Mr. & Mrs. Smith Quotes

  • John Smith: [after throwing her across the dining room table and onto the floor, standing up behind her, welcoming her by gesturing with his fingers] Come to Daddy.

    Jane Smith: [she stands up bashes him with a teapot wrapped in a white cloth and headbutts him] Who's your Daddy now?

  • John Smith: [searching for Jane, holding a pistol] Sweetheart...!

  • John Smith: [to Jane, while pursued by hit men in three black BMW'S] It's called evasive driving, sweetheart!

  • John Smith: [after he throws a butcher's knife at her and misses] Your aim's as bad as your cooking sweetheart... and that's saying something!

  • [last lines]

    John Smith: [at marriage counseling] Ask us the sex question.

    Jane Smith: [whispers] John.

    John Smith: [excitingly, stretches out all ten fingers] Ten.

  • John Smith: [after firing a rocket launcher, holding it and looking at it closely] We should so not be allowed to buy these.

  • John Smith: [after Jane escapes on a high wire, stand the ledge of the ledge of the floor in her building] Chicken shit!

    Jane Smith: [shouting from a broken window] Pussy!

  • Eddie: [sitting in front of John in a diner] Tell me you got smart and that you killed that lying bitch.

    Jane Smith: [turns around her chair at the bar] This lying bitch?

    Eddie: Guess that was just wishful thinking.

  • Marriage Counselor: [during a marriage counseling session] On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the happiness of your marriage?

    Jane Smith: 8

    John Smith: Wait Could you clarify? Is 10 the highest? 10 being perfectly happy and 1 being totally miserable or...

    Marriage Counselor: Just respond instinctively.

    John Smith: Ok. Ready?

    Jane SmithJohn Smith: 8.

  • John Smith: [hitman from the BMW opens the van's left door. John opens the other van door and yanks the hitman through] These doors are handy.

  • Eddie: [awoken by a message with a job offer of $400,000] Tempting but I don't get out of bed for less than half a million dollars.

  • John Smith: Hiya, stranger.

    Jane Smith: Hiya back.

  • Jane Smith: [after shooting three shots through a wall at John] Still alive, baby?

  • Jasmine: Jane, it's your husband!

  • John Smith: Does that include weekends?

    [when asked how many times they have sex]

  • Jane Smith: [during a marriage counseling session with John present] We re-did the house.

  • John Smith: [over the Bluetooth headset phone, trying to beat Jane home] I guess that's what happens in the end, you start thinking about the beginning.

  • John Smith: [angry that Benjamin, tied to a chair, had blown their cover] You burn the picture after you get the assignment! It's the first thing you learn!

    Benjamin: [sarcastically] Oh, I must have missed that day. Just like you missed the one about not marrying the enemy.

  • Jane Smith: [over her speakerphone, trying to beat John home] Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet.

  • [John has just returned from shooting Lucky at the bar]

    Jane Smith: Hey baby. I didn't hear you downstairs.

    John Smith: I went down to the sports bar. Put a little money on the game.

    Jane Smith: How'd you do?

    John Smith: I got "Lucky".

  • John Smith: [both pointing guns at each other; John drops his shotgun] You want it? It's yours.

    Jane Smith: [angrily, insistently] Don't! C'mon! C'mon!

  • Girls walking by House: What's going on, Mrs. Smith?

    Jane Smith: Garden party, girls.

  • [about the new curtains Jane bought]

    Jane Smith: If you don't like them we can take them back.

    John Smith: All right, I don't like them.

    Jane Smith: [pause] You'll get used to them.

  • Marriage Counselor: [during a therapy session with John present] How often do you have sex?

    Jane Smith: I don't understand the question.

  • Jane Smith: There's this huge space between us, and it just keeps filling up with everything that we *don't* say to each other. What's that called?

    Marriage Counselor: Marriage.

  • Benjamin: [in a van surrounded by body guards driving in the middle of the desert] Oh, look. More desert.

  • John Smith: [after Jane told him she never cooked a day in her life] Web of lies!

