Benji Dunn: Let me guess. Presumed dead?
Ethan Hunt: Well tonight, I just made it official.
[first lines]
William Brandt: Benji? Benji, are you there?
[repeated line]
Ethan Hunt: Desperate times, desperate measures.
Ethan Hunt: The Syndicate is real. A rogue nation, trained to do what we do.
Benji Dunn: An anti-IMF.
[last lines]
William Brandt: Welcome to the IMF, Mr. Secretary
Benji Dunn: [sarcastic] Join the IMF! See the world! On a monitor. In a closet.
Ethan Hunt: [Ethan and Benji are in a car which is flying mid-air] You have your seatbelt on?
Benji Dunn: You're asking me that NOW?
Benji Dunn: [Ethan wants to drive the car just after he was resuscitated after drowning in a water tank] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you OK to drive? A minute ago you were DEAD!
Ethan Hunt: What are you talking about?
Benji Dunn: [Benji gets in the car] This is not gonna end well.
Ethan Hunt: [Ethan is hanging to the side door of the plane] Benji, open the door!
Benji Dunn: Ethan? How did you get in the plane?
Ethan Hunt: I'm not in the plane, I'm ON the plane! Open the door!
Benji Dunn: Yeah, yeah, yeah, right!
[opens the rear door]
Benji Dunn: Ha! How's that?
Ethan Hunt: That's the wrong door!
Luther Stickell: [notices the rear door opened] Not that door, Benji, the other door!
Benji Dunn: Oh, yeah, sorry!
Ethan Hunt: [Ethan, Ilsa, Benji, Luther and Brandt have captured Lane in a glass box] Gentlemen, this is Solomon Lane. Mr. Lane, meet the IMF.
Luther Stickell: You need to understand something. Ethan is my friend. And if I have one SECOND of doubt whose side you're on...
[starts glaring at Brandt seriously]
William Brandt: I believe you.
William Brandt: [Brandt and Luther are searching for Ethan and Benji in Morocco in a 4x4 car] I thought you said you could find 'em.
Luther Stickell: I said I could LOCATE 'em. You have to find 'em.
William Brandt: Right.
[Ethan and Benji crash into a nearby car. Luther waves his hand and Ethan waves back]
William Brandt: Found 'em.
[Brandt attempts to follow them just to find out that Ethan and Brandt are being chased by gang of motorcyclers which pass by their car]
William Brandt: It's a high-speed chase and you just had to get the 4x4! Didn't you?
Luther Stickell: Don't blame me. You chose the car!
William Brandt: You just had to have it!
[follows the cyclers]
Luther Stickell: Look at it! Look at how slow you are going. Speed it up!
Chairman: And you Mr. Brandt, how can you justify this deception?
William Brandt: I can neither confirm nor deny details of any operation without the Secretary's approval.
Lane: Face to face. Just as you wished, Ethan.
Alan Hunley: Hunt is uniquely trained and highly motivated - a specialist without equal - immune to any countermeasures. There is no secret he cannot extract, no security he cannot breach, no person he cannot become. He has most likely anticipated this very conversation and is waiting to strike in whatever direction we move. Sir, Hunt is the living manifestation of destiny - and he has made you his mission.
[first lines]
William Brandt: [on the phone] Benji? Benji, do you copy? Benji?
Benji Dunn: [grunts] Shit.
William Brandt: Where is Ethan?
Benji Dunn: [crouching in a field] Uh, I can't talk right now.
William Brandt: The package is on the plane.
Benji Dunn: Yeah, I know. We're currently formulating a plan B. Although, technically, it's a plan C.
William Brandt: This isn't going very well...
Benji Dunn: I am aware of that, Brandt. You're not helping.
William Brandt: Where's Ethan?
Benji Dunn: I don't know. We're on radio silence.
William Brandt: That plane cannot take off with the package on it. Do you understand?
Luther Stickell: [interjecting] We're working on it.
