[Witnessing Malcolm's control over a mob]
Captain Green: That's too much power for one man to have.
Elijah Muhammad: [to Malcolm X] You will be in the public eye. Beware of them cameras. Oh, them cameras are bad as any narcotic.
Rudy: I'm half wop, I'm half nigger. I'm not afraid of nobody.
Baines: The body of the sacred temple; it must be purified.
Malcolm X: [whispering] I will not touch the white man's poison; his drugs, his liquor, his swine, his women.
Baines: A Muslim must be strikingly upright; an outstanding example so that those in the darkness can see the power of the light.
Malcolm X: [whispering] I will not commit adultery or fornication. I will not lie, cheat or steal.
[first lines]
Announcer: In the name of Allah the merciful, all praises due to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The one God to whom praise is due forever. The one who came to us in the person of Master Fard Muhammad and raised up the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Amen.
Announcer: Asalaam-alaikum!
Crowd: Alaikum-salaam!
Announcer: How do you feel?
Crowd: Good!
Announcer: Who do we want to hear?
Crowd: Malcolm X!
Announcer: Are we gonna bring him on? Yes, we gonna bring him on. Well let us hear from our minister, Minister Malcolm X. Let us bring him on with a round of applause!
[West Indian Archie gives Malcolm his first gun]
West Indian Archie: Now you're outfitted. You ready to tackle the streets?
Malcolm X: Yeah, I'm ready. Let them come.
Earl Little: [shouting] I'm a man!
Shorty: See that spot? Get it! The spot... All right, that's it.
Cholly: [knocks on door] Hey Little! Your man out here waiting on you!
[playing "Cops and Robbers"]
Shorty: Yeah, Red!
Malcolm X: Come on, you missed me!
Shorty: Try this on for size!
[makes Tommy-gun noises]
Malcolm X: I ducked.
Shorty: [laughing] You ducked?
Brother Earl: I just assumed...
Malcolm X: Don't *assume* anything, brother!
Eulogy Performer: Here - at this final hour, in this quiet place - Harlem has come to bid farewell to one of its brightest hopes - extinguished now, and gone from us forever. For Harlem is where he worked and where he struggled and fought - his home of homes, where his heart was, and where his people are - and it is, therefore, most fitting that we meet once again - in Harlem - to share these last moments with him. For Harlem has ever been gracious to those who have loved her, have fought her, and have defended her honor even to the death.
Malcolm X: [narrating] Like every hustler, I was trapped. Cats that hung out together trying to find a solution found nothing. Cats that might have probed space or cured cancer, West Indian Archie might have been a mathematical genius... but we were all victims of the American social order.
Malcolm X: Brothers and sisters, I am here to tell you that I charge the white man. I charge the white man with being the greatest murderer on earth. I charge the white man with being the greatest kidnapper on earth. There is no place in this world that this man can go and say he created peace and harmony. Everywhere he's gone, he's created havoc. Everywhere he's gone, he's created destruction. So I charge him. I charge him with being the greatest kidnapper on this earth! I charge him with being the greatest murderer on this earth! I charge him with being the greatest robber and enslaver on this earth! I charge the white man with being the greatest swine-eater on this earth. The greatest drunkard on this earth! He can't deny the charges! You can't deny the charges! We're the living proof *of* those charges! You and I are the proof. You're not an American, you are the victim of America. You didn't have a choice coming over here. He didn't say, "Black man, black woman, come on over and help me build America". He said, "Nigger, get down in the bottom of that boat and I'm taking you over there to help me build America". Being born here does not make you an American. I am not an American, you are not an American. You are one of the 22 million black people who are the *victims* of America. You and I, we've never see any democracy. We didn't see any... democracy on the-the cotton fields of Georgia, wasn't no democracy down there. We didn't see any democracy. We didn't see any democracy on the streets of Harlem or on the streets of Brooklyn or on the streets of Detroit or Chicago. Ain't no democracy down there. No, we've never seem democracy! All we've seen is hypocrisy! We don't see any American Dream. We've experienced only the American Nightmare!
Crowd: [shouting] Malcolm! Malcolm! We want Malcolm! We want Malcolm!
Malcolm X: I ordered a single, Jack.
Bartender: The double's on that man, Jack.
Malcolm X: Who is that?
Bartender: That's West Indian Archie.
Malcolm X: Yeah? What's his angle?
Bartender: Some uh this, some uh that.
Malcolm X: We were discussing the disciples. What color were they?
Chaplain Gill: Well, I don't think we know that for certain.
Malcolm X: But they were Hebrews, were they not?
Chaplain Gill: That's right.
Malcolm X: As was Jesus. Jesus was also a Hebrew.
Chaplain Gill: Why don't you just ask your question.
Malcolm X: What color were the original Hebrews?
Chaplain Gill: I have told you - that we don't know that for certain.
