Martha Marcy May Marlene Quotes

  • Martha: [about their robbery victim] Zoe, I can't stop thinking about that man.

    Zoe: Yeah. I know. We're never really dead or alive; we just exist. So he's still existing, but it's in a parallel time. Just don't think about it.

  • Martha: Is it true married people don't fuck?

  • Lucy: I'm her only family, you know. She needs to know that she can depend on me right now. It's complicated.

    Ted: As complicated as it might be, we can't ignore the fact that her behavior is fucking insane.

  • Lucy: We're trying to have a family and I don't feel safe with you here.

    Martha: Lucy?

    Lucy: What?


    Lucy: What?

    Martha: You're gonna be a terrible mother.

  • [first lines]

    Watts: [as Martha runs away] Marcy! Marcy May! Where ya goin'?

  • Ted: [as Martha skinny dips] That's an interesting choice of swimwear.

  • Lucy: Why would you think it's okay to come in here like that?

    Martha: I don't know. It's a big bed. You guys were on the other side.

    Lucy: You can't come into our room when we're having sex. That's not normal. It's private.

    Martha: Sorry.

    Lucy: You don't need to apologize. Just - I need you to understand why it's not okay.

    Martha: Okay.

    Lucy: Do you?

    Martha: Yeah.

    Lucy: Well?

    Martha: Because it's private and not normal.

    Lucy: Oh, God.

  • Martha: [to Lucy] Just because we're sisters doesn't mean we need to talk about everything that comes into your head!

  • Patrick: You know that death is the most beautiful part of life, right? Death is beautiful because we all fear death. And fear is the most amazing emotion of all because it creates complete awareness. It brings you to now, and it makes you truly present. And when you're truly present, that's nirvana. That's pure love. So death is pure love.

  • Martha: I am a teacher and a leader.

  • [as Marcy May introduces a new 'recruit' to their home and shows her one of the babies]

    Sarah: All the kids here are boys.

    Martha: [referring to Patrick] He only has boys.

  • Martha: I am a teacher and a leader. You just never let me be that. But now, I am... I know who I am.

  • Watts: Marcy, go, now.

  • Ted: You sit there, lecturing about our lives and so far, I have not witnessed one sign that you have any values of your own.

  • Katie: I know you feel like something bad just happened, Marcy May. But you have to trust me, that wasn't bad.