[Dave gives Billy a piece of advice]
Dave: The wolves... if they're not already at your door... they're gonna be there very fucking soon. Pardon my French.
[Dave hands Billy a business card to a job offer]
Billy: What's this?
Dave: It's a job.
Billy: And where is that?
Dave: Well, it's... closer than somewhere over the rainbow. Let's put it that way. I think you'll like it.
[Billy joins Dave at the table to his Big Bad Wolf Club]
Billy: I don't really know what it is, but I like it.
Dave: Well, it's a place for people to get wild for the night. Fuck being polite.
[first lines]
Franky: [Franky walks out of his house mumbling to himself] I'm gonna have some soup. I'm gonna go eat dinner. Come on, I just wanna eat dinner.
[Rat asks Bones if he believes her about the spell]
Rat: [Rat whispering] Now you believe me about the spell?
Bones: [Bones whispering] No.
Rat: [Rat whispering] Well, you know, the only way to break it is to bring a piece to the surface.
[Bones takes his brother Frankie to Rat]
Bones: Can you watch Franky for me?
Rat: Why?
Bones: 'Cause I'm gonna break the spell.
[last lines]
Franky: [the Cab Driver puts Franky safely in his cab with the rest of his family] Can I close the door?
Cab Driver: You wanna close the door?
Franky: Yeah.
Cab Driver: This is your cab, okay?
Franky: Am I going to close it?
Cab Driver: Yeah, yeah, I close the door.
[Bones talks to his neighbor Skip who's moving away]
Bones: Think you'll ever come back?
Skip: Know what? Nobody's coming back. It's over with. Gotta get out of here. You gotta get out of here, too.
Bones: Yeah, well, as soon as I get my car fixed, I'll get outta here.
Skip: I don't wanna leave, but I wanna live. Look at this. I had a wonderful childhood. So far, a wonderful life. Just... Just sad what happened. Just sad what happened.
[Bully yells on the loudspeaker, as Bones steals copper from inside one of the abandoned buildings]
Bully: I put a sign up here that says, 'Don't let me see your fucking face near my motherfucking copper! This is my fucking copper! I own this fucking copper! I own this city! I own this copper! This is my fucking copper! I put a sign up here that says, 'Don't let me see your motherfucking face around here again! This is my country! This is my city! I own this fucking city! I put a sign up here that says, 'Don't let me see your motherfucking face around here again!' Welcome to Bullytown!
[Billy meets Dave, telling him of her financial situation]
Billy: Carl talked me into this loan. He told me that, um, he could get me into my grandmother's house for nothing and that I shouldn't be paying someone else's mortgage, and he didn't explain it to me, and I never understood it. And then a couple years later, the rates changed entirely, and I... he didn't explain...
Dave: [Dave cuts Billy off] Can I... Can I just... Can I just cut across you for a moment there, please? Listen... I, I am all ears, but you're gonna have to talk up a little bit, 'cause I am very deaf. This happens to be my good ear here, but all I heard then was, 'Mah, bluh, buh, blah, blah, blah, bluh, blah.' So, just... Whatever it was you just said, please, just a little louder. I can't quite hear it.
[Dave tells Billy the financial situation she's in]
Dave: Okay, Billy. We are in the middle of a very tight fiscal knot, and it's squeezing, and you are right in the middle of it. Now, you could pay your three months. You can walk away with some money. You could pay your three months and then pay more and more, and you can keep the house...
Billy: So I can?
Dave: If that's really what you wanna do. But, what can you do? What sort of work do you do?
Dave: [Billy doesn't reply] Well, that doesn't sound promising.
[Billy tells Dave why she wants to keep her house]
Billy: I have two boys, and that is our home, and... and I grew up in that home, and that is our home.
Dave: Look, I can make a note for you, right? I can write a fucking novel. But at the end of the day, you're gonna have to come up with some of this.
[Dave makes the motion of cash with his fingertips]
[Dave tells Billy she needs to do what she needs to do]
Dave: Now, I don't know what you can do, but you want to have a think about that very seriously. What you can do, what you're willing to do. And you're a very beautiful lady, and I don't care what you do. I'm not what I do. It's not who I am. Everyone's gotta do the Shimmy-Shimmy-Ya. You know, I got my little hustle. It's not who I fucking am. Believe me.
