Kyle Wincott: Nose of a dog, the heart of a marine, sounds like a hero to me!
Pamela Wincott: I am proud of you both.
Kyle Wincott: Oh, you hear that Max? Say hi!
Pamela Wincott: Come say hi to your brother... Justin!
Kyle Wincott: Leave him be. I am just over here dealing with minor insurgency. He is trying to save the whole universe.
Carmen: Max just has to know you want him.
Justin Wincott: Dad's left a really weird message and disappeared.
Carmen: Let's do this.
Justin Wincott: Max... go search.
Ray Wincott: I wanted to tell Kyle, I wanted him to know the truth. But the way he looked at me, the way he looked up to me... I just couldn't do it. A hero always tells the truth no matter what people think about him or no matter what the consequences are. And you have always been that way Justin.
Justin Wincott: I don't know dad, I guess I am not a hero like you and Kyle. That Is just how the world turns.
Title Card: Dogs have been used by the U.S. military since World War I. Over three thousand dogs have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Max Quotes
Norval 2022-06-18 10:52:33
I just watched Jurassic the week I watched Max. Friends ask if it looks good? I laughed, it's actually a dog movie, what can I do? Think again, the dog movie can be made so well, what do you want from others? A particularly good subject, the story of a war dog, a loyal soldier in the war. Since they will also suffer from post-war sequelae and even be traumatized, as human beings with greater ability and freedom on the leash, we should love them well,
Emmitt 2022-06-18 09:46:43
I was looking for Mad Max's resources, but I found this quite touching. The dog's acting is good.