Pete: Do you have another cameraman who can make her look like a natural blonde?
Lanie: I'm a TV personality. My hair is my trademark. Just like the "I don't like to shower" look is your trademark.
Deborah Conners: You... go.
Lanie: You mean like "you go girl"?
Deborah Conners: No. Just go.
Lanie: Well, I hope you're happy.
Pete: Define happiness.
Lanie: Your death.
Andrea: You're late.
Lanie: I'm not late. You're early.
Andrea: I ate cheese.
Cal: Is this you breaking up with me? Well will you think about it for a minute?
Lanie: A minute just seems like a really long time to waste.
Lanie: I met a homeless guy and he had a vision.
Cal: What like Espn?
Lanie: No, he had ESP! There's no N.
Lanie: Someone once said, live everyday as if it were your last cause one of these its gonna be. Jack was right a part of me did die that day the part of me that didn't know how to live. What does the future hold, Jack knows. But when I talk to him I make sure we only talk about sports and weather.
Jack: Watch your step on your way out.
[Lanie trips in a crack and breaks the heel off her shoe]
Lanie: Saw that in a vision, did you?
Jack: No. I trip in that crack all the time.
Pete: Did you ever hear the saying, "A picture holds a thousand words."
Lanie: That's only for people like you who don't know a thousand words.
Pete: I know two, and the first one begins with an "F".
Lanie: Oh, and if you had a week to live, what would you do?
Pete: I would, you know - I'd have sex with you.
Lanie: See...
Pete: Look, you know what? I don't know. If I was gonna die in a week, I would - I'd try and live every moment. I would go to see the people that mean the most to me, and I would try and memorize their face. And I would say to them all the things that I wanted to say, but have always been too afraid to.
Lanie: Things happen. Things you never see coming. And you think afterward: if I'd known this, would I've change things? Would I've done more? What would I be thinking? I need more time.
Life or Something Like It Quotes
Christophe 2022-05-11 22:32:06
live every day as the last
Alysson 2022-05-11 20:12:20
I cant get no satisfaction.....I LOVE IT!