Malcolm X: Then you can't believe for certain - that Jesus was white.
Chaplain Gill: Just - just a moment. Just a moment. God is white.
[pointing to a painting of a white Jesus hanging on the wall]
Chaplain Gill: Isn't it obvious?
Malcolm X: Well, that
[nodding to the painting]
Malcolm X: is obvious, but we don't know if it's obvious that God is white. The honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that Jesus did not have blond hair and blue eyes. The honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that the images of Jesus that are on prison walls and churches throughout the world are not historically correct; because, history teaches us that Jesus was born in a region where the people had color. There's proof in the very Bible that you've asked us to read in Revelations, first chapter, verses 14 and 15, that Jesus had hair like wool and feet the color of brass.
Chaplain Gill: Just - just what're you saying?
Malcolm X: l'm not saying anything. l'm proving to you that Jesus was *not*, and I quote one of my lndian brothers here, he was not a paleface. Amen.
Malcolm X: [narrating] I was special. The only colored kid in the class. I became sort of a mascot. Like a pink poodle. I was called a nigger so many times, I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. I thought that was my name. They talked about me like I wasn't there. Like I was a pedigreed dog or a horse. Like I was invisible.
Malcolm X: We had the best organization a black man's ever had. Niggers ruined it.
Malcolm X: The only thing I like integrated is my coffee.
Malcolm X: We didn't land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock landed on us!
Malcolm X: I must emphasize at the outstart that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is not a politician. So I'm not here this afternoon as a Republican, nor as a Democrat; not as a Mason, nor as an Elk; not as a Protestant, nor a Catholic; not as a Christian, nor a Jew; not as a Baptist, nor a Methodist. In fact, not even as an American, because if I was an American, the problem that confronts our people today wouldn't even exist. So I have to stand here today as what I was when I was born: a black man. Before there was any such thing as a Republican or a Democrat, we were black. Before there was any such thing as a Mason or an Elk, we were black. Before there was any such thing as a Jew or a Christian, we were black people! In fact, before there was any such place as America, we were black! And after America has long passed from the scene, there will still be black people. I'm gonna tell you like it really is. Every election year these politicians are sent up here to pacify us! They're sent here and setup here by the White Man! This is what they do! They send drugs in Harlem down here to pacify us! They send alcohol down here to pacify us! They send prostitution down here to pacify us! Why you can't even get drugs in Harlem without the White Man's permission! You can't get prostitution in Harlem without the White Man's permission! You can't get gambling in Harlem without the White Man's permission! Every time you break the seal on that liquor bottle, that's a Government seal that you're breaking! Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! This is what He does.
Malcolm X: [points at a Negro panelist] To understand this man, you must know that historically there are two kinds of slaves. The House Negro and the Field Negro. The house Negro lived in the big house; he dressed pretty good; he ate pretty good and he loved the master. Yeah, he loved him more than the master loved himself. If the master's house caught fire, he'd be the first to put the blaze out. If the master got sick, he'd say: "What's a matter, boss; we sick?" We sick! If someone said to him, "Let's run away and escape. Let's separate." He'd say, "Man, are you crazy? What's better than what I got here?" That was the House Negro. In those days, he was called the House Nigger. Well, that's what we call them today because we still got a lot of House Niggers running around.
Malcolm X: [public speech] If the so-called Negro in America, was truly an American citizen, we wouldn't have a racial problem. If the Emancipation Proclamation was authentic, we wouldn't have a race problem. If the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution were authentic, we wouldn't have a race problem. If the Supreme Court desegregation decision were authentic, we would not have a race problem. But you have to see that all of this is hypocrisy! These Negro leaders have been telling the white man everything is all right, everything is under control. And they've been telling the white man that Mr. Muhammad is wrong, don't listen to him. But everything Mr. Muhammad has been saying is going to come to pass is now coming to pass and now the Negro leaders are standing up saying that we are about to have a racial explosion. We're going to have a racial explosion and that's more dangerous than an atomic explosion. It's going to explode because black people are dissatisfied. They're dissatisfied now not only with the white man, but with these Negroes who have been sitting around here posing as leaders and spokesmen for black people. Anytime you put too many sparks around a powder keg, the thing is going to explode and if the thing that explodes is still inside the house, then the house will be destroyed. So the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is telling the white man get this powder keg out of your house, let the black people in this country separate from him while there's still time. And if the black man is allowed to separate and go on onto some land of his own, where he can solve his problems, then there won't be any explosion. Complete separation is the only solution to the black and white problem in this country!
