Midway Quotes

  • Captain Garth: Can I ask you something personal? Very personal?

    Commander Rochefort: Sure.

    Captain Garth: You know, it really stinks down here. How often do some of your people take a bath?

    Commander Rochefort: Bath? Hell, I don't know. What *day* is it?

  • Captain Garth: How much can you decipher?

    Commander Rochefort: Fifteen percent.

    Captain Garth: Really decipher?

    Commander Rochefort: Ten percent.

    Captain Garth: Ten percent? That's one word in ten, Joe! You're *guessing*!

    Commander Rochefort: [slightly hurt] We like to call it "analysis."

  • RAdm. Tamon Yamaguchi: Once, we filled the sky with our aircraft. Now we win or lose with six fighters and ten torpedo planes.

  • Captain Garth: Listen, Carl; I understand my boy, Tom, is in your squadron. How's he doing?

    Cmdr. Carl Jessop: Good, he's doing good. Good pilot. Good all around. I think his only problem would be... enemy identification. The boy's got to learn man: you do not win a war by kissing the enemy

  • RAdm. Raymond A. Spruance: If it's Midway, I'll *bushwhack* 'em!

  • [Nimitz has received the first reports on the Battle at Midway]

    Admiral Nimitz: Did you confirm it?

    Lt. Jack Reid: Yes, sir. Admiral Fletcher's reply just came in. "Fletcher to Nimitz. Confirm previous report. Three enemy carriers afire".

    Admiral Nimitz: Hallelujah.

    Lt. Comm. Rochefort: Three of their first-line carriers, Admiral. Isn't that worth at least a "hot diggity damn"?

    Admiral Nimitz: I'll take it under advisement, Joe, but there's still that fourth enemy carrier to deal with.

    Lt. Jack Reid: There's also a message fron Captain Buckmaster, sir. The Yorktown's been hit.

    Admiral Nimitz: Badly?

    Lt. Jack Reid: Yes, sir, but she is underway again... operational.

    Lt. Comm. Rochefort: My gosh, our whole force may be in jeopardy if the Japanese located the Yorktown. They still got a tremendous fleet out there, Admiral.

    Admiral Nimitz: But that fourth carrier can't be far off.

    Lt. Comm. Rochefort: We've already won a great victory, Admiral. Maybe we oughta get our people out of there.

    Admiral Nimitz: You mean... break off, run for home?

    Lt. Comm. Rochefort: Before they can hurt us again. Yes, sir.

    Admiral Nimitz: Well, that might be the smart play, Commander. Trouble is, I *want* that fourth carrier.

  • RAdm. Raymond A. Spruance: [Spruance is visiting Halsey in the hospital]

    RAdm. Raymond A. Spruance: I just want to thank you for recommending me to take your task force to sea. Now I have a question for you- Did that *itch* go to your *head*?

    Vice Adm. William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.: [amused] Stop underestimating yourself, Ray. Any Skipper who could keep his cruisers and destroyers alongside of my carriers, from one end of the Pacific to the other, is *definitely* the man for the job.

    RAdm. Raymond A. Spruance: You and I are uh- aw, Bill, we're kind of different! Do you think *I* can pull it off the same way *you* could have?

    Vice Adm. William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.: [calmly] I can only tell you this Ray- You play it the way you *feel* it, not the way you think *I'd* play it. You go to sea, you find Nagumo, and *chew his ass*! Now, that's all there is to it.

  • RAdm. Frank J. 'Jack' Fletcher: I'd give my retirement pay to know what Nagumo is up to now.

    Captain Garth: Same thing we are, Admiral- Sweating it out.

  • Cmdr. Carl Jessop: "Wait and see." We waited. December 7th, we saw... The "Wait and see"-ers will bust your ass *every time*!

  • Miss Haruko Sakura: Damn it, I'm an American! What makes us different from German-Americans or Italian-Americans?

    Captain Garth: Pearl Harbor... I guess.

  • Officer on Midway: Send this right away.

    Pvt. Dombrowski: Hey chief what's this?

    [a message saying that Midway's pure water condenser is malfunctioning]

    Pvt. Dombrowski: There ain't nothing wrong with our pure water condenser. I was just over there.

    Officer on Midway: [annoyed] Dombrowski, *send it*!

    Pvt. Dombrowski: [baffled] I think the goddamn *heat's* gettin' to *everybody* here!

    [sends the message]

  • Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto: [almost at the end] Leave that to me, I am the only one who must apologize to His Majesty.

  • Lt. Jack Reid: You okay?

    [to Lieutenant Garth]

    Lt. Jack Reid: Here.

    [gives him a cigarette]

    Pilot Ramos: [Gestures to the scout planes taking off] Those poor bastards are going to miss all the fun. There's nothin' north of us but empty ocean.

    Lt. Jack Reid: [to Garth] He gets his dope straight from Tokyo Rose, right, Chili Bean?

    Pilot Ramos: Wrong, caballo. I get from here!