William Brandt: Luther? What the hell are you doing there? You're supposed to be on assignment in Malaysia!
Luther Stickell: I *am* in Malaysia. I've been here two days. Benji needed my help.
Benji Dunn: I didn't need help. I just needed assistance. It's a different thing.
William Brandt: [miffed] The package is still on the plane.
Lane: [Ethan's phone rings twice] I have a job for you, Ethan, and for the sake of your friend you will do it.
Ethan Hunt: I'm listening.
Lane: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to bring me the unlocked disk by midnight tonight. Now say the words, please.
Ethan Hunt: I accept.
Lane: Yes, I knew you would.
Lane: [while Benji is strapped to a bomb and Lane demands the ledger] Where is the disc?
Benji Dunn: Where is the disc?
Ethan Hunt: You're looking at it. I am the disc.
Recorded Voice: Good evening, Mr. Hunt. The weapons you recovered in Belarus were confirmed to be VX nerve gas, capable of devastating a major city. The bodies of the air crew were found less than 24 hours after they landed in Damascus. They were identified as low level Chechen separatist, with neither the access nor the ability to acquire the weapons they were transporting. This would support your suspicion that a shadow organization is committed to inciting revolution by enabling acts of terror in nations friendly to Western interests. IMF suspects this to be the same shadow organization you have been tracking for the last year also known as the Syndicate. IMF would be right. Normally, you and your team would be tasked with infiltrating and disrupting this terrorist network, but we have taken steps to ensure that this will not happen. Because we are the Syndicate, Mr. Hunt, and now we know who you are. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to face your fate. Pursue us, you'll be caught. Resist us, you'll be killed. And your precious Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Mr. Hunt. This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds.
Lane: Human nature, my weapon of choice...
Ethan Hunt: [to Ilsa after she assists his escape] We've never met before, right?
Benji Dunn: If you're going to bring me all this way, you could at least give me something a bit more, you know, dramatic.
Ethan Hunt: Benji, we're trying to keep a low profile. You want drama, go to the opera.
Benji Dunn: Well, how long will it take to free swim from the intake to the service hatch?
Ilsa Faust: Two minutes, with the current at full power.
Benji Dunn: Then you just have to hold your breath for two minutes.
Ethan Hunt: What about installing the security profile?
Benji Dunn: Well, that's gonna be, like, a minute, tops.
Ethan Hunt: So I have to hold my breath for *three* minutes.
Benji Dunn: [cavalierly] You can do that.
Ilsa Faust: What I think you're overlooking is the physical exertion. The more you exert yourself, the faster you consume oxygen.
Benji Dunn: Don't worry about him, all right? All he has to do is install the fake profile before I get to the gait analysis. You said it yourself, it's the only way.
Benji Dunn: That doesn't sound "impossible".
Record Shop Girl: We're about to close.
Ethan Hunt: I won't be long.
Record Shop Girl: Are you looking for anything in particular?
Ethan Hunt: Something rare.
Record Shop Girl: Let me guess... Classical?
Ethan Hunt: Jazz.
Record Shop Girl: Sax?
Ethan Hunt: Coltrane.
Record Shop Girl: Piano?
Ethan Hunt: Monk.
Record Shop Girl: Shadow Wilson on bass.
Ethan Hunt: Shadow Wilson played drums.
Record Shop Girl: Know why... they call him Shadow?
Ethan Hunt: Because he had a light touch.
Record Shop Girl: You're in luck. I have a first pressing.
Record Shop Girl: It really is you... I've heard stories. They can't all be true.
Ethan Hunt: The show's about to start, Benji.
Benji Dunn: Right.
Ethan Hunt: Just take your position. Tell me what you see.
Benji Dunn: Okay.
Ethan Hunt: Nice tux, by the way.
[Benji looks around trying to find Ethan]
Ethan Hunt: I have a way out. Interested?
Ilsa Faust: Lead the way.
Ilsa Faust: You have everything you need to find me.
Lane: Did he say anything?