Malcolm X: You may be shocked by these words, but I have eaten from the same plate, drunk from the same glass and prayed to the same God with fellow Muslims whose eyes were blue, whose hair was blond and whose skin was the whitest of whites. And we are brothers, truly; people of all colors and races believing in One God and one humanity. Once before, in prison, the truth came and blinded me. It has happened again... In the past, I have permitted myself to be used to make sweeping indictments of all white people, and these generalizations have caused injuries to some white folks who did not deserve them. Because of the spiritual rebirth which I was blessed to undergo as a result of my pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca, I no longer subscribe to sweeping indictments of one race. I intend to be careful not to sentence anyone who has not been proven guilty. I'm not a racist and do not subscribe to any of the tenets of racism. In all honesty and sincerity it can be stated that I wish nothing but freedom, justice and equality: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all people. My first concern, of course, is with the group to which I belong, the Afro-Americans, for we, more than any other, are deprived of these inalienable rights. I believe the true practice of Islam can remove the cancer of racism from the hearts and souls of white Americans.
Malcolm X: I mean you don't cuss none? You don't talk that "what-ya-know-Daddy" jive. None of that.
Baines: A man curses because he doesn't have the words to say what's on his mind.
Shorty: [rinsing the lye out of Malcolm's hair] How's it feel?
Malcolm X: It feels like I ain't got no skin on my head!
Malcolm X: [accidentally bumps into a patron, spilling his drink on his shoes, but smiles and acts cool] My man!
Fox: The word is "excuse me," boy.
Malcolm X: [still grinning, staying positive] "Excuse me" don't shine my shoes, my man.
Fox: Then you should've stayed out of my way.
[takes the flaps of his jacket in his hands and releases them roughly]
Fox: Ol' country nigger.
[Malcolm stares at him for a moment and tries to walk away until Fox holds an arm out in front of him to stop him]
Fox: Uh, what you gonna do?
[removes his hat from off his head, mockingly blows on it and tosses it over the bar, staring him down in a confrontational matter]
Fox: Go home to your mama?
[Malcolm is silent for a moment, looking at him, letting his harmful words sink in... then he casually approaches the bar, grabs a glass bottle and violently smashes it against Fox's head, who falls to the floor, holding his bleeding head and wincing in pain]
Malcolm X: Nigger, don't you ever, in your *life*, say anything against my mother!
Baines: [visiting Malcolm in the shower after getting out of Ad-Seg] I know how you feel. Like you wanna lay down and die. I brought you something.
[hands him a cup of water along with a matchbox]
Malcolm X: Yeah, well, I don't need no more favors from you.
Baines: It's nutmeg. Put it in the water. You need something to get the monkey off your back. It's not cocaine but it'll help some.
[Malcolm looks skeptically at him for a moment and then grabs the cup, opens the matchbox and dumps the contents into the water, stirring it]
Baines: Drink it slow. The stuff is strong.
Malcolm X: [takes a drink and finds out that it is] So what's your hype, huh?
Baines: I can show you how to get out of prison. And it's no hype.
Malcolm X: Yeah, well, talk, daddy-o. I'm listening.
[taking another drink]
Malcolm X: Hey, this ain't bad. You got some more?
Baines: That's the last fix I'm giving you.
Malcolm X: So what'd you give it to me for, then, huh?
Baines: Because you needed it. Because you couldn't hear me without it.
Malcolm X: [snorts] Nigger, get on outta my face.
[walks away, back underneath the shower head]
Baines: I think you got more sense than any cat in this prison. Why the hell don't you use it? You can't bust out of here like they do in the movies. Because even if you get out, you're still in prison.
Malcolm X: Yeah, you ain't lying there.
Baines: You'll go busting your fist against a stone wall. You're not using your brain! That's what the white man wants you to do. Look at you, putting all that poison in your hair.
Malcolm X: I think you been in prison too long, my man, because everybody on the outside conks.
Baines: Why? Why does everybody on the outside conk?
Malcolm X: Because they don't want to walk around with a nappy head, looking like...
Baines: Looking like what? Like me? Like a nigger? Why don't you wanna look like what you are? What makes you ashamed of being black?
Malcolm X: Let me tell you something. I'm not ashamed of being anything.
[goes to turn the shower head back on to rinse his hair but Baines grabs him by the wrist]
Malcolm X: You better get your hands off me. I got to wash this out.
Baines: Let it burn!
Malcolm X: Nigger, get your hands off of me!
Baines: [releases him] Go on. Burn yourself. Pain yourself. Put all that poison in your hair, in your body, trying to be white!
Malcolm X: [chuckles] I don't wanna hear all this shit.
[resumes his shower]
Baines: I thought you were smart. But you're just another one of those cats strutting down the avenue in your clown suit with all that mess on you! Looking like a monkey! The white man sees you and laughs. He laughs because he knows you ain't white!
Malcolm X: Man, who are you?
Baines: No, the question is, who are *you?* Well, I'll tell you. You are lost in the darkness. But Elijah Muhammad has come to bring you into the light.
[Malcolm looks questioningly at Baines, asking "Who?"]
Baines: Elijah Muhammad can get you out of prison. Out of the prison of your mind.