  • [both have discovered that they were on the desert and one tried to kill the other]

    John Smith: I missed you.

    Jane Smith: I missed you too.

  • Jane Smith: [lying down in the hallway of their home] That vacation in Aspen, you left early, why?

    John Smith: Jean-Luc Gespar.

    Jane Smith: Damn, I wanted him.

    John Smith: I got it.

  • Jane Smith: [lying down in the hallway of their home] You ever have trouble sleeping after?

    John Smith: [leaning on the wall next to her] No.

    Jane Smith: Me neither.

  • Jane Smith: [hiding with John in a display shed in a Cost Mart store] There's nowhere I'd rather be than here with you.

  • John Smith: [to Benjamin Danz] Option A: You talk, we listen, no pain. Option B: You don't talk, I remove your thumbs with my pliers, it will hurt. Option C: I like to vary the details a bit but the punchline is... you die.

  • Jane Smith: [toasting with John in Columbia] To dodging bullets.

  • Benjamin: [while being interrogated and tortured by John Smith] Can I have a soda or a juice or...

    Benjamin: [Jane hits him with the telephone] A! A! Option A! Ow, that hurt.

    John Smith: Ok, that was a nice shot.

  • Lucky: What? You're looking for a job or something?

    John Smith: You are the job.

    [John kills everybody in the room]

    John Smith: [looking at the cards at the table] Pair of threes.

  • Eddie: [in Eddie's kitchen] This broad is not your wife, she's the enemy.

    John Smith: She tried to kill me.

    Eddie: They all try to kill you. Slowly, painfully, cripplingly, and then wham. They hurt you. How you going to handle it?

    John Smith: [holding an assault rifle, walking past the door] I'm going to borrow this.

    Eddie: I like where your head's at, man.

  • John Smith: We have an unusual problem here, Jane. You obviously want me dead, and I'm less and less concerned for your well-being.

  • [first lines]

    John Smith: [at the marriage counselor's] OK, I'll go first. Um... Let me say, uh, we don't really need to be here. See, we've been married for five years.

    Jane Smith: Six.

    John Smith: [chastened] Five, six years.

  • Jane Smith: [referring to the hit men in three black BMW'S pursuing them] They're bulletproof!

    John Smith: [having not heard the hit men in three black BMW'S pursuing them and shot three times at the three black BMW'S chasing them] They're bulletproof!

  • John Smith: [takes her hand and starts walking towards the dance floor in a fancy restaurant] Dance with me.

    Jane Smith: You don't dance.

    John Smith: It was just my cover, sweetheart.

    Jane Smith: Was sloth your cover, too?

  • Mom #1: [responds from upstairs bedroom] Eddie?

    Eddie: [shouts, cocks his shotgun] Mom! We are on high alert here. I almost killed you right then! You do not even realize!

    Mom #1: [responds from upstairs bedroom] Never mind.

  • John Smith: We're going to have to re-do every conversation we've ever had.

  • Eddie: I live with my mom because I choose to. She's the only woman I've ever trusted.

  • John Smith: How many? Ok... I'll go first, then. I don't keep exact count, but I'd say, uh, high 50s, low 60s. I mean, I know I've been around the block an all, but...

    Jane Smith: 312.

    John Smith: What? How?

    Jane Smith: Some were two at a time.

  • John Smith: [they stop dancing, after his wife checks his crotch for a weapon] That's all John, sweetheart.

  • John Smith: [while driving, pursued by hit men in three black BMW'S] I never told you, but I was married once before.

    Jane Smith: [slams on the brakes]

    John Smith: What's wrong with you?

    Jane Smith: [slapping John's arms and legs] You're what's wrong with me John.

    John Smith: It was just a drunken Vegas thing.

    Jane Smith: Oh, that's better. That's *much* better.


    Jane Smith: What's her name and social security number?

    John Smith: No, you're not gonna kill her.

  • Jane Smith: [driving a stolen minivan] My parents died when I was five. I'm an orphan.

    John Smith: Who was that kind fellow who gave you away at our wedding?

    Jane Smith: Paid actor.