Ilsa Faust: He knows about Morocco.
Lane: What does he know about Morocco?
Ilsa Faust: He knows about the power plant. He doesn't know what's in it.
Lane: Find him, please.
Ilsa Faust: He'll find me... I've seen to that.
Ilsa Faust: And what brings you gentlemen to Casablanca?
[Ethan shows her the lipstick]
Ethan Hunt: So the key to crushing Lane is sitting in a computer, just waiting for someone to take it.
Benji Dunn: So, why hasn't Lane just sent someone to steal it?
Ilsa Faust: Oh, he has. He sent me. And I can tell you... it's impossible.
Ilsa Faust: One more time. You'll have three minutes. Two and a half minutes to switch the security profile. Thirty seconds to escape through the service hatch.
Benji Dunn: Remember, conserve oxygen. Don't move a muscle if you don't have to.
Benji Dunn: [coming down to Ilsa and Ethan] You see? What did I tell you? Difficult? Absolutely. But certainly not... Jesus. Is he all right? What happened?
William Brandt: We good?
Ethan Hunt: Things got a little out of hand.
Benji Dunn: [becomes conscious] Wow! look out!
Luther Stickell: So what do we do now?
Ethan Hunt: Please tell me you made a copy of that disk.
Benji Dunn: Of course I made a copy.
William Brandt: So where are we going?
Ilsa Faust: Are you ordering me to kill Hunt?
Atlee: Good God, no. Nothing so crude as that. No... Lane will order you. And to regain his trust, you will do it.
Ilsa Faust: You sent me to do a job. I did it. Now you bring me in!
Atlee: Might I remind you, you are without a country of your own? The Director of the CIA called me, inquiring about you personally. Of course, to protect your cover, I had to lie. So, as far as the Americans are concerned, you're a rogue assassin, a target of opportunity. Precious few people know about your true identity. It would be unfortunate if we forgot. You see, there really is no choice, Ilsa. You're going back.
[Ilsa walks away]
Atlee: Glad to know you're still with us.
Ethan Hunt: What's happening?
Luther Stickell: I can't open it.
Ethan Hunt: What do you mean, you can't open it?
Luther Stickell: I mean I can't open it, ever.
Benji Dunn: That's a red box?
William Brandt: A what?
Ethan Hunt: It's a red box. The British government uses them to transport state secrets.
William Brandt: Doesn't sound good.
Benji Dunn: Meaning it's triple-encrypted. You're not getting into that thing unless you have fingerprints, retinal scan, and a voice phrase spoken by a specific individual.
Ethan Hunt: The Prime Minister of Great Britain himself.
Benji Dunn: Yes, him.
William Brandt: So what you're saying is there is no ledger, which means we have no proof that the Syndicate even exists. So we're back to square one, only now we are all wanted by CIA. I'm so proud of us.
Benji Dunn: What I don't understand is why is there a red box sat in a private data vault in Morocco?
Luther Stickell: And why would Lane want it if he can't open it?
Benji Dunn: If Lane wants it, you can bet he has a plan to open it. Ah, and we just helped him steal it.
Luther Stickell: He's going to take the Prime Minister.
Ethan Hunt: Yes, he is. The question is how.
Ilsa Faust: You kill innocent people.
Lane: I helped my government kill many innocent people and more. So much more. Killing to keep things as they were. And now I'm killing to bring about change.
Ilsa Faust: I think Ethan Hunt would disagree.
Lane: Ethan Hunt is a gambler. And one day his luck will run out, and thousands of innocent people will pay the price. Which one of us will be the villain then?
Ethan Hunt: Chief Atlee, kind of you to accept our invitation.
[shoots Atlee with a tranquilizer gun]
Atlee: [dazed] Do you know who I am?
Ethan Hunt: We know you created the Syndicate. But Lane went rogue and turned it against you, didn't he? And you've been desperately trying to cover it up. That's why you erased the disk when she brought it to you.