[drops his tone in disappointment]
Baines: But maybe all you want is another fix.
[gives Malcolm one final look before walking out]
[last lines]
Soweto Teacher: As Brother Malcolm said: "We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be given the rights of a human being, to be respected as a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence."
[cut to archive footage of Malcolm X exclaiming during a speech]
Malcolm X: By any means necessary!
Cholly: That woman quit me. After l hit the number, that woman was no good to me at all.
Toomer: No? What happened?
Cholly: She said l was cheap because l wouldn't cop her a diamond ring. And on top of that, had the indignation to call me, of all people, a Good-time Charlie. A cheap, black son of a bitch.
Toomer: Sassy-Frassy?
Malcolm X: [voiceover] My father was not a frightened negro, as most were and as many still are today. He was six feet four and a very strong man. He believed, as did Marcus Garvey, that freedom, independence and self-respect would never be achieved by the negro in America... And, therefore, black men should leave America and return to their land of origin.
Malcolm X: [voiceover] My mother was a proud woman, an educated woman, a strong woman. She was very fair-skinned because her mother was raped by a white man. One of the reasons she married my father was because he was so black. She hated her complexion, white blood in her body, and wanted her children to have some color. In fact, I think this had a profound effect on me back then and on most negroes today. Because so many of our sisters have been raped or violated by the white man, the black man can't wait to get their hands on the white man's prize: white women.
Malcolm X: That chick is fine as May wine.
Shorty: Except she lives up on a hill and got a grandmother too.
Malcolm X: Yeah, she a church girl. So, l don't know what l'm gonna do.
Sophia: l have an idea, Red. Why don't you take that little girl home and come on back? Just walk, baby, don't run. lt'll be here when you get back.
Malcolm X: So, I'll call you tomorrow.
Laura: What for? I'm not white and I don't put out. So, why would you want to call me, Malcolm?
Sophia: Am l the first white woman you've been with?
Malcolm X: Huh? No, you ain't. Shit, l done had plenty.
Sophia: Yeah?
Malcolm X: Yeah.
Sophia: That isn't a whore?
Sophia: Mmm. Mmm. Take your time. Sophia's not going anywhere. Remember, l told you to walk don't run. l don't like women that talk too much. Who wants to talk?
Malcolm X: Shhh. l don't like women that talk too much. Okay?
Sophia: Okay. Who wants to talk?
Shorty: Man, I'm tired of playin' cops all the time. I wanna be Bogart.
Malcolm X: Well, Shorty, you're too small to be Bogart.
Shorty: Not too short to be Cagney.
Malcolm X: Come here, Sophia.
Sophia: You're the man.
Malcolm X: Sit down. What's your story? One of them white chicks can't get enough colored studs? Is that what you are? Kiss my foot. Go ahead, kiss it.
[Sophia kisses it]
Malcolm X: Now feed me.
[Sophia feeds Malcolm]
Malcolm X: Yeah. That's your story, girl. So when you gonna holler rape, sister?
Sophia: Me?
Malcolm X: Yes, you. You would, if the time came. You would. Sure you would.
Mr. Ostrowski: The important thing is to be realistic. We all like you here, you know that. But you're a nigger - and a lawyer is no realistic goal for a nigger.
Young Malcolm: But why, Mr. Ostrowski? l gets the best grades in class. l got voted class president. l want to be a lawyer.
Mr. Ostrowski: Now, l want you to think about something that you can be. You're good with your hands, making things. People would give you work. l would myself! Why don't you become a carpenter? That's a good profession for a colored. Wasn't your pa a carpenter? Jesus was a carpenter. People like you as a person. You're doing real well. Remember what we said: "Nothing succeeds like success." Let me hear it.
Young Malcolm: Nothing succeeds like success.
Mr. Ostrowski: Right! As long as you're realistic.
Blades: Yes, sir. Best in the house, sir.
Malcolm X: You're mighty pleased with yourself, aren't you.
Malcolm X: I aims to please, sir. I'm pleased to aim.
Blades: I like you, boy.
Billie Holiday Quartet - Billie Holiday: [singing] Away from the city that hurts and mocks, I'm standing alone by the desolate docks, In the still and the chill of the night, I see the horizon the great unknown...
Malcolm X: All we need now is a driver. Any suggestions?
Peg: How about Rudy?
Sophia: Yeah, Rudy.
Malcolm X: Who's Rudy?
Malcolm X: So, what do you do?
Rudy: Name it fella, I claim it.
Sophia: Tell 'em about Baldy.
Rudy: Baldy. Yeah, he's this old rich ofay motherfucker. I give him a bath every Friday night. Towelin' 'em off, talcum powder on him, put him to bed. Sleeps like a baby. Gets his jollies off.
Malcolm X: Yeah, and so. What about him?
Rudy: He's got jewelry. He's got a coin collection. He's got china. He's got rugs.