    [gestures to his head]

    Pilot Ramos: When it frizzles, there's Japs around!

  • Vice Adm. Chuichi Nagumo: [commenting on the American torpedo bombers] They sacrifice themselves like samurai, these Americans.

  • Ensign George Gay: Red Fox Leader from Kit 3. Red Fox Leader from Kit 3. Skipper? Either my compass is all fouled up or we're not headed two-four-zero.

    Lieutenant Commander John Waldron: There's nothing out there but empty ocean. I know where the Japs'll be, Mister Gay.

    Ensign George Gay: Think you might let us in on it, sir?

    Lieutenant Commander John Waldron: I figure they moved since we launched. East, heading out, away from Midway. OUT!

    Ensign George Gay: Roger.

    Huntington: What good's our orders if the skipper's gonna lead us off on his own? I don't like it, sir.

    Ensign George Gay: Huntington, now you take it easy, y'hear? If anybody can find the Zekes, Waldron can. He's part Sioux Indian, for Christ's sake.

  • Miss Haruko Sakura: I don't love you anymore,

    Lieutenant Tom Garth: Say it to my face.


    Lieutenant Tom Garth: Say it to my face, Goddamit!

  • Captain Garth: [On the phone to his boss] They've taken the bait, Sir. It's Midway!

  • Cmdr. Carl Jessop: "Wait and see." 1919, the Marines were practicing dive-bombing off of Hati, right? "Well, premature, better wait and see." Well, we waited and the Germans showed us in '37 in Madrid.

    Navy Pilot: You mean like at Pearl Harbor, Commander?

    Cmdr. Carl Jessop: Pearl Harbor? Shit, in '32 and '33, Jack O'Clark's squadrons proved that Pearl Harbor could be attacked successfully from the air, and Admiral Logan Ramsey said, predicted, it would happen, in detail.

    Navy Pilot: And when was that?

    Cmdr. Carl Jessop: 1937, pal. "Wait and see." We waited. December 7, we saw.

  • Captain Garth: I read the FBI report on you and your parents.

    Miss Haruko Sakura: Ask me anything you want to.

    Captain Garth: Okay. You're father was frequently seen coming and going from the Japanses consulat.

    Miss Haruko Sakura: He has old friends there.

    Captain Garth: I see. And what about those Japanese patriotic organizations you belong to?

    Miss Haruko Sakura: My father enrolled me in those when I was born! Out of respect for him, I never resigned. But I wasn't active!

    Captain Garth: [Nods] I see. And what about those magazines they found in your apartment?

    Miss Haruko Sakura: The Prairie Shinburn? Published in Wyoming. My father had deep emotional ties to Japan, but even so, he thought it was a rediculous propaganda sheet.

    Captain Garth: Then why did he subscribe?

    Miss Haruko Sakura: He's a traditional and honorable man. He was once indebtted to the man who publishes the Prairie Shinburn.

  • Captain Garth: Admiral, Commander Rochefort has something he would like to tell you.

    Commander Rochefort: It's about objective AF, sir, the meaning of AF. Now, our listening posts have been picking up alot of traffic between Yamamoto's staff commanders.

    Captain Garth: There has been a heavy volume of traffic, sir, with the recurring references to Objective AF and... what was the other one?

    Commander Rochefort: AO. Now, AO is still a mystery, Admiral, maybe a diverson, but I think we've identified Objective AF as Midway. Now, it really had us stymied there, until one of my men remembered an enemy intercept we decoded last March. Now, a Jap reconnaissance pilot radioed his base that he was passing close to AF. Now we plotted every possible course this plane might have taken, and the only appreciable land mass he could have overflown at the time was Midway.

    Captain Garth: Joe...

    Commander Rochefort: Look, I know it's thin...

    Admiral Nimitz: Thin? Damn near invisible.

    Commander Rochefort: But I found a way to confirm it, sir.

    [Takes out a message and passes it to Nimitz]

    Commander Rochefort: If you will have this flown to Midway. It's a fake message, sir, reporting that Midway's fresh water condenser has broken down. Now, it should be transmitted in the clear, so there's no question of Japanese operators getting every word of it.

    Admiral Nimitz: [Smiles and nods, passing it over to Blake] Instruct Midway to include that in their housekeeping traffic tomorrow.

    Lieutenant Commander Ernest L. Blake: Aye, sir.

  • Captain Vinton Maddox: Admiral, these enemy radio intercepts that your intelligence unit has been accumulating...

    Admiral Nimitz: Very detailed, aren't they?

    Captain Vinton Maddox: Too damned detailed, Admiral. Do you remember what happened just before December 7th?

    Admiral Nimitz: The Japanese flooded the airwaves with fake messages.

    Captain Vinton Maddox: Yes. These could be carbon copies. Washington's convinced that Yamamoto's feeding this stuff to you in order to cover his real intentions.

    Admiral Nimitz: Very definite possibility.

    Captain Vinton Maddox: Well then, sir, how can you still insist...

