Mortal Kombat Quotes

  • Shang Tsung: FINISH THEM!

  • Scorpion: GET OVER HERE!

    [pulls Sub-Zero to him]

  • Kano: [tears Reptile's heart out] Kano wins. You fuckin' beauty.

  • Sonya Blade: Throughout history, different cultures all over the world reference a great tournament of champions. That dragon marking, I think it's an invitation to fight for something known as Mortal Kombat.

  • Liu Kang: The fate of Earth is in OUR hands.

  • Shang Tsung: The prophecy is upon us which means we could lose the tenth tournament.

    Sub-Zero: There is no prophecy. Hanzo is a ghost. I killed him centuries ago.

    Shang Tsung: Winning Mortal Kombat cannot be left to chance. There will be no tournament because there will be no opposition left to fight. We will already be victorious. Go now and kill Earthrealm's champions... Bi-Han.

    Sub-Zero: I am no longer Bi-Han. I am Sub-Zero.

  • [Kung Lao cuts Nitara in half with his hat]

    Kung Lao: Flawless victory!

  • [first lines]

    Harumi Hasashi: I'm going to need more than two buckets.

    Satoshi 'Jubei' Hasashi: [hears baby cry] Can I check on my sister?

    Hanzo Hasashi: Go. See to your sister.

  • Sub-Zero: For the Lin Kuei.

  • [Reiko yells at Jax]

    Jax: Damn, your breath stinks!

  • Kano: A laser beam! It's better than fireballs, you pussy!

  • Jax: [smashes in Reiko's face] Yeah, these motherfuckers work.

  • Kabal: Want me to slow down a little?

  • Mileena: [after tasting Sonya's blood] This is not the blood of a Chosen One. Your death has no worth.

  • Cole Young: [sees the Mortal Kombat photo] The word "combat" isn't even spelled right.

  • Hanzo Hasashi: You hoped that I would burn in the flames of hell... but instead, I learned to control them.

  • [Sonya throws a knife at Reptile, but hits Kano]

    Kano: The fuck was that? That was my knife, too! Fucking poetry.

  • Sonya Blade: [describing Kano to Cole] He's a mercenary with The Black Dragon clan. Arms dealer, drug runner, murder-for-hire, scum of the Earth.

    Kano: I also give really good foot massages.

  • Cole Young: Who are you?

    Sonya Blade: He's Kano.

    Cole Young: Kano? Kano what?

    Kano: Kano None-of-your-fucking-business!

    Cole Young: Was that Russian?

    Kano: Do I sound Russian to you, you fuckin' idiot?

  • Sonya Blade: I was tracking another champion. I was lucky enough to find Kano here instead. Right after he slit the guy's throat.

    Kano: You know, next time be more punctual.

  • Sonya Blade: You were never chosen. Fate has better standards than you.

    Kano: Lucky for you I don't have any standards.

  • Kano: Uh, you got a pen? You want to write this down? Get fucked. 'Cause I'm not gonna help you. You kidnapped me. You tied me up. You threw a knife through my fucking leg, on purpose. And then that lizard thing took off half my face. Lucky for me, you can hardly notice it.

  • Kano: There I was trying to shove this guy's nuts down his throat. And all I kept thinking about for me mum for Christmas?

    Cargo Plane Pilot: Your mom's been dead for 30 fucking years, mate.

    Kano: Kid can dream. Can't he?

  • Kano: [to Sonya] I think I know what's going on here. You're jealous, girlie, of my little marking.

    [Sonya ignores him; Kano shoves her]

    Kano: Hey, I'm talking to you. If you want it so much, all you got to do is kill me. Take it. Now, come on. What do you say? You want to dance?

  • Kano: Alright, just circling back on those superpowers. I think I get it now. It's kinda like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. Is it gonna be fireballs? Is it gonna be lightning? Huh? Could be shit. Could be a Frisbee hat, you know? No offense, whoever you are.

    Kung Lao: The name is Kung Lao. Descendant of the Great Kung Lao. The grand champion of the Order of Light.

    Kano: Never heard of him.