Malcolm X: That might be all right.
Rudy: Shit, I know this town, man. I got my own fences.
Malcolm X: You want to be in charge, Rudy?
Rudy: I am in charge.
Malcolm X: Yeah, you the head nigger in charge.
Rudy: Yeah, I'm the head nigger in charge.
Malcolm X: Big head nigger, that's what you are.
Shorty: Red, the jig is up.
Chaplain Gill: Want a smoke? Do you know what a friend you have in Jesus?
Malcolm X: A friend? He's a friend, huh, Chappy? Well, if he's such a friend, where is he? Huh? What has he done for me? A friend? I tell you what you do, Chappy. You tell him to call me. Call me and tell me what kind of friend he is. Solitary 2-2-6-2-7. What he done for me Chappy? Huh!
Baines: l read, study. Because the first thing a black man must have is respect for himself. Respect his body and his mind. Quit takin' the white man's poisons into his body. His cigarettes, his dope, his liquor, his white woman, his pork.
Malcolm X: Pork? Yeah, my Mama used to say that. Don't eat no pork.
Baines: Your mama was right. The pig is a filthy beast. Part rat, part cat, and the rest is dog.
Baines: l'm telling you God's words, not no hustle. And l'm gonna tell you: God is black.
Malcolm X: God is black? Everybody knows God is white.
Baines: Everything the white man taught you, you accepted. He taught you you were a black heathen and you believed him. He taught you to worship a blond, blue-eyed Jesus, with white skin, and you believed him. He taught you that black was a curse and you believed that.
Baines: [reading from the dictionary] "Black: Destitute of light, devoid of color. Enveloped in darkness, hence, utterly dismal or gloomy as, 'The future looked black.'"
Malcolm X: Pretty good with them words, ain't ya.
Baines: "Soiled with dirt. Foul. Sullen. Hostile. Forbidding, as, 'a black day.' Foully or outrageously wicked as, 'black cruelty.' lndicating disgrace, dishonor or culpability." And there's others. "Blackmail." "Blackball." "Blackguard."
Malcolm X: Yeah, man. That's something, all right.
Baines: Let's look up "white." Here. Read.
Malcolm X: "White: The color of pure snow. Reflecting all the rays of the spectrum. The opposite of black. Free from spot or blemish." "lnnocent?" "Pure." Huh? Ain't this something? "Without evil intent. Harmless. Honest, square-dealing, and honorable." Wait a minute. This - this - this is written by white folks, though, right? This is a white folks book?
Baines: This sure ain't no black man's book.
Malcolm X: So what we reading this one for?
Baines: Because the truth lying near. If you read behind the words. You got to take everything the white man says and use it against him.
Baines: If you take one step toward Allah, he will take two steps toward you.
Baines: When that grafted, blue-eyed devil locked us in chains, one hundred million of us, broke up our families, tortured us, cut us off from our language, our religion, our history. Let me tell you about black history. We are the original man. The first men on earth were black. They ruled. And there wasn't a white face anywhere. But they teach us that we lived in caves and swung from trees. That's a lie! Black men never did that. We were a race of *kings* when the white man crawled on all fours over the hills in Europe. Do they know who they are? Do you know where you came from?
Baines: Sure. The white man throw us a bone and we're supposed to forget 400 years of oppression.
Baines: Yeah, but a nigger - a negro playing in the big leagues, that's something, ain't it?
Baines: l told you to go behind the words and dig out the truth. They let us sing and dance and smile, and then they let one so-called negro into the majors. That doesn't cancel out greatest crime in history.
Baines: What's your name?
Malcolm X: Malcolm Little.
Baines: No. That's the name of the slave masters that owned your family. You don't even know who you are. You're nothing. Less than nothing. Who are you?
Malcolm X: Look, l ain't - shit. All right, l ain't Malcolm Little. I ain't Red. I damn sure ain't Satan.
Baines: That's right. So who are you?
Malcolm X: l don't know.
Baines: We are a nation - of the tribe of Shabazz, lost in this wilderness called North America.
Malcolm X: Tribe of Shabazz.
Baines: The merciful Allah has sent us a messenger, a black man named Elijah Muhammad. He reveals to us the true knowledge about ourselves. He teaches us that the true nature of the original man, the black man, is righteousness. So, lf the black man's nature is righteousness?
Malcolm X: Then the true nature of the white man is wickedness.
Baines: l knew you'd get it.
Baines: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that the white man is a *devil*.
Malcolm X: l sure met some in my life.
Baines: No. Elijah Muhammad does not say that some white men are devils. He teaches us that *all* white men are devils.
Baines: The key to lslam is submission. That is why five times daily, we turn to Mecca to pray, to bend our knees in submission.
Malcolm X: I can't do that, Brother Baines.