[Rat sings a song while laying in bed her pet Nick]
Rat: [Rat singing] Whisper, that you want me / And I'll, love you always / Truly, you will be mine / For eternity / Whisper, that you love me / That you'll never leave me / Be mine / For always / I'll be yours, forever / Truly, you will be mine / You will be my baby / Ooh-Ooh / Ooh, Ooh-Ooh / Ooh-Ooh-Ooh-Ooh, Ooh-Ooh / Ooh-Ooh
[Larry tells Bones that Bully is running everything]
Larry: Things ain't like it used to be, man. Bully running everything now. You're a dead motherfucker. You know he caught that boy up there on Saint Mary's, that little Chinese boy? Cut his goddamn lips off with a pair of scissors. You think that motherfucker looked funny in the beginning? You ought to see him now, Bones. No more copper. No more you, Bones.
[Bully talks about being like a bull in Bullytown]
Bully: [Bully narrating] You can't even see the woods from the trees, motherfucker. The only way to live is like a bull, to the wind, you know? When you put a bull to the wind, you know, there's something that happens with his eyes and his horns, and it's like Bullytown. You got to remember, man, blood is important to all of us, you know? You can't cheat death. You can't cheat life. You can't cheat anything, really. You never wanna let people down.
[Bones tells Rat that he found a road that leads underwater]
Bones: I found a road that goes underwater.
Rat: Where?
Bones: Behind the old zoo.
Rat: Must go down to that town.
Bones: What town?
Rat: You know, the town... at the bottom of the reservoir.
Bones: [Bones scoffs] That's crazy. What does that mean?
Rat: It's not really that crazy. They flooded a bunch of towns when they dammed the river. That's why they call this Lost River.
[Rat tells Bones about the spell over Lost River]
Rat: My grandmother used to live there. She hasn't been the same ever since. No one has. As soon as the last town was drowned... an evil spell was cast on Lost River.
Bones: I think you're making it up.
Rat: I'm not. That's why this whole place feels like it's underwater, too. It's true. Makes sense... everything that's going on around here. It's got to be for some reason.
[Billy tells the Cab Driver when handing him a paper towel from her bag]
Billy: I'm a mother. I can pull anything out of this bag.
[Billy arrives to the Big Bad Wolf Club when the MC on the microphone introduces Cat to the stage]
MC: Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, this is the moment you've all been itching for. Coming to our stage is a lady of letters, a woman not of substance, but above-stance. The 8th, 9th, and 10th wonders of the world. Now, you may recognize her from, 'Sadissmo,' 'Burn, Baby, Burn,' 'The Violent Ones,' or her stage production, 'The Beautiful, The Bloody, and The Bare.' Please put your hands together for the delightful, the delicious, and the de-lovely, pretty Miss Kitty Cat!
[the audience cheers and applauds]
[Billy meets Cat for the first time]
Cat: You like that stuff? Blood, guts, torture? Hmm?
[Billy tells Cat she doesn't have an act]
Cat: You don't have an act? You juggle?
Billy: No.
Cat: Tap dance?
Billy: No.
Cat: Ever pull a rabbit out of your hat?
Billy: No.
Cat: [Cat sighs, rolling her lips] How's your scream?
Billy: My scream?
Cat: Yeah.
Billy: Um...
Cat: Like, for bloody murder. I mean, a scream, you know?
[Cat screams her highest dramatic scream]
[the Cab Driver tells Billy about America]
Cab Driver: You know, in my country, in my place, when you heard about America, everybody say, 'There's so much money there,' and, 'You're gonna have a big car, big house, and a swimming pool,' and... and, 'You're gonna catch the money on the floor, and just have to take it and pick it up.' And finally it's different. But you realize when you arrive here, it's different. So, everybody's looking for a better life somewhere. It's like that. And maybe we'll find some... one day.
[Cat takes Billy to the Shells underneath the club]
Cat: You can make some good bread doing the shows, but down here is where you get it buttered.
[Cat tells Billy if the doors are locked to the Shells you're fine]
Billy: Is it dangerous?
