Licence to Kill Quotes

  • James Bond: This is no place for you, Q. Go home.

    Q: Oh, don't be an idiot, 007. I know exactly what you're up to, and quite frankly, you're going to need my help. Remember, if it hadn't been for Q Branch, you'd have been dead long ago.

    [opens a case]

    Q: Everything for a man on holiday. Explosive alarm clock - guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it. Dentonite toothpaste - to be used sparingly, the latest in plastic explosive.

    James Bond: I could do with some plastic.

  • President Hector Lopez: There has been a mistake with my cheque. Look at it! It's *half* the usual amount.

    Franz Sanchez: You were very quiet when I was arrested. Remember, you're only president... for life.

    [El Presidente takes the cheque and leaves]

  • Franz Sanchez: Señor Bond, you got big cojones. You come here, to my place, without references, carrying a piece, throwing around a lot of money... but you should know something: nobody saw you come in, so nobody has to see you go out.

  • [Killifer, who took the bribe, is dangling on a rope over shark-infested water]

    Ed Killifer: There's $2 million in that suitcase. I'll split it with you.

    James Bond: [menacingly] You earned it. You keep it, Old Buddy!

    [Throws the case at him, knocking him into the water]

    Sharkey: God, what a terrible waste.

    [Bond glares at Sharkey]

    Sharkey: Of money.

    [Bond stops glaring]

  • Della Leiter: [kissing Bond] That's a custom, you see. The bride always gets to kiss her best man.

    James Bond: I thought it was the other way around.

    Della Leiter: Aww...

    [kisses him again]

    Della Leiter: Oh, James, would you mind? Felix is still in the study and we've got to cut this cake.

    James Bond: I'll do anything for a woman with a knife.

  • [M confronts Bond in Key West at the Hemingway House]

    M: You were supposed to be in Istanbul LAST NIGHT! I'm afraid this unfortunate Leiter business has


    M: clouded your judgment! *You have a job to do*! I expect you on a plane this afternoon!

    James Bond: I haven't finished here, sir.

    M: Leave it to the Americans! It's their mess. Let them clear it up.

    James Bond: SIR! They're not going to DO ANYTHING!

    James Bond: [calms down] I owe it to Leiter. He's put his life on the line for me many times.

    M: Oh SPARE ME this sentimental RUBBISH! He knew the risks.

    James Bond: And his WIFE?

    M: This private vendetta of yours could easily compromise Her Majesty's government. You have an assignment, and I expect you to carry it out *objectively* and *professionally*!

    James Bond: Then you have my resignation, sir!

    M: [incensed] We're not a country club, 007!


    M: Effective immediately, your licence to kill is revoked, and I require you to hand over your weapon. Now. I need hardly remind you that you're still bound by the Official Secrets Act.

    James Bond: I guess it's, uh... a farewell to arms.

  • James Bond: Pam, this is Q, my "uncle". Uncle, this is "Miss Kennedy," my "cousin."

    Q: Ah! We must be related.

    [kisses her]

  • [a fork lift truck bursts through a wall with a Heller impaled on the forks]

    Pam Bouvier: Oh, God, it's Heller.

    James Bond: Yeah. Looks like he came to a dead end.

    [explosions are heard]

    James Bond: Come on!

  • [Asked why he has a gun]

    James Bond: In my business you prepare for the unexpected.

    Franz Sanchez: And what business is that?

    James Bond: I help people with problems.

    Franz Sanchez: Problem solver.

    James Bond: More of a problem eliminator.

  • Franz Sanchez: In this business, there's a lot of cash. And a lot of people with their hands out.

    Kwang: In a word... bribery.

    Franz Sanchez: Exactly. He took the words right out of my pocket.

  • [Pam is dressed in a white robe, making her look like an angel]

    Dario: [slowly looks at her] Ha! Ha! Ha! You're dead!

    Pam Bouvier: [raises a gun] You took the words right out of my mouth!

