Melinda and Melinda Quotes

  • Hobie: What? What's going on? Wait, all? we used to make love all the time and now, there's always an excuse.

    Susan: I told you, I'm going through an emotionally difficult time creatively.

    Hobie: You feel like we don't communicate anymore?

    Susan: Of course we communicate. Now can we not talk about it anymore?

  • Lee: It's who you know, Laurel. Life is all networking!

  • Melinda: I'm an art historian... at least that's what I majored in at Brandeis.

  • Laurel: Melinda had a reputation for being Postmodern in bed.

  • Susan: I wish we could afford a place in the Hamptons. Everybody who's anybody has one.

    Hobie: Yeah, but if you're somebody who's nobody, it's no fun to be around anybody who's everybody.

  • Hobie: So, I have to ask you, how'd you go from living on the Upper East Side to St. Louis?

    Melinda: I moved there for him. He was gorgeous. He was talented, he was sexy, he was a doctor, he was charming...

    Hobie: Yes, but where's the attraction?

    Melinda: He just knew how to touch me.

    Hobie: You mean emotionally?

    Melinda: No, with his hands.

  • Hobie: I had no idea a Republican could be that sexy.

  • Hobie: She's gorgeous. Hard to believe a Republican could be that sexual.

  • Greg: What do you do for exercise?

    Hobie: Tiddly winks. And an occasional anxiety attack.

  • Hobie: I think it'd be only fair to tell you. I'm a Liberal.

    Stacey: Oh. Are you talking politically, or in the bedroom?

    Hobie: I was talking politically. In the bedroom I'm a left-wing Liberal.

  • Susan: Try it, Hobie, it's good manners.

    Hobie: Since when do I have good manners?

  • Susan: You look a little carsick.

    Hobie: Why, 'cause I'm the color of guacamole?

  • Susan: Isn't he charming, and don't tell me he's not gorgeous!

    Hobie: If you like perfect features.

  • Melinda: Uh I've been having a bad time so I just took some sleeping pills.

    Hobie: Sleeping pills? How many?

    Melinda: Uh... twenty-eight.

    Susan: Oh my god, Hobie make some black coffee.

    Melinda: No, I'm allergic to coffee, but do you have any vodka?

  • Walt Wagner: Maybe you should go back to your shrink... Discuss it.

    Hobie: He just recommended Prozac. I think he has stock in the company, honestly.

  • Hobie: They still talk about my portrayal of King Lear. I played it with a limp.

  • Hobie: Did I tell you I played Uncle Vanya once? With a limp. It was interesting.

  • Melinda: [Melinda wants to fix Hobie up with someone] What does she do?

    Billy Wheeler: Investment counseling.

    Hobie: One of those business suits who makes love to you on a conference call.

  • Ellis Moonsong: Why do things that start off so promisingly always have a way of ending up in the dump?

    Melinda: Not for everyone.

    Ellis Moonsong: Well, for anybody with any imagination. You know, life is manageable enough if you keep your hopes modest. The minute you allow yourself sweet dreams you run the risk of them crashing down.

  • Melinda: You're the piano player.

    Ellis Moonsong: Not any more. I'm on a break. A mysterious stranger has, uh, temporarily taken over, and I must say she plays beautifully. Hey, are your eyes misting over?

    Melinda: The song... it's meaningful to me. It was playing the night I met someone.

    Ellis Moonsong: So, are they tears of sorrow or tears of joy?

    Melinda: Well, aren't they the same tears?

    Ellis Moonsong: Yeah.

  • Melinda: I was just rubbing this lamp hoping to change my life.

    Ellis Moonsong: Well, I believe in magic. In the end I think it's the only thing that can save us.

  • Lee: Life has a malicious way of dealing with great potential.

  • Laurel: Melissa had a reputation of being post-modern in bed.

  • Ellis Moonsong: What do you want?

    Melinda: I want to want to live.

  • Melinda: [Dejected, having doscovered her boyfriend has been sleeping with her best friend] I loved you.

    Ellis Moonsong: I don't have a satisfactory explanation. You know these things happen. Living is messy.

  • Sy: The essence of life isn't tragic; it's comic.

  • Sy: [Last Lines] Let's drink to good times. Comic or tragic, the most important thing to do is to enjoy life while you can, because we only go round once, and when it's over, it's over. And, perfect cardiogram or not, when you least expect it, it could end like that.

Extended Reading
  • Bryon 2022-03-21 09:03:17

    This strictly calculated structure is not as good as the casual peak Hong Chang-soo (that is, Hong Chang-soo who met Kim Min-hee)

  • Eula 2022-03-25 09:01:22

    The ramble is really not messy and very comfortable, woody allen has always made people very comfortable