Little Boy Quotes

  • [repeated line]

    James Busbee: Do you believe you can do this?

  • Pepper Flynt Busbee: Why wouldn't God want to bring my dad back?

    Fr. Crispin: I don't know.

    Pepper Flynt Busbee: But if I get enough faith, nothing's impossible, right?

  • Pepper Flynt Busbee: How could I get bigger faith?

    Fr. Crispin: [slams down a large Bible and extracts a small piece of paper] The list, the ancient list. For centuries, people believe that if you do this list, it'll make your faith powerful. This is what you have to do. Feed the hungry. Shelter the homeless. Visit those in prison. Clothe the naked.

    Pepper Flynt Busbee: Naked? How is that supposed to...

    Fr. Crispin: [pressing on] Visit the sick. Bury the dead. Oh, just one more thing. In order to make this list work for you, I'm gonna add one essential item.


    Pepper Flynt Busbee: "Befriend Hashimoto?" Are you crazy?

    Fr. Crispin: It's your choice, Pepper.

    Pepper Flynt Busbee: What does that Jap have to do with anything?

    Fr. Crispin: Everything. Your faith won't work if you have even the slightest bit of hatred in you.

    Pepper Flynt Busbee: Fine. I'll do it, if that's what it takes to bring my dad back.

  • Pepper Flynt Busbee: I need to end the war. My dad can't come back until it's over.

  • Fr. Crispin: If we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move the mountain. If we can move a mountain, nothing will be impossible for us. Not even with ending this war... and having our love one back.

    Ben Eagle Narrator: [thinking of the magician he had seen] I already knew someone who could move a mountain. I wondered if the source of his powers was the mustard seed.

  • [first lines]

    Ben Eagle Narrator: [narrating] This is O'Hare, California. Back then it was nothing more than a sleepy fishing village, with a hill at the end of Main Street. Like you see in postcards. My story takes place on the home front, in the midst of World War II. That's me, the little fella.

    Photographer: [motioning to the youngest]

    Little Boy: Closer?

    Freddy Fox: [ribbing him] Stop causing trouble, you midget.

    Ben Eagle Narrator: Nobody in that town liked me much.

    Photographer: One, two, three.


    Ben Eagle Narrator: I was eight years old. But the story really starts the day I met my dad. My only friend. My partner.

    Nurse Barbara: He's a boy!

    James Busbee: Wow! He's so...

    Nurse Barbara: What? Little?

    James Busbee: Well, he'll grow. Right?

  • Hashimoto: [holding Pepper's chin] Don't measure yourself from here to the floor. Measure yourself from here to the sky. That makes you the tallest boy in town.

  • Pepper Flynt Busbee: Why did they send you away to the camps?

    Emma Busbee: Pepper, that is not the kind of question you ask.

    Hashimoto: Mrs. Busbee, it's okay. It's simple. I have the face of the enemy. Doesn't matter if this is my home. Doesn't matter if I love this land, this country.

  • Hashimoto: So, tell me, Ollie, what happens when your imaginary friend works in his mysterious ways and his father dies?

    Fr. Crispin: Then my imaginary friend will also help him through it.

    Hashimoto: Tell the kid to stop. If he doesn't, he could lose faith in himself. That's what you should be worrying about.

  • Pepper Flynt Busbee: I think it was stupid of me to believe that a midget like me could bring my dad back with some stupid list.

    Hashimoto: It was not stupid. It takes courage to believe. Your father would be more than proud of you. All the love you have for him was contained in that list.

  • [last lines]

    Pepper Flynt Busbee: [upon reuniting with his dad] Partner! I got the boots you really wanted. It's me, partner.

    James Busbee: [receives the boy's hug] Partner.

Extended Reading
  • Lonzo 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    Everyone was a victim in the war, the boy played very well, happy ending, and finally burst into tears

  • Landen 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Your height is not the distance from the top of your head to the ground, but the distance from the top of your head to the sky.