Charlie Jaffey: [repeatedly] Hey. Switch seats.
Molly Bloom: [the phone rings] Hello?
Player X: You are so fucked!
Molly Bloom: Because it's my name... and I'll never have another.
John G: I'll have an appletini.
Molly Bloom: A survey was taken a few years ago that asked 300 professionals one question, "What's the worst thing that can happen in sports?" Some people answered losing a game 7, and other people said getting swept in the 4. Some people said it was missing the world cup, and some Brazilians said it was losing to Argentina. Not just in the world cup. Anytime, ever in any contest. But one person answered that the worst thing that can happen in sports is 4th place at the Olympics.
Molly Bloom: This is a true story, but except for my own, I've changed all the names and I've done my best to obscure identities for reasons that'll become clear.
Molly Bloom: To whoever answered that the worst thing that can happen in sports is getting 4th place in the Olympics: Seriously? Fuck you.
Molly Bloom: You know what makes you feel okay about losing? Winning.
Judge Foxman: This courthouse is located within spitting distance of Wall Street. I know this from my personal experience trying to spit at it. The men and women who work there will commit more serious crimes by lunchtime today than the defendant has committed in this indictment.
Larry Bloom: [to Molly] Your addiction was having power over powerful men.
[Harrison and Brennan are taking a deposition from Molly, and Charlie is acting as her legal counsel]
Harrison Wellstone: Were the women who worked for you call girls?
Molly Bloom: No sir.
Brennan: They never exchanged sex for money?
Molly Bloom: No.
Harrison Wellstone: Have you ever exchanged sex for money?
Charlie Jaffey: [interrupting them] No!
Molly Bloom: I think he was talking to me.
Harrison Wellstone: In Mike Davidoff's phone, intercepts alone, just Davidoff, your name comes up 19 times! "We need Molly..." "Get Molly..." "Bring Molly." It strongly suggests you were important to his business, so it's hard for me to believe that someone with your savvy and obvious intellect...
Molly Bloom: [interrupting him] They're talking about the drug. "Get molly" "Bring molly" "We need molly" It's... they're talking about the drug 'ecstasy'.
Player X: You know, I don't like playing poker.
Molly Bloom: Why do you play?
Player X: I like destroying lives.
Larry Bloom: It's funny how much faster you go when you're not charging by the hour.
Larry Bloom: I'm your father. Trying to comprehend how much I love you would be like trying to visualize the size of the universe.
Larry Bloom: I didn't know you got beaten up until I read it in your book. It was a hell of a way to learn about it, you should know. And if I'm hiring someone to find the guy who did it then I'm hiring someone to kill him.
Molly Bloom: Don't even joke about that.
Larry Bloom: I'm not.
Molly Bloom: It wasn't a purse snatcher, Dad. It was the mafia.
Larry Bloom: I don't care if it's the leader of the mob. Someone put their hand on you, they're gonna suffer.
Molly Bloom: Dad, I'm fine.
Larry Bloom: No, they're gonna suffer.
Molly Bloom: Dad, I'm alright. Really, I'm fine.
Douglas Downey: There's a poem... a famous... uh... a poem about... thoughts left unexpressed. "Two roads emerged from the woods. Do they explode? I dunno" You like poetry?
Molly Bloom: I did until a second ago
Stella: Wait, aren't... You're Molly Bloom, right?
Molly Bloom: Yeah.
Stella: You don't look the same as in your photos.
Molly Bloom: None of us do.
Larry Bloom: [at family dinner] Don't ever use language like that again.
Teen Molly: Okay. Ignore my teachers, watch my language and respect the kitchen table. What else do I need to do before I'm allowed to disagree with you?
Larry Bloom: Make your own money so you can live in your own house and eat your own food.
Louis Butterman: There's a saying in my business. Don't break the law when you're breaking the law.
Molly Bloom: What do you mean?
Louis Butterman: No drugs, no prostitutes, no muscle to collect debts.
Molly Bloom: Oh, I don't do anything like that. But you just said I wasn't breaking the law.
Louis Butterman: Keep it that way, because you don't want to break the law when you're breaking the law.
Molly Bloom: Am I breaking the law?
Louis Butterman: Not really...
Charlie Jaffey: You know, I don't like this picture.
Molly Bloom: Thank you.
Charlie Jaffey: You look like the cat that ate the canary and then told the canary's parents about it.
Molly Bloom: [narrating]
[about Player X]
Molly Bloom: He played tight, didn't give a lot of action and always got his money in good, which means he was running the odds. In other words, he was playing poker and the others were gambling. And he won.
Shelby: Mr. Habib, good evening. I'm Shelby.
Shelly Habib: I'm Shelly, only one letter's different. Also, I'm a billionaire, I think I may have seen you naked.
Shelby: No. You'd remember.
Shelly Habib: [holding a painting] So, I'm hoping you'll accept this as temporary collateral.
Molly Bloom: That is... an authentic Monet.
Shelly Habib: Grabbed it right off the wall.
Molly Bloom: You came over here carrying a Monet?
Shelly Habib: I was driven. And I have security outside the door.
Molly Bloom: You know how many girls at the Olympics have demanding fathers?
Charlie Jaffey: All of them?
Molly Bloom: Exactly.
Molly's Game Quotes
Monica 2022-03-25 09:01:08
2.5 Aaron Sorkin's self-esteem is about as troubling as Molly's pride, occupying every conversation room. It's just spitting out timely lines on different occasions, interpreting a fairly smooth script, how much the character stands up, or how desirable this overemphasized character is, all are not the key to the film. Jessica Chastain's shaping of these capable and independent women has begun to restrain her talent
Felix 2022-03-25 09:01:08
Let a non-Jew play a Jew, and it's Sorkin's script, obviously a very fascinating film, but there is exhaustion and clumsiness that does not match IQ.