* disaster!

    Dorothea von Haeften: Good morning...

    Roberta Guaspari: Good morning. Well, the good news is the tickets are selling like hotcakes. The bad news is, the kids sound like shit...

    Dorothea von Haeften: There's more bad news. We've lost the Y.

  • Nick at 17: [after looking at many letters answering a fake singles add they secretly put in the paper for their mom] Come on, Mom, obviously a lot of guys are interested in dating you.

    Roberta Guaspari: No, a lot of guys are interested in dating *you*! And Lexi!... What did you say about me, anyways?

  • Roberta Guaspari: [after a child in the class was killed in a drive-by] It's okay to cry.

    Ramon Olivas: Not for a man.

    Roberta Guaspari: My boys still cry. And they're big, strong young men now. And I'll betcha Justin's daddy cried.

  • Assunta Guaspari: I was the only one in the coffee shop not speaking Spanish. Boys, lunch!

    [loud bang]

    Assunta Guaspari: Oh! Gunshots!

    Roberta Guaspari: That's a truck backfire, Mom.

  • Roberta Guaspari: This beautiful concert that you've just heard could be the very last concert for the East Harlem Violin Program. The board of education and the district attorney think that music isn't important. But they are wrong! And they're gonna get a *big* fight!

    [thunderous applause]

  • Roberta Guaspari: [to her students right before a big concert] I want you all to take a second and just... breathe. Deep breaths. Now listen to me. I want you all to play from your heart. Forget about the audience, watch me, you'll do just fine. Just play from here.

    [puts hand over her heart]

    Roberta Guaspari: Okay?

  • Dan Paxton: You're glowing!

    Roberta Guaspari: It's terror.

Extended Reading
  • Keith 2022-03-23 09:03:31

    The greatest significance of this film is that it allows ordinary people, even those at the bottom, to see that life has more possibilities and a broader space. The charm of art is not only that it can bring people happiness, but the sense of achievement you bring in the process of going all out and perfecting your skills can affect your life. I hope that more children can have the opportunity to contact those things that are not related to daily life, but can bring a bright light to their hearts.

  • Davonte 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    Recalling my violin dream, and my enlightenment teacher