Mirrors 2 Quotes

  • [first lines]

    Max Matheson: It was my fault. I was the one driving when it happened.

    Max Matheson: After the accident, I started seeing things, things that couldn't be real. But I'm not crazy.

    Dr. Beaumont: I know. Your father knows. Anyone who knows you knows that.

  • Max Matheson: So should we put the straight jacket on me now, or shall we wait 'til my time's up.

  • Detective Piccirilli: The only thing you're suspected of is being a lousy security guard.

  • Elizabeth Reigns: Your fiance, she died in the accident?

    Max Matheson: We both did.

  • [last lines]

    Henry Schow: Hello Eleanor.

  • Dr. Beaumont: You've heard the old adage: A cracked mirror brings seven years bad luck.