Baines: The lost, found, must bend their knees, to admit their guilt. To implore Allah's forgiveness - is the hardest thing on earth. The hardest and the greatest.
Baines: You can grovel and crawl for sin but not to save your soul? Pick the lock, Malcolm. Pick it.
Malcolm X: I - l want to. God knows l want to.
Elijah Muhammad: I tell you the most dangerous creation in the world in any society is the man with nothing to lose. You do not need 10 such men to change the world. One will do. The earth belongs to us: the black man. And whatever is around it or on it or in it, belongs to us.
Malcolm X: [voiceover] We are taught that Paul, on the road to Damascus, heard the voice of Christ. He was so smitten by the truth that he fell from his horse. Now, I don't liken myself to Paul; but, I do understand. You see, it happened to me.
Malcolm X: Since neither one of us are God, I don't think either one of us are in any position to say who's good and who's evil.
Elijah Muhammad: My son. You have been a thief, a drug dealer, and a hustler - and the world is still full of temptation. When God spoke to the devil about how faithful Job was the devil argued that it was only God's protective hedge around him that kept him - pure. ln fact, about it, the devil said: "Remove that hedge and he will curse his Maker." Well, Malcolm, your hedge has been removed. And l believe you will remain faithful.
Speaker #2: Go in other communities. You've never seen a Booker T. Washington sit down store in an Italian community. You've went in a Jewish community and seen no Frederick Douglass delicatessen. Why's everybody in this community making money but us? lt's time for the black men and the black women to stand up and take control of our dollars. lt's time for us to use our dollars for our liberation. We can do what everyone else can do, if we become producers and if we become the masters of our own destiny. We can have wool from sheep just like anyone else! But where are our clothing stores? We can get milk from cows, but where are our grocery stores? We need to control our dollars! We need to control our destiny! The only thing they respect is our dollars!
Malcolm X: Oh, l'm so surprised! l'm so surprised! You all been in church two hours and you're expecting to see heaven out here and there ain't no heaven. You're still right here on earth. Sister, why don't you come on down to the temple? Come down to the temple at two o'clock. You'll hear truth. Hear the black man's truth! No, you can't deny it. You been down on your knees for the last two hours, haven't you? Begging some God to help you in the hereafter. But the hereafter is right now, brother. The hereafter is here and now.
Malcolm X: Let me talk to you for one second, brother. Listen, l know you're a smart man. I can tell you're a wise man. You look good. Now, you're in church every day, kneeling, praying to this God. Now, I'm telling you, these so-called white Christians, they're hanging our black Christians from trees, brother. This is the man that hates you. He tells you he loves you; but, he doesn't do anything for you. He tells you to foam at the mouth. He tells you to faint and sing and shout and hope for something in the hereafter. We can have it right now, brother. We can have it right now.
Malcolm X: As-Salaam-Alaikum. You know what that means, brother? That means, "Peace be unto you."
Malcolm X: Don't be ashamed when l call you black. Because that's what you are. You're black! You're black and you're beautiful. Because black is beautiful.
Malcolm X: You don't have to come here every day begging these folks for a job. Why, you can wash their clothes for 'em. You can scrub their floors. You can rock their little brats to sleep for the rest of your life. You'll still end up poor and without anything. And yet you're out here on the auction block. They're examining you like you're a - a chicken or a horse or a slave. You see this here? This is who you are. Beautiful. Your beautiful black selves - with pride and dignity.
Malcolm X: These are the questions you and l have to ask: "How did we get this mind?" You're not an American. You're an African who happens to *be* in America. You have to understand the difference.
Malcolm X: Shorty? ls that you, brother? Praise be to Allah. Now, this is exactly what l'm talking about, the slave mentality. The slave mind. This brother and l, we had the slave mind. We used to rob together. We used to sleep with white women. We even went to prison together. Now, don't be surprised when I say we went to prison; because, some of you are still in prison. Right now. Prisons of your mind.
Malcolm X: Look, he's still got his hair fried. That's all right though. That's the slave mind. That's the slave mind.
Shorty: Take it easy, greasy. This is me. Shorty.
Shorty: Homey - my trouble is, l love pigs feet and white women too much. So l damn sure can't be no Muslim.
Malcolm X: Oh, my brothers and sisters, his kind has committed God's greatest crime against your and my kind every day of his life! He ought to get on his knees and say he's committed a crime. But does he do that? Does he do that? No. No, he scorns you. He splits your head with his nightstick. He busts you up side the head with that billy club. And he calls you a nigger. I'm telling you he calls you a coon. That's what he says to you. "Boy!" "Nigger!" Four hundred years is long enough. You've been sitting down and laying down and bowing down for 400 years. And l think it's time to stand up. l think it's time to stand up.
Baines: Brother Malcolm, this is Sister Betty. She lectures our Muslim women on hygiene and diet. She stresses care for the body and regular eating habits.