    John Smith: I said, I said I saw your dad on "Fantasy Island"!

  • John Smith: [to Jane while hotwiring a neighbor's minivan] He's had my barbecue set for months.

  • John Smith: [just before running over an assassin with the minivan] These fuckers get younger every year.

  • Jane Smith: [after John hands her a small revolver] Wait, why do I get the girl gun?

    John Smith: Are you kidding me?

  • Jane Smith: Any last words?

    John Smith: The new curtains are hideous.

  • John Smith: [over the Bluetooth headset phone, trying to beat Jane home] That's the second time you've tried to kill me today.

    Jane Smith: [over her speakerphone, trying to beat John home] Oh, come on, it was just a little bomb.

  • John Smith: [after Jane accidentally throws a knife that punctures his leg] We'll talk about this later.

  • John Smith: I can't believe I brought my real parents to our wedding.

  • John Smith: [after having accidentally shot at his wife, Mr. Smith is on the roof of her car while she's trying to throw him off] Come on, let's talk about this! You don't want to go to bed angry!

  • Eddie: Did you get a look at him?

    John Smith: Little thing. Buck ten, buck fifteen tops.

    Eddie: Maybe he was Filipino!

    John Smith: I'm not even sure it was a him.

    Eddie: You saying you had your ass handed to you by some girl?

    John Smith: I think so. A pro.

  • John Smith: Sweet Jesus! Mother of God!

  • Eddie: Are you saying you had your ass handed to you by some girl?

    John Smith: I think so.

  • John Smith: I never went to MIT. Notre Dame. Art history major.

    Jane Smith: Art?

    John Smith: History! It's reputable.

  • John Smith: I realise you witnessed the Mrs. and I working through a few domestic issues. That's regrettable but don't take that to be a sign of weakness, that would be a mistake on your part.

    [Jane is drumming her fingers impatiently]

    John Smith: Honey!

    Jane Smith: Wrap it up.

    John Smith: Maybe it's not such a good idea to undermine me in front of the hostage - sends a mixed message.

    Jane Smith: Sorry.

    John Smith: Girls. Where was I?

    Benjamin: Mistake on your part.

    John Smith: Shut up.

  • John Smith: Did you hear the helicopter dropping me off that night for our anniversary dinner?

    Jane Smith: No. Oh, percussion grenades. I was partially deaf that evening.

  • John Smith: What's new?

    Eddie: Same old. People need killing.

  • Jane Smith: [before she breaks Marco Racin's neck] Have you been selling big guns to bad people?

  • Jane Smith: I told you to wait for my signal, you didn't wait for my signal.

    John Smith: Well, I improvised.

    Jane Smith: You deviated from the plan.

    John Smith: The plan was flawed.

    Jane Smith: The plan was not flawed.

    John Smith: Anal.

    Jane Smith: *Organized.*

    John Smith: Jane, 90% of this job is instinct.

    Jane Smith: Well, your instinct set off *every* alarm in the building!

    John Smith: My instinct got the job done. It may not have been the Jane show...

    Jane Smith: No, it was the John show: it was half-assed. Like Christmas, like our anniversary, like the time you forgot to bring my mother's birthday present.

    John Smith: Your *fake* mother's birthday present.

    Jane Smith: The point is, you are *always* the first to break team.

    John Smith: You don't want a team, you want a servant for hire.

    Jane Smith: I want someone I can count on.

    John Smith: [sigh] Jane, there's no *air* around you anymore.

    Jane Smith: [irritated] Oh. OK, what is that supposed to mean?

    John Smith: That means there's no room for mistakes, no mistakes whatsoever. No spontaneity. Who can answer to that?

    Jane Smith: Well, you don't have to. Because this isn't even a real marriage.

    [brooding silence]

    Benjamin: [locked up in the back of the van, in a bewildered voice] *Who are you people?*

    Jane Smith: [yelling] Shut up!

  • John Smith: Careful, Jane. I can push the button any time I like.

    Jane Smith: Baby, you couldn't find the button with both hands and a map.

  • Jane Smith: You were bait.