    [shoots him]

  • [Sanchez has just blown up Milton Krest in a decompression chamber full of money, splattering blood all over it]

    Perez: What about the money, patron?

    Franz Sanchez: Launder it.

  • Truman-Lodge: [after two of the tanker trucks are destroyed] BRILLIANT! Well done, Franz! Another eighty-million dollar *write-off*!

    Sanchez: Then I guess it's time to start cutting overhead.

    [shoots him]

  • [Repeated line]

    Professor Joe Butcher: Bless your heart!

  • [their boat just died]

    Pam Bouvier: Out of Gas. I haven't heard that one in a long time.

    James Bond: Well, they must have hit the fuel line.

  • James Bond: [aiming the signiture gun at Sanchez's office window] Watch the birdy, you bastard.

  • Franz Sanchez: I want you to know this is nothing personal. It's purely business.

    Felix Leiter: Killifer?

    Ed Killifer: Sorry, old buddy, but two mil is a hell of a chunk of dough.

    Felix Leiter: [Felix is being lowered into a pool full of sharks] Killing me won't stop anything, Sanchez!

    Felix Leiter: There are worse things than dying, hombre.

    Felix Leiter: Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! See you in hell!

    Franz Sanchez: [laughs] No. Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

    Felix Leiter: Noooo!

  • [Leiter sees the traitor cop]

    Felix Leiter: Killifer?

    Ed Killifer: Sorry, ol' buddy, but two mil's a helluva chunk o' dough.

  • [after a gunfight with henchmen]

    Felix Leiter: [to Bond] Hey, observer! You trying to get yourself killed?

    James Bond: If I don't get you back in time for the wedding, I'm a dead man for sure!

  • [Sanchez and Krest have just discovered a lot of money in Krest's pressure chamber]

    Milton Krest: That's not my money, I swear!

    Franz Sanchez: That's right, amigo. It's mine!

    Franz Sanchez: [grabs Krest] You think I'm stupid! HUH! You rip me off then use my own money to PAY someone to KILL ME? You want it so bad? Then TAKE IT!

    [kicks Krest into the pressure chamber]

  • [Sanchez is about to put Bond onto a conveyor leading to a cocaine grinder]

    Franz Sanchez: When it gets up to your ankles, you're going to beg to tell me everything. When it gets up to your knees, you'll kiss my ass to kill you.

  • James Bond: [after seeing whip marks on Lupe's back] You'd better find yourself a new lover.

    Lupe Lamora: Don't you men know any other way?

    James Bond: It's Sanchez's way. You seem to like it.

    Lupe Lamora: You know nothing. Please go. If they find you here, we'll both be killed.

  • Franz Sanchez: Drug dealers of the world, unite!

  • Ed Killifer: Freeze! Over by the trap door, old buddy.

    James Bond: Is this where you put your old buddy Felix?

    Ed Killifer: Not me. Chalk that one up to Sanchez and Krest.

  • [Bond points a harpoon at the man who killed Sharkey]

    James Bond: Compliments of Sharkey!

    [shoots him]

  • [Sanchez is about to kill James]

    Franz Sanchez: You could have had everything.

    James Bond: Don't you want to know why?

    [Shows Sanchez Felix's lighter, then sets Sanchez on fire]

  • Franz Sanchez: [after telling Krest to keep his mistress on his boat] Hey. No fooling around with my girl.

    Milton Krest: Are you kidding? After what you did to that guy in the Islands?

    Franz Sanchez: You liked my little Valentine, huh?

  • James Bond: [Pam kisses Bond] Why don't you wait until you're asked?

    Pam Bouvier: Why don't you ask me?

    [kisses Bond again]

  • [last lines]

    [Bond kisses Pam after jumping into a swimming pool after her]

    Pam Bouvier: Why don't you wait until you're asked?

    James Bond: So why don't you ask me?

  • [first lines]

    AWACS radar operator: We have a mid-course deviation. Target heading 036, 126 miles, bearing 062, Havana VOR.