Betty Shabazz: Brother Minister, the sister wonders if you know what sister Harriet Tubman did between taking souls to the Promised Land?
Malcolm X: No. sister?
Betty Shabazz: She ate. Excuse me.
Baines: She's interesting.
Elijah Muhammad: Too many of our women have too much of the devil in them. Bleaching and dyeing and ironing their hair. Running around in the streets - half-naked! Talking too much. Listening to the *wrong* men - making them deceitful, untrustworthy, fresh.
Malcolm X: See, the building of a new nation begins with the woman. Because the mother is the first teacher of the child. The message she gives that child, the child gives to the world.
Elijah Muhammad: Samson was the strongest man that ever lived, was destroyed by the woman that slept in his arms.
Benjamin 2X: Mr. X, my name is Benjamin and I was out there tonight. And I saw what it is that you did. I mean the way you talked to them policemen and all. Well, Mr. X, I want to be a Muslim. I mean, I ain't never seen a nigger, I mean, a colored person, a negro talk to no police like that.
Malcolm X: And you want to be a Muslim? You want to join the Nation of Islam.
Benjamin 2X: Yes, sir.
Malcolm X: Do you know what that means - to be a Muslim? Do you?
Benjamin 2X: Well, not exactly, but - but I want to be one. I mean, just like you.
Malcolm X: But you should never join any organization unless you know exactly what it's about.
Benjamin 2X: Thank you.
[starts to leave]
Malcolm X: You shouldn't give up so easily. We can use more young warriors like yourself.
Elijah Muhammad: lslam is the only religion that addresses the needs and the problems of the so-called Negro in America. Especially in the slums, in the ghettos. lslam is the only way out of drugs and crime and unemployment, prostitution, alcohol, gambling and adultery and fornication.
Malcolm X: I love you, Betty.
Betty Shabazz: I love you back.
Malcolm X: What do you think?
Betty Shabazz: l want to have a lot of babies with you. Dear heart. l love you.
Malcolm X: [public speech] You know, some people call this hate-teaching. This isn't hate-teaching. This is love-teaching. l wouldn't tell you this if l didn't love you. l wouldn't stick my neck out for you if l didn't love you.
Malcolm X: And the white people who have practiced white supremacy, try to hide their guilt by accusing the honorable Elijah Muhammad of being a black supremacist, simply because he's trying to uplift the mentality, the social and economic condition of his people. And the Jews who have been guilty of exploiting black people, for I don't know how long, try to hide their guilt by accusing the honorable Elijah Muhammad of being anti-Semitic, simply because he's trying to teach you and l - simply because he's trying to teach you and I to - to be in charge of the businesses in our own community. To own the businesses in our own community. To have economic leadership in our own community. No! No, this isn't black supremacy, this is black intelligence.
Malcolm X: The black people in this country have been the victims of violence at the hands of the American right wing for 400 years. Four hundred years. Four hundred years. And we thought by following those ignorant Negro preachers that it was God-like to turn the other cheek to the group that was brutalizing us. A hundred years ago, they used to put on white sheets and sic bloodhounds on us. Well, nowadays, they've traded in the sheets - well, some of them have traded in the sheets - they've traded in the sheets - please, please - they've traded in those white sheets for police uniforms. They traded in the bloodhounds for police dogs.
Malcolm X: You've got these Uncle Tom negro leaders today that tell us we ought to pray for our enemies. We ought to love our enemy. We ought to integrate with an enemy who bombs us, who kills and shoots us, who lynches us, who rapes our women and children. No! No! No! That's not intelligent! That's not intelligent!
Malcolm X: The honorable Elijah Muhammad is trying to teach you and l,that just as the white man and any other man, for that matter, on this earth, has the God-given right, the human right, the civil right, the natural right, and any other kind of i-right you can think of, to protect himself, just as this white man has the right to defend himself, we have the right to defend ourselves too. This is only natural. This is what the honorable Elijah Muhammad is trying to teach you and I. He's not teaching us to hate the white man. He's teaching us to love ourselves.
TV Host: Would you mind explaining for us the meaning of your name, which is the letter "X"?
Malcolm X: During slavery time, the slave master gave the negro - the so-called negro - named the so-called negro after themselves. The honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that once we come into the knowledge of lslam, the knowledge of ourselves, we replace our slave name with an "X". "X" in mathematics representing the unknown. Since we've been disconnected, or cut off from our own history, our own past, our own culture, our own land, we use the "X," the unknown, until we get back to our country.
Malcolm X: For the white man to ask the black man why he hates him, is like the wolf asking the sheep, or the rapist asking the raped, "Do you hate me?" The white man is in no moral position to accuse the black man of anything.
Malcolm X: What would you call an educated Negro with a BA or a MA or a BS or a PhD.? I'll tell you . You call him a nigger. That's what the white man calls him. A nigger.
Malcolm X: Yes, I said white people are devils.
