Sergeant Bishop Cummings: Girl, let me trim your garden.
Private First Class Sam Train: God don't like ugly...
Sergeant Bishop Cummings: Well, he don't seem to like pretty a whole helluva lot either.
Livingston: Safety is the greatest risk of all, because safety leaves no room for miracles and miracles are the only sure thing in life.
Livingston: There's no control in life. Wherever you go, wherever you hide, there's risk.
Sergeant Bishop Cummings: That tight pussy was on its own so long it needed to be adopted.
Corporal Hector Negron: I don't trust Rodolfo, not even if he were Jo DiMaggio or Frank Sinatra. There is something about his gaze...
Miracle at St. Anna Quotes
Extended Reading
Director: Spike Lee
Language: English,German,Italian Release date: September 26, 2008