  • Kano: [to Kung Lao] Well, how about I take that stupid fucking sombrero you're wearing, shove it so far up your ass, you start speaking Spanish.

  • Liu Kang: You're angry.

    Kano: Oh, fucking nothing gets by you, does it?

    Liu Kang: Good. You should be.

    Kung Lao: Your failure.

    Kano: Failure? Fucking failure? Let me educate you, motherfucker. I'm Kano! I'm the Black fucking Dragon! And who are you two, huh? You're some fucking cave-dwelling hippie twirling his anal beads, taking orders from this Wushu wanker who wears a hubcap as a helmet! Now, sit down, shut up and pass me a fucking egg roll!

  • Liu Kang: [to Kano about Kung Lao] Let me ask you this. Why would you jeopardize the goodwill of the only chance of your survival?

    Kano: Princess, why don't you try being one of them silent monks?

    Liu Kang: No, no, you misunderstand. He is here to save you because you cannot save yourself.

    Kano: Oh fuck, here we go...

    Liu Kang: You're like... an aggressive little bunny. Soft and useless. Angry mentally, physically.

    [gestures to Kung Lao]

    Liu Kang: You should be on your knees before this man.

    Kano: [standing up] I've a better idea. How about you two get on your knees and take turns sucking my sack? Do you have any fucking idea who you're talking to? I'm wanted in over 35 countries for shit you fucking ballerinas couldn't even imagine!

  • Goro: Now I tear out your spine, champion!

  • [last lines]

    Referee: My man, I was just about to call you. I need you tomorrow night.

    Cole Young: Sorry. My days fighting for 200 bucks are done.

    Referee: Oh, you're finally quitting, huh?

    Cole Young: Yeah, uh, something like that.

    Referee: Where're you gonna go?

    Cole Young: Hollywood.

    Referee: Hollywood? What the hell's in Hollywood?

    Cole Young: Not what... who. It's been fun.

    [Cole leaves]

    Referee: [scoffs] Hollywood.

    [scoffs, then passes besides a movie poster that reads "JOHNNY CAGE IN CITIZEN CAGE: FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS - COMING SOON"]

  • Cole Young: What about you? Where's your marking?

    Sonya Blade: I don't have one.

    Kano: Wah-wah!

  • Shang Tsung: Your soul is mine!

  • Sonya Blade: Please tell me I get the bitch with the teeth.

  • Kano: [fighting Sonya] You owe me 3 million dollars!

  • Mileena: Sub-Zero tracked and killed another one of Earth's champions, but another has escaped.

    Shang Tsung: Have our assassins double their efforts.

    Mileena: What of Lord Raiden? If he discovers we're breaking rules set in stone by the Elder Gods...

    Shang Tsung: Leave the Elder Gods to me. We didn't win nine straight tournaments by following the rules. Mileena, let's finish this. Send in the reptilian, Syzoth.

  • Liu Kang: Focus on what you can't deny. Find the truth in you. The pain. It's the ultimate catalyst.

  • Shang Tsung: [Nitara appears before Mileena, Reiko, and Kabal] The great hunter, Nitara. She is beautiful, isn't she?

    Kabal: Yeah, that screech is a real turn-on.

  • Shang Tsung: My loyal warriors! Kabal... General Reiko... I have seen the so-called champions of Earthrealm and they're no match for all of you. We are on the precipice of victory and taking Earthrealm forever, but we must strike now. Raiden has prevented entry into his temple. I must find a way to bring his shield down in order to obliterate our opposition.

    Kabal: I think I can help. Did you see a guy down there? Complete fuckin' asshole; answers to Kano.

    Shang Tsung: Kano?

    Kabal: Yeah, he's the reason I live in an iron lung. He's a low-life piece of shit scumbag... you're gonna love him.

  • Raiden: [seeing Cole, Sonya, and Kano for the first time] This is what I have to work with?

  • Raiden: [creates a portal for Cole] Go! Be with your family!

  • Cole Young: [as Kano is drawing a picture of himself killing Reptile] What are you doing?

    Kano: Just working on a Kano graphic novel. I fancy myself a bit of an artist.