Coed: Mr. X, Hi, I've read some of your speeches and I honestly believe that a lot of what you say is true. And I'm a good person in spite of what my ancestors did. I just - I wanted to ask you what can a white person like myself, who isn't prejudiced, what can I do to help you with and further your the cause?
Malcolm X: Nothing.
Malcolm X: "Father" only means that you're taking care of your children. That's what it is to be a father. "Father" doesn't mean that you're having some babies. Anybody can have a baby. Having a baby does not make you a father. Anybody can go out and get a woman. But not anybody can take care of that woman. There's another word for it. lt's called responsibility.
Betty Shabazz: Open your eyes. Open your eyes. You can face death 24 hours a day, but the possibility of betrayal never enters your head. Open your eyes.
Elijah Muhammad: After me, there will be no more. *No* more.
Malcolm X: My father used to say that... you can't make a rooster stop crowing once the sun has come up. Well, the sun is up.
Malcolm X: [public speech] So what do I say about this national day of mourning, so-called national day of mourning. I say the White Man's acts of violence should be condemned, not only by our beliefs, but by his own. Now the Holy Koran teaches us that those who work evil, will be condemned or punished or judged, according to their works. The Holy *Bible* teaches us that you reap what you sow. This is divine justice. Well, in the soil of the Americas the White Man has planted the seeds of hatred. He's planted the seeds of violence. He's allowed those weeds to, grow up and, choke the lives out of millions of black men and women for the last 400 years, in fact, the lives of lndians in these Americas for the last 500 years. And now those same weeds, have choked one of his own gardeners. In fact, his chief gardener. You ask me what l say. l only say what the Bible says. l say what the Koran says... l say it's justice.
Malcolm X: l don't think anybody here would deny that when you send chickens out in the morning from your barnyard, those chickens will return that evening to your barnyard, not your neighbor's barnyard. I think this is a prime example of the devil's chickens coming back home to roost. That the chickens that he sent out, the violence that he's perpetrated in other countries, here and abroad, four children in Birmingham, or Medgar Evers, or the mangrove in Africa. I think this same violence has come back to claim one of their own. Now, being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming home to roost never made me sad. ln fact, it's only made me glad.
Malcolm X: l'm not out to fight other negro leaders. As of this minute, l've forgotten every bad thing that other leaders have said about me and l also pray they forget the many bad things that l have said about them. We must work together. We must find a common solution to a common problem.
Malcolm X: Whites can help us, but they can't join us. There can't be black-white unity until there's first some black unity. We cannot think of uniting with others until we have first learned to unite amongst ourselves. We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.
Malcolm X: I'm from Harlem. From the United States. Harlem.
Egyptian: Harem?
Malcolm X: Harlem.
Egyptian: Harem?
Malcolm X: No, not Har-em. Har-lem.
Malcolm X: When you tell your people to stop being violent against my people, l'll tell my people to put away their guns.
Malcolm X: l don't want anybody frisked. We have to change our way of thinking, brother. We have to make people feel comfortable. If I can't be safe around my own kind, who can I be safe around? I trust that Allah will protect me.
Earl Little: Well, believing in Allah is one thing, but l also believe in being armed.
Malcolm X: Brother, we don't want black people killing each other.
FBI Agent: [listening to a phone tapped between Malcolm and Betty] Compared to King, this guy's a monk.
Brother Earl: Malcolm, what's wrong?
Malcolm X: lt's a time for martyrs now.
Martin Luther King: [archival footage] The assassination of, Malcolm X was an unfortunate tragedy. And it reveals that there are still, numerous people in our nation who have degenerated to the point of, expressing dissent through murder, and we haven't learned to disagree without being violently disagreeable.
Eulogy Performer: I say the word again as he would want me to: Afro-American. Afro-American Malcolm. Malcolm had stopped being "negro" years ago. It had become too small, too puny, too weak a word for him. Malcolm was bigger than that. Malcolm had become an Afro-American. And he wanted so desperately that we, that all his people would become Afro-Americans too.
School Teacher: Malcolm X is you, all of you. And you are Malcolm X.
Malcolm X: [laughing with Shorty while getting his hair conked] Yeah, well, if you can't take the heat get on out the kitchen.
Baines: You can't bust out of here, like they do in the movies. Because even if you get out you're still in prison.
Malcolm X: Yeah, you ain't lyin' there.
Chaplain Gill: [in response to Malcolm raising his hand] I can see this has become a struggle between good and evil. *Satan* has a question.
Malcolm X: [chuckles] Yes, sir, Chaplain Gill, but since neither one of us are God, I don't think either one of us are in any position to say who is good and who's evil.
Title Card: This film is based upon "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" as told to Alex Haley, and public records. Dialogue and certain events and characters contained in the film were created for the purposes of dramatization.
Malcolm X Quotes
Extended Reading