    Voice of DEA agent: He's landing at Cray Key. Advise Key West Drug Enforcement.

    AWACS radar operator: Roger, sir. AWACS to Key West. Key West Drug Enforcement, please come in.

    Voice of DEA agent: If they hurry, they just might be able to grab the bastard.

  • Felix Leiter: Where's my wife?

    Dario: Don't worry. We gave her a nice Honeymooooon.

  • Hawkins: Local cops got a tip about a warehouse last night. Turned up 500 keys of Colombian pure, couple of stiffs, and a little bit of piece of what used to be Killifer.

    James Bond: Good. At least someone's on the case.

    Hawkins: You may be a pal of Leiter's, but I can only cover up so much. The DEA is screaming to know what happened. You know, we... we've got laws in this country, too.

    James Bond: Do you have a law against what they did to Leiter?

    [a couple of men arrive to escort Bond]

    Hawkins: Look... you're in over your head. This is where it ends, Commander.

  • [James Bond reluctantly takes Della's garter]

    Della Leiter: Did I say something wrong?

    Felix Leiter: He was married once. But it was a long time ago.

  • [Heller takes an arsenal case, only to be caught by a suspicious Sanchez]

    Heller: Hey. I was making sure these were secure.

    Sanchez: It's a good idea. Take them up to my car.

    Heller: Of course.

  • [Sharkey asks about Felix]

    Sharkey: How is he?

    James Bond: His left leg's gone below the knee. But they might be able to save his arm.

    Rasmussen: You can bet it was a chainsaw. Colombians love to use them on informers. Hell, they sell more here than the state of Oregon.

    [Rasmussen leaves]

    Sharkey: Chainsaw my ass. I know a shark bite when I see one.

  • [a couple of divers arrive with Sharkey's corpse]

    Milton Krest: Nice work, Clive.

    Clive: Thanks, Mr. Krest. Guest what? His name was Sharkey.

  • [Pam saves Bond from Dario, who is then violently decimated in a crushing machine]

    Pam Bouvier: Are you all right?


  • Felix Leiter: There's only one law down there. Sanchez's Law! Plomo o Plata.

    James Bond: [nodding] Lead or Silver.

  • [after Bond has introduced Pam as his executive secretary Miss Kennedy]

    Pam Bouvier: It's *Ms. Kennedy*. And why can't you be *my* executive secretary?

    James Bond: We're south of the border. It's a man's world.

  • James Bond: Bond, James Bond

  • [Kwang and his Hong Kong agents have captured Bond]

    Kwang: Who would have a signature gun?

    Fallon: James Bond.

    [examines the gun]

    Fallon: This is the property of Her Majesty's Government. How did *you* get it?

    James Bond: Piss off!

    Kwang: Who ordered you to kill Sanchez?

    Fallon: No one! He's a rogue agent. I've got orders to bring him back one way or another.

    Kwang: We're Hong Kong Narcotics, you BASTARD!

    [grabs Bond]

    Kwang: Sanchez is taking us to the heart of his operations. I've been setting it up for years!


    Kwang: I just hope that little stunt of yours hasn't scared him off!

    James Bond: [Sanchez' army is at the hideout] Get me out of these bloody things!

    Fallon: No, Commander. You're a loose cannon on deck.

    [prepares syringe]

    Fallon: I'm shipping you straight back to London.

    [Bond struggles until Sanchez' army attacks]

  • James Bond: Miss Kennedy would you get me a medium-dry Vodka Martini?

    Pam Bouvier: Why don't you ask...

    James Bond: Shaken! Not stirred.

  • [Bond heads for Pam's bedroom]

    James Bond: Good night, Q.

    Pam Bouvier: Sweet dreams, Mr. Bond.

    [closes the door on him]

    James Bond: [sighing] I hope you don't snore, Q.

  • Hawkins: [after checking an airplane] No Sanchez.

    Felix Leiter: Damn!