Atlee: That's true.
Ethan Hunt: Now, Director Hunley has some questions for you regarding Ilsa Faust. Namely, how you framed her.
Atlee: That's also true.
Ethan Hunt: [to Hunley] It's the antidote.
William Brandt: When the Prime Minister found out about the Syndicate, Atlee attacked him.
Prime Minister: [dazed] Yes, that's true.
William Brandt: And then you saved the Prime Minister, sir.
Prime Minister: Did he? I'm very grateful.
Ethan Hunt: You're free now. Where will you go?
Ilsa Faust: I don't know. I've done my part.
Ethan Hunt: Yeah.
Luther Stickell: Ethan, we got to go!
Ilsa Faust: [Ethan and Ilsa embrace] You'd better hurry now.
Ethan Hunt: Good luck.
Ilsa Faust: You know how to find me.
[drives away]
Janik Vinter: [after Ethan and Ilsa rescue Benji] What do I do?
Lane: Kill the woman. I need Hunt alive.
[the Syndicate members then start to surround Ethan and Ilsa. After a brief pause, the Syndicate starts attacking and Ilsa gets her gun out and fires at them. Shootout ensues]
Ethan Hunt: I can't protect you, that's why I need you to leave.
Benji Dunn: That's not your decision to MAKE, Ethan! I am a FIELD AGENT, I know the risks! More than that, I am your FRIEND, no matter what I tell the polygraph every week! Now you CALLED ME because you needed my help! And you still do! So I am STAYING! And that is all we are gonna say about that!
William Brandt: There's no more IMF. I've been ordered to bring everyone in.
Ethan Hunt: I understand, Brandt. We didn't have this conversation. I've disappeared in London, you don't know where I am, If I'm dead or alive.
William Brandt: This man you saw, can you find him?
Ethan Hunt: I won't stop until I do.
William Brandt: This may very well be our last mission, Ethan. Make it count.
Ilsa Faust: Unfortunately, even if you could make it through every other security measure, you won't beat the last one.
Benji Dunn: So what you're saying is, no mask can beat it. We're busted before we even get into the vault and I wind up in a Moroccan jail playing mummies and daddies with Ahmad the Strangler.
William Brandt: Tell me it is possible to pull facial recognition off a sketch.
Luther Stickell: For mere mortals, no. For me, I could've done this at home.
William Brandt: How long is this gonna take?
Luther Stickell: Found her. CCTV picked her up at the airport in Casablanca.
William Brandt: [the computer screen shows that Ilsa Faust is a disavowed agent] What the hell?
Luther Stickell: She's bad news.
Ethan Hunt: And option three?
Ilsa Faust: Come away with me. Right now.
Luther Stickell: Oh, boy.
Lane: Twice now you've let him slip away. Curious.
Ilsa Faust: Are you questioning my loyalty or my ability?
Lane: Can't decide.
Ilsa Faust: I've told you before: Trust me, or kill me. But if you're gonna kill me be a man.
[tosses Lane a bodyguard's gun]
Ilsa Faust: Do it yourself.
[Lane shoots guard next to Ilsa]
Ethan Hunt: [Trying to provoke Lane through a psyche evaluation] You lost your faith in what you were doing of course naturally you blamed the system.
Ethan Hunt: I know you, Lane. Somewhere along the line you had a crisis of faith. Human life didn't matter anymore, or maybe it never really did. Either way, you killed too many innocent people without ever asking who was giving the orders or why. You blamed the system for what you are, instead of yourself. You wanted revenge, but Rome wasn't destroyed in a day. You needed help, you needed the money, a lot of it. And you'll stop at nothing to get it. That's how I know I'm going to put you in a box.
Benji Dunn: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you okay to drive? A minute ago you were dead.
Ethan Hunt: What are you talking about?
Benji Dunn: This is not going to end well.
Ilsa Faust: If we're being honest, you're a terrorist.
Lane: If that were true, then my goal would be to spread fear. But my methods are far more surgical.
