Miss Courtney: [asking Mr. Brown questions from a sheet] Sex?
Jeremy Brown: Occasionally.
Jeremy Brown: How about a toast for Ali and Su-Lee?
Giovanni Capello: No, sorry, we have no toast, only biscuits.
Jeremy Brown: No, I mean a toast for Ali and Su-Lee.
Giovanni Capello: We have no toast for them, either!
Jeremy Brown: Now, although most sports are international, there are some sports that are native to different countries. For example, the national sport of France is...
Danielle Favre: Football!
Jeremy Brown: Correct! And the national sport for Italy is...
Giovanni Capello: Girls!
Jeremy Brown: That's not a sport!
Giovanni Capello: Maybe not, but it's more popular than football!
Ranjeet Singh: If at first, you are not succeeding, try try!
Jeremy Brown: [corrects Ranjeet] Again.
Ranjeet Singh: If at first, you are...
Police Sergeant: What is your name?
Juan Cervantes: Por favor?
Police Sergeant: How do you spell that?
Jeremy Brown: That's not his name!
Police Sergeant: Oh, giving me a fake name, are we?
Juan Cervantes: Por favor?
Police Sergeant: I'll come back to you, Mr. Por Favor, or whatever you name is!
Ali Nadim: Oh dearie me!
Jeremy Brown: You can say that again!
Ali Nadim: Oh dearie me!
Miss Courtney: [points to a book with a pencil] What is this?
Ranjeet Singh: Pencil!
Miss Courtney: Can anybody tell me who said "To Be or Not To Be"?
Chung Su-Lee: Chairman Mao!
Miss Courtney: This may come as a shock to you, but there are people who've written things besides Chairman Mao.
Chung Su-Lee: Chairman Mao lite evelything!
Miss Courtney: Well, he certainly didn't lite... *write* "To Be or Not To Be"!
Jeremy Brown: Su-Lee, spell "Democracy"
Chung Su-Lee: C-H-I-N-A.
Jeremy Brown: And I suppose if I asked you to spell "Dictatorship", you would have spelt "England"?
Chung Su-Lee: Or "America"!
Ingrid Svenson: I very much like teacher.
Danielle Favre: You will not make the eyes on Mr. Brown!
Ingrid Svenson: If I want to, I will!
Danielle Favre: Mr. Brown does not care for the blonde ladies!
Ingrid Svenson: Swedish women are the beautifulest!
Danielle Favre: [scoffs] The problem with Swedish women is that are they too big in the bosom!
Ingrid Svenson: The French are too big in the mouth!
[repeated line]
Ali Nadim: Jolly good!
Jeremy Brown: [Mr Brown is talking to the class about everyday things they should know how to say and do] Ali, where would you go to get some aspirin?
Ali Nadim: The Tandoori Takeaway.
Jeremy Brown: What?
Ali Nadim: My jolly good friend who works there always has plenty aspirin.
Jeremy Brown: No, where would you *buy* aspirin?
Ali Nadim: Why would I be buying aspirin, when I can get it from my jolly good friend for free?
Jeremy Brown: All right, where would you go if the Tandoori Takeaway was closed?
Ali Nadim: Oh, blimey! The Taj Mahal Curryhouse
Jamila Ranjha: White Chemist!
Jeremy Brown: [Ali leaves his seat and begins to walk out of the classroom] Where are you going?
Ali Nadim: To buy aspirin.
Jeremy Brown: I thought you said you didn't have a headache?
Ali Nadim: Oh blimey! I do now!
[repeated line]
Juan Cervantes: Por favor
[repeated line]
Taro Nagazumi: Aso!
Jeremy Brown: Take Danielle, for instance.
Giovanni Capello: I would love to take Danielle!
Ranjeet Singh: [holding his hands together] A thousand apologies!
Miss Courtney: Can anyone tell me what we call a pig after it has been killed?
Ali Nadim: Yes please, it is dead pig.
Mind Your Language Quotes
Julien 2022-01-22 08:02:21
It's been a long time since I saw such a funny sitcom, and the language jokes will not lose their effectiveness over time. How could Mr. Brown, who is handsome, friendly, patient and demeanor, let people not love him, and he looked so cute when he looked helpless to the students.
Cameron 2022-04-20 09:02:25
I'm about to burst out laughing...