    Benjamin: In a manner of speaking.

    Jane Smith: *Were* bait or *are* bait?

  • Jane Smith: I was never in the peace corps.

  • John Smith: [while carrying a rocket launcher] Let's see if we can't get a tune out of this trombone.

  • Jasmine: What? Your husband is the shooter? That's impossible.

    Jane Smith: Really?

  • John Smith: [comparing injuries with Jane] I'm slightly colorblind. Retinal scarring.

  • John Smith: [talking about their predicament, at their dinner table in a fancy restaurant] So what do we do, Jane? Shoot it out here? Hope for the best?

    Jane Smith: Well, that would be a shame because they would probably ask me to leave once you are dead.

  • Jane Smith: [dancing with John, he's just finished searching her for weapons] Satisfied?

    John Smith: Not for years.

  • Jane Smith: [over a speakerphone] I thought I told you not to bother me at the office, honey.

    John Smith: [over the Bluetooth headset phone] Well, you are still Mrs. Smith.

    Jane Smith: [over a speakerphone] Well, so are a lot of girls.

  • Eddie: [in a diner] Did you get any other details on her besides her weight class?

    John Smith: [mumbles while chewing food] Laptop

    Eddie: I'm sorry? You're in the whole zone right now- I'm having a hard time talkin' to ya.

    John Smith: [swallows and says louder] Laptop!

    Eddie: OK. Laptop.

  • Eddie: [at the diner] Well this shouldn't be that difficult, I mean how many chicks are hitters out there? Ya know what I mean?

    Breakfast Diner Waitress: You guys want any dessert?

    Eddie: What do ya have honey?

    Breakfast Diner Waitress: Ice cream...

    Eddie: Ice cream? That sounds delicious, what flavors d'ya have?

    Breakfast Diner Waitress: Chocolate and Vanilla...

    Eddie: I don't like either of those, separately, but maybe mixed together, that could be... a nice lil dish, you know what I mean? And not just a little pink spoon, a like the whole sundae...

    [winks to the waitress]

    Breakfast Diner Waitress: Could be arranged...

    [walks off]

    Eddie: Perfect...

    [to John]

    Eddie: Could be arranged, d'ya hear that? Like to have her kick my ass... d'ya know what I mean?

  • John Smith: That left of yours is a thing of beauty.

    Jane Smith: Mmm. You take it well.

  • John Smith: You live with your mother.

    Eddie: [offended] Why would you bring her into this, she happens to be a first class lady!

  • Eddie: You gotta take this bitch out!

    John Smith: [while taking burned pieces of papers out of a portable furnace to look for clues] Don't tell me how to handle my wife.

  • Jane Smith: [over a speakerphone] you really expect me to roll over and play dead?

    John Smith: [over the Bluetooth headset phone] Well, you should be used to it after five years of marriage.

    Jane Smith: Six... and I'm not leaving.

  • [on living with his mother]

    Eddie: She cooks and cleans. And *I'm* the dummy?

  • John Smith: [while dancing, after Jane asked what had happened to their marriage] I have a theory, newly developed.

    Jane Smith: I'm breathless to hear it.

    John Smith: I think you killed us.

    Jane Smith: Provocative.

    John Smith: Why do you care? I was just a cover

    Jane Smith: Who says you were just a cover?

    John Smith: [pauses] Wasn't I?

  • John Smith: [over the Bluetooth headset phone] The first time we met, what was your first thought?

    Jane Smith: [over her speakerphone, trying to beat John home] You tell me.

    John Smith: I thought... I thought you looked like Christmas morning, I don't know how else to say it.

    Jane Smith: [over her speakerphone, trying to beat John home] And why are you telling me this now?

    John Smith: I guess in the end you start thinking about the beginning... so there it is, I thought you should know.

Extended Reading
  • Evangeline 2022-03-23 09:01:05

    In the classic work of the year, the content of the story has not been updated, but the cooperation between the two people is already impressive, and it is probably a match made in heaven!

  • Kristin 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    Well, I admit that this film made it both of you.