Miss Meadows Quotes

  • Miss Meadows: If others need what I can spare, I must with them my treasures share.

  • Miss Meadows: Did you know that the accordion is the second least-appreciated musical instrument. Right ahead of the bagpipe, and right behind the dead-kitten flute?

  • Sheriff: What may I ask are you doing?

    Miss Meadows: I'm dancing to your accordion.

    Sheriff: I'm not that good. It's a work in progress.

    Miss Meadows: Isn't everything?

  • Miss Meadows: [to murderer at Weenie Stand] You're of no use to society. You'll waste innocent taxpayers' dollars, abuse the weak legal system and enter a cowardly plea of insanity to a morally bankrupt defense attorney. For what? Oh, and once incarcerated, you're gonna cost taxpayers approximately $47,000 per year. So you know what? Make sure you point the barrel of the gun to the back of the throat.

  • Miss Meadows: You know marriage has a certain... ring to it. You know, a wedding ring, engagement ring... suffer-ring.

    Sheriff: Oh, you have a very strange sense of humour.

  • Skylar: [to Miss Meadows as she attempts to rescue Heather in her wedding dress] No offense, Miss Meadows, but you do tend to over-accessorize.

  • [last lines]

    Skylar: Why don't you try saving yourself

  • [last lines]

    Derek Pierson: I think I changed my mind

    Miss Meadows: That is so not an option for you

  • Gordon: If you're a Miss, don't you miss having a mister?

  • [last lines]

    Father Peter: How dare you, how dare you y...

    [Meadows blows him away]

  • [repeated line]

    Miss Meadows: Toodle-lo