  • [Sanchez and his men have caught Lupe in bed with another man]

    Franz Sanchez: [to Lupe] What did he promise you? His heart?

    [to Dario]

    Franz Sanchez: Give her his heart!

    [Dario pulls a knife]

    Lupe Lamora: [as the man is being removed] No. No Franz. I didn't mean any harm.

    Franz Sanchez: It's okay, baby. No te preocupes. We all make mistakes.

    [produces a whip]

    Franz Sanchez: Your escapades are getting more creative.

    Lupe Lamora: Por favor, Franz.

    Franz Sanchez: Not a word.

    [Sanchez whips her while Dario cuts out her lover's heart]

  • Heller: I can get the trucks out! But I don't think I can control the fire!

    Franz Sanchez: Forget the fire! Get some cars, we're gonna take the tankers with us!

    Truman-Lodge: Wait a minute! This setup cost us $32 million! We've got to try and save it!

    Franz Sanchez: I don't give a SHIT about the setup! We've got $500 million in the case, and 20 tonnes of Colombian pure IN THE TANKERS! Now GO HELP HELLER!

    Truman-Lodge: But we've got a deal with the Orientals. We've got their money.

    Franz Sanchez: I said GO HELP HELLER!

  • Pam Bouvier: [Mocking Lupe Lamora] "I love James so much."

    [Normal voice]

    Pam Bouvier: I'll be damned if I help him!

    Q: Look, don't judge him too harshly, my dear. Field operatives must often use every means at their disposal to achieve their objectives.

    Pam Bouvier: Bullshit!

  • Heller: [Bond has just told Sanchez that those who tried to kill him probably came from within his own organization, and that Bond knows this because he used to work for the British government] You're not going to believe who this guy is.

    Franz Sanchez: Former British agent.

    Heller: [Surprised] How did you know that?

    Franz Sanchez: [Smiles] Because I know things.

    [Demeanour changes]

    Franz Sanchez: I want to meet Krest's boat tonight. We'll need a dozen reliable men.

    Heller: Is there a problem with Krest?

    Franz Sanchez: We'll see. And bring Lupe, she was there. He's not going to lie in front of her.

  • Pam Bouvier: [Pam picks up X Ray Camera and turns it on] Smile, boys.

    Q: [X Ray Camera turns on and laser is pointed at painting and 007 and Q jump out of the way] DON'T USE THE FLASH!

    Q: [X Ray Camera takes the photo but it shows their bones and that of the painting]

    [Q takes the X Ray Camera away from Pam]

    Q: Stop *fiddling* around with things you don't understand you might have easily killed him!

    Pam Bouvier: [Pam looks at photo] That's Odd...

    [Q takes photo away from her]

  • Ticket Agent: [At the Pan Am ticket counter] Your passport please.

    James Bond: What's going on?

    Ticket Agent: Some big drug dealer just escaped. Now, will that be smoking or non-smoking, mister...?

    [Bond leaves quickly]

    Ticket Agent: Your ticket!

  • Dario: La Senorita Bouvier, don't I know you from somewhere?

    Pam Bouvier: No.

    Dario: Oh, yes I do. You used to fly charter planes for some friends of mine. I got a job for you.

    [Dario grabs her arm]

    Dario: Why don't we go outside and we talk in private.

    James Bond: Take your hands off her! She's with me.

    Dario: Nobody's asking you gringo.

    Pam Bouvier: [she has a shotgun aimed at his groin] He's with *me*! Keep your hands on the table!

  • James Bond: You're bloody lucky to be alive!

    Pam Bouvier: Its not luck, its experience.

  • Pam Bouvier: Look, I just saved your life back there! If it wasn't for me your ass would have been nailed to the wall.

    James Bond: You saved *my life*?

    Pam Bouvier: YES!

    James Bond: It's a tough business you picked, Miss Bouvier. Leave it to the professionals!

