Lost Souls Quotes

  • John Townsend: God will forgive me. The transformation is near.

  • [first lines]

    Maya Larkin: Look at you. Come here. I told you, you've got to double-knot those things. One of these days we'll have to get you some zipper shoes.

  • [last lines]

    Peter Kelson: Maya, please, it's me. It's me. It's me.

  • Father James: All right, you shrieking harpies! Enough of that racket! Be off with you!

  • Sally Prescott: Where is your moral compass?

    Peter Kelson: I like to think I'm the actual needle on the compass. Morality is which way you're facing depending on the dilemma, but the needle, it always points north.

  • Maya Larkin: You're about to become the Antichrist who is born unholy and becomes the door to eternal suffering in this world.