    Cole Young: He's a psychopath.

    Kano: Well, all the best artists are a little twisted, mate.

  • Sonya Blade: How do you plan on getting us there?

    Kano: I've got a friend with a plane.

    Cole Young: You've got friends?

    Kano: Hey, fuck you, pretty boy. I'm a popular guy. Everyone loves me.

  • Shang Tsung: No matter how many of my people you put in the ground, there will always be another to take their place. Today you have killed my warriors and you think you have won. But death is only another portal.

  • Shang Tsung: Take whatever trophies you desire, but their souls are mine.

  • Sonya Blade: Everyone's got a price. Name yours.

    Kano: You can't afford me.

    Sonya Blade: Two million.

    Kano: That's good. You live in this shithole, and you got two million dollars? Pig's arse.

    Sonya Blade: I have lived here my whole life, you piece of shit. You watch your mouth. Two million dollars. Yeah. Nah, fuck ya.

    Kano: Fuck it. Three million. That's my final offer. And anything I find inside that temple, I keep! No fucking splitsies! Plus, if you're bullshitting me, I'll fucking kill ya. It's no skin off my sack.

    Sonya Blade: Great! Sounds like we got a deal.

    Kano: I was gonna head there anyway. Ya fuckin' idiot!

  • Sonya Blade: [to Kano] You were never chosen. Fate has better standards than you.

  • Sonya Blade: This is where we keep all we've learned about the dragon markings. First learned about this seven years ago. Jax and I were on a mission in Brazil to capture a wanted fugitive. When we got there, the target had superhuman abilities. Tore through our unit in seconds. The target had the same marking you do, Cole. When Jax finally took it down the dragon marking transferred directly onto his skin. I've spent years trying to figure out what it all means. Seems that throughout history, different cultures all over the world, they reference a great tournament. My research shows that there's realms and species that we didn't even know existed. That dragon marking, it signifies that you've been chosen to fight for Earth. It's an invitation to fight for something known as Mortal Kombat.

    Cole Young: [in slight disbelief] Did you make that last part up? It just kind of sounds like you made it up.

    [points at 'Kombat']

    Cole Young: And look, they spelled it wrong.

    Sonya Blade: Hey, you listen to me! I think there's another tournament coming. That's why you're here. That is why Jax and I have been tracking you. Because we need to find every last champion before it's too late. And FYI, most of them are dead already. There's more to this, Cole. I know it. And I swear to God, I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.

    Kano: I hate to interrupt your bullshit, blondie! Well, I gotta piss again.

  • Liu Kang: [after burning Kabal] Fatality. For Kung Lao.

  • Cole Young: What the fuck is that thing?

    Jax: Funny, that didn't sound much like "thanks for saving my ass."

  • Sonya Blade: So how close are we?

    Kano: 27, 28 k's. Maybe 30 to be safe. Let's round it up to 32 eh? We say 35 there'll be no surprises.

  • Kung Lao: [refusing to pass an egg roll to Kano] Maybe you should lay off the egg rolls, seeing how you wouldn't be ready to fight if you had a hundred days to train.

  • Liu Kang: There are not many of us with the marking left, so you must train harder and fast. Because if you fail to discover your inner power, you will never defeat your opponent. They will ravage everything you hold dear. There will be no mercy. You must fight without question. The Dragon has swallowed many before us.

    [to Kano, who has stolen Shinnok's amulet during his speech]

    Liu Kang: Now, put that back.

    Kano: Put what back?

  • Kung Lao: I'll dumb it down for you. Fat lazy pig.

    Kano: What did you say?

    Kung Lao: Terrible fighter... zero skill.

    Kano: You got a death wish, mate?

    Kung Lao: Combat takes intelligence, but you... You're like a dog. A dog who fails his training classes.

  • Scorpion: [to Sub-Zero] I have risen from hell to kill you!

    [Removes his mask]

    Scorpion: Remember this face? I am Scorpion now!

  • Kabal: [as Kung Lao is about to die] He's about to get his soul sucked! I love the scream right before they-

    [gets knocked back by Liu Kang]

  • Shang Tsung: Next time I see you, I will not bring fighters. I will bring armies.

