Mangal Pandey Quotes

  • [Pandey marches in front of a cannon. The soldiers loading it look at him in shock]

    Mangal Pandey: Fire!

  • Mangal Pandey: I am Hindustan.

  • Jwala: My name is Jwala...

  • Captain William Gordon: If you kill this man, Mangal Pandey, it will lead to the fall of this company!

  • Mangal Pandey: You have tasted a black man's loyalty - now taste his *fury*!

  • Mangal Pandey: What is "company"?

    Captain William Gordon: In your Ramayana there was one villain "Ravana" who had ten heads, company has a hundred heads and they're all joined by the glue of greed.

  • Mangal Pandey: Halla Bol!

  • Hewson: Say you are a black dog!

    Mangal Pandey: You are a Black Dog!