Jason Williamson: You were in the marines?
Hollywood Montrose: Yes they were looking for a few good men and... so was I.
Mom: [about Jason] Oh my God, he's in love with a... dummy.
Hollywood Montrose: Wait a minute, honey, now I was gonna do that.
Hollywood Montrose: Oh, get down, honey, get down!
Customer: Get doooooooooown!
Hollywood Montrose: [Jason's mom faints] Once again left holding the bag.
[Jason's mom looks at him]
Hollywood Montrose: Nothing personal.
Mannequin: On the Move Quotes
Tyreek 2022-04-21 09:03:17
When I heard Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now, I felt familiar, so I read the introduction. I should have only watched the second part when I was a child, and the impression should be quite deep. Now that I have scanned it, I still prefer the second part, nostalgic
Kaylie 2022-04-20 09:02:25
Zhengda Theater, the heroine is beautiful, the necklace will live as soon as you take it off, ha