  • Raiden: [after teleporting Shang Tsung away] He talks too much.

  • Cole Young: [after Sonya convinces Kano to take her and Cole to Raiden's temple] You're gonna give that guy three million dollars?

    Sonya Blade: Fuck no. I live in this shit hole. You think I got three million dollars?

  • Bi-Han: [in Chinese] The great warrior. Hanzo Hasashi. This day has been a long time coming, the end of your bloodline. Your mighty clan, the Shirai Ryu, have been exterminated by me.

    Hanzo Hasashi: [in Japanese] I may not understand your words, but I promise you this... I will kill you.

  • Kabal: Well well well, you backstabbing, two-faced, ugly motherfucker.

    Kano: [chuckles] Kabal.

    Kabal: Hey, Kano. It's been a while.

    Kano: You getting enough sleep, mate? Your eyes are a little redder than usual.

    Kabal: You've got a big mouth for someone who's standing on the wrong side of the electric fence, tough guy.

  • Jax: [after rescuing Cole and his family from Sub-Zero] Whatever that was back there, it's after both of us. Look.

    [lifts up his shirt to reveal the same dragon marking Cole has]

    Cole Young: That's... that's impossible!

    Jax: It's not a birthmark, Cole. 'Means you've been chosen.

    Cole Young: Chosen? For what?

    Jax: To fight.

    Cole Young: You got the wrong person, alright? I'm not the fighter that I used to be, okay?

    Jax: No shit, but they don't have the marking. So like it or not, Cole, you're the guy. As long as you got that marking, they're coming for you. And they will kill whoever they have to to get to you.

  • Raiden: You have failed to find your arcana. Without it, you are a liability to the others.

    Cole Young: [showing his marking] So, where did this come from? And why am I the only champion that had the marking since I was born?

    Raiden: Your marking comes from your lineage, Cole.

    Cole Young: Lineage? I'm an orphan from the South Side of Chicago.

    Raiden: You're a descendant of one of the greatest ninjas to ever walk the earth... Hanzo Hasashi. He was murdered along with his wife and eldest son by the same assassin that hunts you now, Sub-Zero. The moment he died, Hanzo descended into the Netherrealm, the farthest reaches of Hell, endlessly searching for revenge. But his bloodline lived on. I rescued Hanzo's only surviving child and hid her in the one place he wouldn't think to find her. For centuries, the Hasashi marking has passed down through your ancestors. I had a hope the power in your bloodline was still strong in you. Now, I know that's not the case.

  • Kano: [after destroying Raiden's shield] You know the problem with these new lightning sticks? They just don't make 'em like they used to.

  • Kabal: This is fucking tragic. Look at yourself. You used to be someone to fear. You've fallen down a long way since you led the Black Dragon.

    Kano: You don't tell me about the Black Dragon. I am the Black Dragon!

    Kabal: Which one's your boss? Let me guess, the blonde?

    Kano: Is that mask cutting off your air supply, you dumb prick? I don't take orders from anyone, Kabal!

    Kabal: Then, you're on the wrong side. Fight with us and you could have more money than you know what to do with. Hell, you could turn this old temple into your own casino if you wanted to. Just name your price, then double it and double it again. What are you waiting for, asshole?

    Kano: So, what would I need to do?

  • Sonya Blade: [Kano is sitting in Sonya's house trailer, drinking up her beer] Oh, make yourself at home.

    Kano: Yeah, I have. Oh, by the way, your beer's shit and you're almost out of it.

  • Kano: Alright, thank you for flying Air Kano! I know you had fuck all choices. Tray tables up! Time to jump out of this shitbox!

  • Liu Kang: [seeing Cole, Sonya, and Kano for the first time] Finally, you have come to seek out Raiden's Temple.

    Kano: [after being hit with Liu Kang's fireball] Fuck the temple! Wait! You just shot a fireball outta your hand. How'd you do that? Hang on, hang the fuck on. Does that mean I'm gonna get superpowers at any point?

  • Shang Tsung: I have come to claim your world. You're too late, Raiden.

