Captain Li Shang: Your only duty is to the Emperor!
Mushu: [about Mulan's engagement] Oh, what a happy, happy day! My little baby's gettin' married!
Fa Mulan: Your Majesty, an arranged marriage?
Fa Mulan: Mushu! What're you doing here?
Mushu: Hey, wherever you go, I go, girl!
Fa Mulan: [laughs]
Fa Mulan: But I have another duty... to my heart.
Mushu: [hiding behind a wheelbarrow as Mulan and Shang come by on their horses] This is gonna be delicious!
Fa Mulan: [to Mushu] You're my most trusted friend!
[hugs him]
Mushu: [starting to cry] Oh, that did it!
Captain Li Shang: No one should marry a person they don't love.
Fa Mulan: [singing] Like a cloud, you are soft. Like bamboo, you bend in the wind. Creeping slow, you're at peace because you know... it's okay to be afraid.
Captain Li Shang: [to Mulan] Will you do the honor of marrying me?
Captain Li Shang: [to the Emperor] This mission does not call for force, but finesse. I know just the men.
Fa Mulan: China's most honored and noble soldiers.
[Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po tumble clumsily out from the matchmaker's house in the next shot]
Mushu: It seems like only last month, you and me were fightin' off the Huns and saving China!
Fa Mulan: It WAS last month.
Mushu: [doing a perfect voice imitation of Mulan on a dummy outside Shang's tent] General Shang? General Hardhead, that's what they should call him! Everything's got to have a strategy!
Captain Li Shang: [barely awake] Mulan?
Mushu: [still sounding like Mulan] The man won't brush his teeth without a backup plan!
Captain Li Shang: [awakening slightly] Huh?
Mushu: [still imitating] I blame myself. I fell for those broad shoulders. I didn't realize there wasn't much sittin' on top of 'em!
[the dummy's head falls off accidently, then Mushu gasps as he places it back on]
Mushu: Oh, except for that garlic breath...
[no longer imitating]
Mushu: Ooh-whee! That boy can peel paint! Oops!
[he covers his mouth]
Captain Li Shang: [Shang gasps and covers his mouth, then kicks off the blanket and marches outside, muttering] That's enough! Where is she?
Mushu: I just got some exfolitating cream in my eye!
Fa Mulan: [singing] You have begun!
Children: [singing] Lesson number lesson number lesson number lesson number le-sson num-ber one!
Mei: Fa Mulan, it's love! Yao and myself, Chien Po and Su...
Ting Ting: And myself and Lingy Bear... I mean Ling.
Captain Li Shang: My Lord, I love Mulan. And I don't care what the rules say. If she'll have me, I intend to marry her right here.
[Takes Mulan's hands]
Captain Li Shang: Right now.
Mei: [about Yao; dreamily] Did you see the way he looked at me?
Ting Ting: Who? The gorilla with the bad eye?
Mei: Gorilla?
[Hugs a pillow]
Mei: He's more like a big, cuddly panda bear.
Su: But you didn't even talk to him.
Mei: A true romantic can tell. He may be... coarse on the outside, but on the inside...
Ting Ting: He's gross?
Mei: [Glaring] I mean under that.
Su: He smells?
[Mei throws a pillow at her]
Su: Ooof!
Mei: I can see past my nose.
[She crawls over to Su and Ting Ting]
Mei: Deep down. Deep, DEEP down, WAY down...!
[Grabs a pillow and hugs it]
Mei: There's something.
Su: [giggling] Oh! Ting Ting, I think she's in love!
Captain Li Shang: [storming over to Mulan] Mulan!
Fa Mulan: Why hello, General. Out on night maneuvers?
Captain Li Shang: General Hardhead?
[makes a silly yet glaring face]
Captain Li Shang: Brushing my teeth?
Fa Mulan: Is - something wrong?
Captain Li Shang: [scolding Mulan] I heard you, Mulan. Every word.
[covers his mouth]
Fa Mulan: Every word of what?
Captain Li Shang: Don't play coy; I saw you outside my tent!
Fa Mulan: What? I haven't left my post!
Captain Li Shang: And I suppose you weren't gossiping about me with the princesses?
Fa Mulan: Shang, did that dip in the river get you water-logged? And - why are you talking with your hand over your mouth?
Captain Li Shang: I wouldn't want to peel your PAINT!
[storms away while Mulan looks on, shocked]
Yao: [watching Shang leave] Changing of the guard.
Captain Li Shang: And next time, DON'T LEAVE YOUR POST!
Fa Mulan: Hmph!
Yao: What's with him?
Fa Mulan: [growls in frustration]
Yao: What's with her? Who'm I talkin' to?
Captain Li Shang: No, I'm the one who should be sorry. A good leader is opened up to new ideas. Forgive me?
Fa Mulan: [Mulan takes his hand and smiles] Ah, there's nothing to forgive.
Captain Li Shang: [after being asked about having children] As many as possible!
Fa Mulan: Oh, maybe one or two!
Fa Mulan: [after being asked if their wedding is going to be big] Absolutely!
Captain Li Shang: Oh ho, no! Blue!
Fa Mulan: Pink!
Captain Li Shang: Mild.
Fa Mulan: Spicy!
Captain Li Shang: Yes!
Fa Mulan: No!
Fa Mulan: What is it with men and asking directions?
Captain Li Shang: What is it with women and maps?
Captain Li Shang: [to Mulan, surrounded by little girls] Is there someplace private we can talk?
Sha-Ron: [shaking his arm] We can go to my house!
Mei: How can you do that? How can you look right at someone, realize you share a special connection, and then just...
Ting Ting: I know where my duty lies, Mei. Do you?
Captain Li Shang: [rubbing the back of his head and peeking his head in Mulan's room] Mulan? Seems your grandma invited someone to help us celebrate the engagement.
Fa Mulan: [making a face] Really?... Who?
Captain Li Shang: [both looking outside at a whole crowd of people in Mulan's front yard] China.
Crowd: Congratulations!
[cheers and applause]
Grandmother Fa: Isn't it wonderful? Sorry, it's sort of slapdash. Took us by surprise, you know.
Captain Li Shang: Now *this* is a battlefield.
Fa Mulan: What's our strategy, General?
Captain Li Shang: Divide and conquer.
[both laugh]
Matchmaker: [to Ling, Chien-Po, and Yao] I've found wives for hundreds of men, but the Golden Dragon of Unity himself couldn't make love matches for you three! Come back when you get personalities!
Yao: You should have seen the way she looked at me.
Ling: You mean with disgust?
Mei: [writing a letter] "And so, my dear father, I cannot complete this mission." "I have come to realize that my duty is to my heart."
Ting Ting: What are you doing?
Su: [reads the letter that Mei wrote] She's running away.
Ting Ting: Mei, what are you thinking?
Mei: I can't complete this mission. I know that now.
Ting Ting: Why? Because Yao has given you his heart?
Mei: No, it's not about his heart. It's about mine.
Ting Ting: Mei, we've discussed this, A princess must make every sacrifice for her country. It's our duty.
Mushu: TeamWork is not about Ego; It is about WEgo!
Mulan II Quotes
Fiona 2022-03-17 09:01:06
During the show to the children, I recalled "Mulan" together, so I wanted to revisit the derivative sequel released by this DVD: If I were still a primary and middle school student, I might not care about it/disgustingly, but sorry, for me now. The story is too nonsense. The background of the story is set in China, but the plot design does not speak much of historical logic, which leads to a "fake" in the process of watching the movie. Basically, this film will not be actively recommended to children. -15.8.26
Hollie 2022-03-27 09:01:15
Again, some things really don't need a sequel