Machine Gun Preacher Quotes

  • Sam Childers: Why don't you fight the evil in this place your way, and let me fight it mine.

  • [first lines]

    Prison Clerk: [returning his belongings] You ya go.

    Sam Childers: You all go fuck yourselves now, okay?

  • Sam Childers: Bitch found Jesus.

    Donnie: No way. Better him than the milkman, right?

    Sam Childers: Not so sure about that.

  • Pastor Relling: In God's eyes, every man is a brother. And every soul is deserving of your Christian charity.

  • Deng: Are you military?

    Sam Childers: Hell no. I just like my guns.

  • Deng: Sam, there are too many. You can't help them all.

    Sam Childers: Well, I can take these ones here.

  • Lynn Childers: Got off your butt, stop your crying, and build it again.

  • Lynn Childers: [to Sam] You fight for everyone but us.

  • William: If we allow ourselves to be full of hate, then they've won. We must not let them take our hearts.

  • [last lines]

    Sam Childers: [guarding orphans] We're staying. Go on, get out of here.

  • Sam Childers: But God don't only call the good.I reckon every now and again he calls us sinners, too, and I was about as bad as they come.

  • Sam Childers: In your actions you give service to the Lord he's not interested in your good thoughts... your good intentions... he wants your hands... your backs... your sweat... your blood to pour into the foundation that will build up his kingdom!

  • Ben Hobbes: You're that preacher, ain't ya? Yeah, you him. I seen your face in the papers a few years ago. Called you the machine gun preacher, right?

    Sam Childers: Yeah.

    Ben Hobbes: [to his buddies] Told you this is the guy. Hot damn, I knew it. The paper's talking about you as some kind of a... an African Rambo or something, right?

    Sam Childers: If you don't mind, I'd just like to sit here right now.

    Ben Hobbes: You still helping them niggers over there? See, the way I figure it... the reason you're so interested in helping them porch monkeys is probably 'cause you throwing them in nigger ditches, ain't ya?

    [Sam elbows him in the face]