Cat: Mm, if the door's locked, you're fine. Yeah. Doors locked, you're good.
Billy: How much does it pay?
Cat: It pays the rent.
[Bones tells his mother Billy that he's going out]
Bones: I'm going out.
Billy: You have to watch Franky.
Bones: Can you watch him?
Billy: I have to go to work!
Bones: Please?
[Rat tells Bones that Bully is trouble]
Rat: Why would you still something from Bully? Why would you do something that stupid?
Bones: 'Cause it was mine.
Rat: You can't steal from a guy like that.
Bones: Fuck, he stole from me. I mean...
Rat: Whether you stole from him or he stole from you, he's still gonna cut your head off. He's trouble. He'll hurt you.
[Rat asks Bones why doesn't he just leave]
Rat: Why don't you just get out of this place? What's keeping you here? You've got your car.
Bones: I mean, my Mom... still feels attached to the house, and Franky.
Rat: Is that what's keeping you here? Your Mom and Franky?
Bones: I don't know. What else... what else do I have?
[Bones asks Rat if she'll leave with him]
Bones: What about you?
Rat: What about me?
Bones: What if something happened, and we had to leave tomorrow? Would you come? Would you leave?
Rat: Me and you?
Bones: Yeah, me and you.
Rat: [Rat smiles] Maybe.
[Billy sees Cat watch over Franky backstage of the show, playing in the fake blood with him]
Cat: [Cat in a British accent] 'Mama... '
Franky: Mama.
Cat: 'We're having a bloody good time.'
Franky: We're having a 'bundy' good time.
Cat: Yes, we are. Bloody good. Bloody good.
[Bully tries dancing with Marylou outside the gas station]
Bully: What, you're not gonna say nothing to me?
Marylou a.k.a. Mama Aris: That I love you, baby.
Bully: I just asked you to dance with me. You're not even gonna answer me when I ask you to dance with me?
Marylou a.k.a. Mama Aris: I love you. Love to cut your head off.
[Bully tries talking to Rat outside the gas station]
Bully: What's your name?
Rat: Rat.
Bully: Rat?
Rat: Yeah.
Bully: Why?
Rat: Why is my name Rat?
Bully: Yeah.
Rat: 'Cause I've got a pet rat.
Bully: Oh, yeah? What's his name?
Rat: Nick.
Bully: Nick the rat?
[Bully asks to give Rat a ride home]
Bully: Want a ride home?
Rat: No, I'm all right. I'm pretty close to here, so...
Bully: Okay. I gotta take a piss anyway.
[Dave sings on stage at his club]
Dave: [Dave singing] All day I've faced the barren waste, without a taste of water / Cool water / Old Dan and I, with throats burned dry and so-o-uls that cry / For water / Cool... Clear... Water / Keep on movin', Dan, don't you listen to him, Dan / He's a devil, not a man / He spreads the burning sand with water / Dan, can you see that big, green tree / Where the water's running free, and it's waiting there for me and you / Co-o-o-l... Cle-e-e-ar... Water / Keep on movin', Dan, don't you listen to him, Dan / He's a devil, not a man / He spreads the burning sand with water / Dan, can you see that big, green tree / Where the water's running free, and it's waiting there for me and you / Co-o-o-l... Cle-e-e-ar... Water... Water... Cool... Clear... Water.
Dave: I need a drink after that one.
MC: [Dave walks off stage] By the way, he's also available for children's parties.
[Bully asks to touch Rat's pet rat Nick as she holds him]
Bully: Can I touch it?
Bully: [Bully pets Nick with one finger] Soft. Anybody ever touch your rat? No? That's the first time? Huh.
[as Bully pulls out his knife to begin cutting the rat to death]
[Billy tells Dave her problem with the Shells as he tells her his problem is sex]
Dave: You've seen the Shells, right?
Billy: Yeah. I'm a little claustrophobic, though, so I might have a problem. I'm not sure.
Dave: Yeah, well, I have a problem, too, you know? I like to fuck. That's my problem. And when I meet a bad bitch, it drives me crazy. Now, really, really... think about it.
Lost River Quotes
Extended Reading