    Admiral Nimitz: Because it is my judgement that this information is factual. I'm convinced Yamamoto's target is Midway.

    Captain Vinton Maddox: If you're wrong, Admiral, if you send our carriers into a Japanese ambush, the entire west coast and Hawaiian islands will be wide open for invasion.

    Admiral Nimitz: I'm fully aware of that, Captain. You're saying the safe play is to defend the home folks first.

    Captain Vinton Maddox: With respects, Admiral, it's the smart play.

    Admiral Nimitz: Captain, if we surprise the enemy, catch him where he doesn't think we'll be, we can drive him back 3000 miles. And keep him pinned 'til we're ready to take him on his own front yard.

    Captain Vinton Maddox: Sir, my instructions were to convey Washington's deep concern for the safety of the west coast and the Hawaiian islands. That is, if...

    Admiral Nimitz: Captain Maddox, is Washington ordering me to defend against an attack here or the west coast?

    Captain Vinton Maddox: No, sir. My orders were simply to consult. No, sir, I have no such orders for you.

    Admiral Nimitz: Commander Blake, declare a state of fleet-opposed invasion. Target... Midway Island. Issue the order immediately.

    Lieutenant Commander Ernest L. Blake: Aye, aye, sir.

  • Admiral Nimitz: I'd like you to recommend your own replacement.

    Vice Adm. William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.: Ray Spruance. I know... I know, he's junior to a lot of other flag officers, and never served a day on a carrier. But Chet, he *knows* carrier tactics.


    Vice Adm. William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.: Well, you asked for my recommendation.

    Admiral Nimitz: I can just imagine Washington's reaction if I hand over the Enterprise and the Hornet to a cruiser skipper. Especially after all the static I've been getting about going out looking for the Japanese at Midway.

    Vice Adm. William F. 'Bull' Halsey Jr.: You told me once, Chet. When you're in command, command.

  • Commander Rochefort: [Last lines] I wonder if Matt knew how big we won.

    Admiral Nimitz: I think I know what he'd have said: It doesn't make any sense, Admiral. Yamamoto had everything going for him, power, experience, confidence. Were we better than the Japanese, or just luckier?

  • Admiral Nimitz: [after the Japanese fleet has been sighted but before the battle begins] No matter what happens, Joe, I want you to know you've sure as hell earned your salary this month.

    Commander Rochefort: Thank you, sir.

  • Captain Garth: [to his son, Tom, who he is having an argument with] You better shape up before some hotshot Jap pilot flames your ass!... You're being paid to fly planes, not sit in your room and cry over your girlfriends picture!

  • Lieutenant Tom Garth: [after telling his dad that he is marrying a Japanese girl] I need your help, Dad.

    Captain Garth: I guess you damn well do, Tiger.

  • Admiral Nimitz: [to Captain Garth after getting a briefing on the Coral Sea operation] We can't trade them carrier for carrier, Matt.

  • Adm. Chester W. Nimitz: [Is informed Admiral Halsey's been hospitalized] Damn. You know how much Bill Halsey hates hospitals.

    Capt. Matt Garth: Maybe it's not that serious, sir.

    Adm. Chester W. Nimitz: If he's scheduled himself to go anywhere *near* one, it's not only damn serious, it's probably critical.

    Cmdr. Joseph Rochefort: [Joins them] Admiral, I got some really bad news.

    Adm. Chester W. Nimitz: Well, today's the day for it.

    Cmdr. Joseph Rochefort: The Japanese have changed their JN-25 code, that's the one that's been giving us Yamamoto's plans.

    Adm. Chester W. Nimitz: How long will it take for you to unravel their new system?

    Cmdr. Joseph Rochefort: A month, maybe two.

    Capt. Matt Garth: Sir, do you still want that fleet order issued?

    Adm. Chester W. Nimitz: ...Yes. Target: Midway.

  • Capt. Aoki: Welcome aboard your flagship, Admiral.

    Capt. Aoki: Thank you, Captain. Rear Admiral Kusaka will be my chief of staff, Captain Aoki.

    [Kusaka and Aoki bow to one another]

    Capt. Aoki: And where's Commander Genda?

    Capt. Aoki: He's in sickbay, sir. Influenza.

    Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo: When does the doctor expect him to recover?

    Capt. Aoki: In two or three days, sir.

    Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo: I don't like the idea of starting this operation without my best air commander.

    Capt. Aoki: Sir, we have one other casualty as well. Commander Fuchida came down with appendicitis this morning.

    Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo: Fuchida too? We'll need a replacement.

    Capt. Aoki: Genda suggests a veteran torpedo pilot aboard the Hiryu, Lt. Tominaga.

    Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo: If Genda says so, I would like to see Tominaga as soon as possible.

    Capt. Aoki: Yes, sir.


    Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo: Fuchida, the man who led the attack at Pearl Harbor, out. Genda, who planned it, both ill... very bad luck, Kusaka. Very bad luck.

    Rear Admiral Ryunosuke Kusaka: Only an inconvenience, sir. We'll manage.