    Raiden: It is forbidden to claim victory until the tournament begins.

    Shang Tsung: You are correct, Thunder God, but conflict outside of Mortal Kombat is not forbidden. Besides, the other gods are too lazy to stop me. I have come for your souls.

    Raiden: You will leave this place at once, sorcerer!

    Shang Tsung: [looking at Cole, Sonya, Kano, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao] These are your champions?

    [to Mileena and Sub-Zero]

    Shang Tsung: Kill them.

    [Raiden creates a shield to prevent Shang Tsung from entering]

    Shang Tsung: You think these tricks will protect you forever? Only a matter of time.

  • Cole Young: What happens next?

    Raiden: Today, we are victorious, but there are other enemies to fight. We cannot let our guard down. I'll assemble a new list of champions. You must find them.

    Cole Young: Who's first?

  • Bi-Han: [Satoshi gets into a fighting stance as Bi-Han approaches him and Harumi]

    [in Japanese; smiling]

    Bi-Han: You learned that from your father?

  • Jax: [struggling to make use of his new arms] I'm useless. Why even bring me here? I can't help.

    Sonya Blade: My first day of training, we had to run 20 miles. I thought I was gonna die. I wanted to quit, but all I ever wanted was to be accepted by you as an elite fighter. You remember what you told me? "Either you keep going and you prove to yourself that you can do this or regret it for the rest of your life."

    Jax: You trying to tell me something, soldier?

    Sonya Blade: Get off your fucking ass, Major.

  • Emily: Throw your uppercut!

  • Kano: New guy, get me out of here. I could help you.

    Cole Young: Just stay put.

    Kano: I was about to go for a stroll, but maybe I'll stick around, you fucking idiot!

  • Liu Kang: Your inner power comes from your arcana. A gift from the marking of the dragon. The point of your training is for you to unlock that power. Without it, defeating Outworld will be impossible. Kung Lao and I have discovered our arcana. In the fight pit, you will discover yours.

  • Jax: [about to fight Sub-Zero] I've done six tours, motherfucker!

  • Scorpion: Unleash me!

  • Liu Kang: All you can do now is test your might. We have no time to lose. You must unlock your arcana.

  • Cole Young: Liu, how do I find my arcana?

    Liu Kang: It must come from your soul. Whatever it is that drives you.

    Cole Young: So, how did you find your arcana?

    Liu Kang: Unlike Kung Lao, I was just a worthless stray. For reasons beyond my ken, Master Bo' Rai Cho found me half-dead in the gutter and brought me to the Wu Shi Academy. There, I was given a purpose. A brother... Kung Lao. And I met Lord Raiden, who Kung Lao and I have served together. Upon graduation, I was given a name of a man. He was a purveyor of rare things. Children. Orphans like me. He had a marking. So, I chose to take it from him. And in that moment, my arcana came forth.

  • Kung Lao: In Mortal Kombat, talent will only get you so far.

  • Cole Young: [pleading with Raiden] They tried to kill my family. Help us.

    Raiden: There's nothing for you here. Only death.

    Cole Young: Well, I'm willing to die for my family.

    Raiden: Let's see if you have what it takes.

  • Cole Young: Who am I fighting?

    Referee: Fighting? No, no, Cole. Fighting requires both attacking and defending, not just throwing punches. You should try it sometime.

  • Raiden: [to Shang Tsung, after Cole returns to the temple] Thank you for helping my fighter find his arcana.

    [to Sub-Zero]

    Raiden: After 4000 years, the Hasashi bloodline still lives on... Bi-Han.

  • Shang Tsung: [Sending Nitara after Kung Lao] Now destroy him, my beauty!

  • Sonya Blade: [after Raiden teleported almost everyone out of his temple] Where are we?

    Raiden: We are in The Void. It is the realm between your world and mine. Shang Tsung cannot follow us here.

    Liu Kang: [laying Kung Lao's hat down; sorrowful] If we're to die, it was supposed to be together.

    Raiden: I am sorry, Liu Kang.

    Liu Kang: Without Kung Lao, Earthrealm is lost.

