Murmur of the Heart Quotes

  • Laurent's Red Cross friend: Did you hear Jelly Roll on the radio yesterday? There was a fantastic piano solo.

  • Laurent Chevalier: I'm tired of the old jazz. Always the same thing.

    Laurent's Red Cross friend: The music store has the new Charlie Parker.

    Laurent Chevalier: Let's go.

  • Laurent Chevalier: It's a great record. Charlie Parker solos with a rhythm section. The loony bin made him even better.

    Laurent's Red Cross friend: What's the loony bin?

    Laurent Chevalier: The madhouse, stupid.

    Laurent's Red Cross friend: Is he crazy?

    Laurent Chevalier: Nervous breakdown. Lots of jazzmen have them. And no wonder - alcohol, drugs, women.

  • Father Superior: Children, there'll be no sermon today. The news from Dien Bien Phu is very troubling. The last survivors face hand-to-hand combat outnumbered ten to one. Let us pray for those heroes who've gained the world's admiration in recent weeks and particularly for two of our students who enlisted, Francois Barsac and Pierre de Chambiges. We've had no news of them. I hope one day, if called upon, you'll be worthy of their example.

  • Laurent Chevalier: You got the latest "Tintin"?

    Michel, Laurent's friend: Yes. But the one before it was funnier.

  • Michel, Laurent's friend: They punished my whole class Saturday.

    Laurent Chevalier: What for?

    Michel, Laurent's friend: We put a bra on the statue of St. Thérèse.

    Laurent Chevalier: You're such babies. You know what my brothers did? You know that big statue of St. Ignatius? They hoisted it onto the chapel roof. My parents were furious.

    Michel, Laurent's friend: Were they caught?

    Laurent Chevalier: Someone squealed. They tried claiming it was a miracle. They got expelled anyway.

  • Michel, Laurent's friend: I just read "The Little Prince". Great book, don't you think?

    Laurent Chevalier: Not bad. A bit overrated.

  • Party Girl: You're worse than Thomas and you stink of cigars! You have to choose: cigars or women.

    Laurent Chevalier: Cigars.

  • Party Girl: You bit me, you bastard! You can't even kiss! Shall I teach you? Open your mouth. Ha-ha. Not that wide.


    Laurent Chevalier: That's disgusting with your tongue!

    Party Girl: No, it's not. You try it.

  • Augusta: What's this? Leave that child alone, you shameless slut!

  • Marc: Did you see "The Barefoot Contessa"?

    Clara Chevalier: Of course, Ava Gardner was fabulous.

  • Marc: That's her. She tells fantastic stories about the days of real brothels. She should write a book. She's been in the business 35 years. You know what she told me? "One look at a client and I know what his vice is."

    Laurent Chevalier: Do I have a vice?

    Marc: Sure. You just don't know what it is yet.

  • Freda: Come sit by me. So this is your first time? Don't worry. I'm used to it. I always get the virgins. Everything'll be all right. Just relax, sweetie.

  • Freda: I never kiss customers. That's only for my fiancé.

  • Freda: Come here and I'll wash you.

    Laurent Chevalier: I washed before I came.

    Freda: Come on. You're cute, you know that? You're big for your age. You're raring to go, I see. Dry off, sweetie.

  • Freda: SInce this is your first time, I'll take off my bra. But you'll have to help me put it back on. You think I have a nice figure? Do you like me? I've put on some weight lately. The food's so good around here. I hear your friends are paying for this. Nice of them. Is it your birthday? What soft skin! Softer than mine. You okay? Frightened? Don't you worry. I'm very gentle. Everything will be just fine. Just do as I say. I excite you a little, don't I? Let me lie down and you get on top. Ha-ha. What's the rush? There's no meter running. Ouch, that hurts! Gently. I'll give you the rhythm. You like that? Nice, isn't it? Not bad for a beginner. You're gifted. You'll be a lady-killer when you're older.

  • Marc: Proust to amuse you and "Tintin" to Instruct you.

    [Hands Laurent two books]

    Thomas: Here.

    [Hands Laurent a record]

    Laurent Chevalier: Dizzie Gillespie? Great!

  • Clara Chevalier: Do you enjoy hotels?

    Laurent Chevalier: I haven't stayed in them enough.

    Clara Chevalier: I adore hotels. I feel free, as if I were starting a new life. Even if it's only a feeling, it's very nice.

  • Clara Chevalier: What's the matter?


    Clara Chevalier: Don't look at me like that. I have no sense of modesty. Your father never could get used to it.

  • Clara Chevalier: Why not take things as they come?

    Laurent Chevalier: Meaning?

    Clara Chevalier: I don't know. Begin at the beginning. Wait to experience things yourself. And there's plenty of time. I'm not rushing you. Everyone has to discover love for himself. Lots of things can happen between a man and a woman. Better to find out for yourself, not from a book.

  • Laurent Chevalier: War is too serious to leave to the military.