Ilsa Faust: You kill innocent people.
Lane: I helped my government kill many innocent people and more, so much more. Killing to keep things as they were. And now I'm killing to bring about change.
[the team attempts to open the data package they stole]
Ethan Hunt: What's happening?
Luther Stickell: I can't open it.
Ethan Hunt: What do you mean you can't open it?
Ethan Hunt: I mean I can't open it, ever.
Benji Dunn: That's a red box.
William Brandt: A what?
Ethan Hunt: It's a red box. The British government uses them to transport state secrets.
William Brandt: Doesn't sound good.
Benji Dunn: Meaning it's triple-encrypted. You're not getting into that thing unless you have fingerprints, retinal scan, and a voice phrase spoken by a specific individual.
Ethan Hunt: The Prime Minister of Great Britain himself.
Benji Dunn: Yes, him.
William Brandt: So what you're saying is there is no ledger, which means we have no proof that the Syndicate even exists. So we're back to square one, only now we're all wanted by the CIA.
William Brandt: I'm so proud of us.
Benji Dunn: What I don't understand is why is there a red box sat in a private data vault in Morocco?
Luther Stickell: And why would Lane want it if he can't open it?
Benji Dunn: If Lane wants it, you can bet he has a plan to open it and we just helped him steal it.
Luther Stickell: He's gonna take the Prime Minister.
Ethan Hunt: Yes, he is. The question is, how?
Benji Dunn: Well, we have to warn the British.
William Brandt: Yeah, MI6.
[pulls out a cellphone]
Ethan Hunt: No, no, Brandt, put down the phone. Let's just think about this for a minute.
William Brandt: We have a responsibility to warn the British government, not gamble with the Prime Minister's life, Ethan! Just so you can beat the guy that has beaten you at every turn!
Ethan Hunt: Is that what you think this is? Brandt? Is that what you think this is?
William Brandt: I think, right now, you're incapable of seeing that there's another way.
Luther Stickell: And sometimes Ethan is the only one capable of seeing the only way.
William Brandt: And if he's wrong, we have Vienna ALL OVER AGAIN!
Ethan Hunt: You don't know him. If he wants something to happen, THERE'S NO PREVENTING IT!
William Brandt: That's why we have to warn the British!
Ethan Hunt: Maybe that's exactly what he wants us to do!
William Brandt: Are you listening to yourself? We're going to warn the British!
Ethan Hunt: No. We're going to find Lane, we're going to get him before he takes the Prime Minister.
William Brandt: [pauses, then slowly puts the phone back in his pocket] Okay. Alright, Ethan. We're going to find Lane. But please tell me. How are we going to do that?
Benji Dunn: What the fuck? She tried to shoot me!
Ethan Hunt: That doesn't make her a bad person.
Alan Hunley: In any case, finding Hunt is no longer a pet project!
Ilsa Faust: They don't care if you live or die.
Ethan Hunt: .. So, who you working for now?
Ilsa Faust: Lane, Atlee, your government, my government, they are all the same. We only think we are fighting for the right side because that's what we choose to believe.
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation Quotes
Josie 2022-03-22 09:01:20
Old routines, all kinds of deja vu. I don’t know if it’s the reason for the seat vibration. The car chase scene made me watch high for the first time!
Lottie 2021-10-20 19:01:27
Since "Mission Impossible 4" and "Edge of Tomorrow", the countless bad movies of Tom suddenly seem to have his own way. "Mission Impossible 5" not only has a reliable plot rhythm, but also has various stunts: unarmed planes, opera houses. Chase, dive into the big pool, drag racing and tumbling, motorcycle chase, you must praise it! #Swedish female lead yellow skirt praise, Zhang Jingchu is good with soy sauce, the opera "Turandot" enters randomly, the movie channel Alibaba Ran enters#
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
Director: Christopher McQuarrie
Language: English,Swedish,German,Russian Release date: July 31, 2015