    Jax: Lord Raiden, why couldn't you save him?

    Raiden: Elder Gods are forbidden from engaging in one realm's war against another. It is my job to protect Earthrealm, but I cannot save every soul within it.

    Cole Young: [pause] No. It's not over yet. We still need to fight.

    Raiden: [giving Cole Hanzo's blade] Cole, the blood on this blade is your ancestor's. Hanzo Hasashi's. I took it from him the day he died. Use it, and the spirit of Hanzo fights with you.

    Sonya Blade: So, what's the plan?

    Cole Young: We need to fight smarter. We need to control the fight.

    Sonya Blade: How? I mean, they're better trained and better prepared.

    Jax: Plus, they don't mind breaking the rules.

    Cole Young: We need to split them up. Lord Raiden, can you send anyone anywhere?

    [Raiden nods]

    Cole Young: Well, they don't want a tournament? Let's give 'em one, but let's do it our way.

    Jax: Give me Reiko. I got a score to settle.

  • Kano: [after getting leg-sweeped by Liu Kang over and over again] Is that the only move you know, mate?

  • Liu Kang: [Touches Kano's shoulder] There's much to learn.

    Kano: The fuck?

  • Kung Lao: FIGHT!

  • Scorpion: For the Shirai Ryu.

  • Hanzo Hasashi: [to Cole; after finishing Sub-Zero] You have freed me. Take care of the bloodline.

  • Referee: Who's your cornerman?

    [Cole gestures to Emily]

    Referee: [chuckles] You're fucking serious?

    Cole Young: If you don't like it, find someone else who'll do this in an hour's notice for $200.

  • Jax: Cole Young. The man that took the belt from Eddie Tobias.

  • Cole Young: [as snow starts falling outside] Ally. Come take a look at this. It's snowing.

    Allison: [confused] But it's July.

  • Liu Kang: [Deleted scene] Lord Raiden.

    Kung Lao: Despite our efforts, there is still no sign of progress.

    Liu Kang: They are physically skilled, but mentally, they are weak.

    Kung Lao: We worry they will not find their arcanas in time.

    Raiden: Liu Kang... Kung Lao... You must be more creative and eliminate all distractions. Find their weakness and turn it into their strength.

    Kung Lao: We won't give up, Lord Raiden. But I feel we should send Miss Blade home.

    Raiden: No. She has a role to play in this. She will remain with us.

    Kung Lao: As you wish, Lord Raiden.

    [Liu Kang and Kung Lao bow]

  • Sonya Blade: [Sonya, Cole, and Kano are about to jump out the cargo plane] First time?

    Cole Young: Yeah, what gave it away?

    Sonya Blade: You'll be okay. Just gotta jump, count to three, pull this side.

    Cole Young: Alright, simple. But how...

    Kano: Well, do or die, princess!

    [Kano shoves Cole out the plane]

    Sonya Blade: What? You're fucking kidding me!

    [Kano flips Sonya the bird as he dives off]

  • Mileena: [Deleted scene] Reptile is dead. And now, another of Earthrealm's champions is on their way to the Temple. We must move now. Your plan is not working.

    Shang Tsung: Are you questioning my judgement?

    [Walks towards Mileena as she backs away]

    Shang Tsung: I created you...

    [grabs her by the throat and holds her over the Sea of Spikes]

    Shang Tsung: I nourished you with nectar from source. I gave you life. If you doubt my ways, what need do I have for you?

    [Throws her back down to the ground]

    Shang Tsung: My plan will not fail. Even if I must take matters into my own hands.


    Shang Tsung: I forgive you.

  • Sub-Zero: [Deleted scene]

    [Sub-Zero confronts Shang Tsung after their attack on the temple]

    Sub-Zero: You knew the heir of Hasashi lived. You did not tell me.

    Shang Tsung: I did not know. We mustn't lose sight. Earthrealm is still within my grasp.

    [puts his hand on Sub-Zero's shoulder]

    Shang Tsung: This changes nothing.

    Sub-Zero: It changes everything!

    [grabs Shang Tsung's wrist and moves it away as ice forms around it]