    Pam Bouvier: Look, pal, I was an *Army pilot*! I have flown to the toughest hell-holes in South America and I will *not* have you lecture *me* about PROFESSIONALISM!

  • Hotel Assistant Manager: This is the master bedroom. I hope everything is satisfactory, Señor?

    James Bond: It's adequate. I'd like a case of champagne, Bollinger R.D.

    Hotel Assistant Manager: Certainly, Señor.

  • Franz Sanchez: [Looking through Bond's passport] Well-traveled man.

  • Hotel Assistant Manager: Ah, Señor Bond. You'll be pleased to know your Uncle has arrived. I put him in your suite.

    James Bond: Thank you.

    [Walks away from Hotel's Front Desk]

    Pam Bouvier: Your Uncle?

    James Bond: Let's make this a proper family reunion. Give me your gun.

  • Franz Sanchez: Everyone and his brother is on the payroll. So, you - buy a mayor, chief of police, generals, presidents. One day you wake up and you own the whole god damn country. Then you take what you want. Banks. Government Casino. Airline concession. Why? Simple. It's easier for the politicians to take silver, than lead.

  • Ed Killifer: You're facin' 139 felony counts, Sanchez. Why, that's 936 years! Even one of your famous million dollar bribes can't get you out of this one.

    Franz Sanchez: Two.

    Ed Killifer: What?

    Franz Sanchez: Two million.

  • Milton Krest: You caused us all a lot of trouble, young lady.

    Lupe Lamora: You're borracho. Go to bed.

  • Milton Krest: You better watch yourself, girlie. I've known him a long time. I've seen a lot of girls like you come - and go.

    Lupe Lamora: You're drunk. Get out! And stop peeking through my windows.

  • James Bond: Who whipped you? Sanchez?

    Lupe Lamora: It was my fault. I did something wrong, made him angry.

  • Barrelhead Waitress: Here we go. Two beers. That'll be $3.50. Do your friends want something?

  • Pam Bouvier: Just fly me in and leave. $50,000.

    Pam Bouvier: It's not that easy! False flight plans, payoffs at Isthmus City Airport. I can't do a job like that for less than 100.

    James Bond: 60.

    Pam Bouvier: 90.

    James Bond: 70.

    Pam Bouvier: 80.

    James Bond: 75.

    Pam Bouvier: You pay the fuel.

    James Bond: You get the plane.

    Pam Bouvier: Deal.


  • James Bond: [to Pam] If you're going to stay and be my executive secretary, you'd better look the part. Here. Buy yourself some decent clothes.

  • James Bond: Where's Sanchez?

    Lupe Lamora: Upstairs in his office. He's been there all day. He's planning a big party for some Orientals tomorrow night.

    James Bond: And what did you tell him about the Wavekrest?

    Lupe Lamora: Nothing. Now go.

    James Bond: Take me to him.

    Lupe Lamora: You loco? You'll get us both killed.

  • Professor Joe Butcher: Anyone who sends in a $100 pledge or more will receive a personally autographed copy of my book, "The Secrets of Cone Power Revealed."

  • James Bond: Your job's done. Take Q and fly out of here now. I'll make my own way back.

    Pam Bouvier: I'd like to stay.

    James Bond: No. I work better alone.

  • Franz Sanchez: We have an invisible empire from Chile to Alaska. What I want to do, amigos, is to make you part of it. I want the Pacific to be our little puddle.

  • James Bond: I used to work for the British government. We kept dossiers on such people.

    Franz Sanchez: British agent. I knew it. You have class.

  • Pam Bouvier: Aren't you coming?

    James Bond: No. They'll be after me. It'll be safer on my own.

  • Lupe Lamora: What's gonna happen to us?

    James Bond: Don't worry. When this is all over, I'll make sure you get back home.

    Lupe Lamora: Home? It took me 15 years to get away from there. I don't wanna go back. Can't we leave together? I'll be safe with you.


    James Bond: No, Lupe. I don't think that would work out.

    Lupe Lamora: How can we tell unless we try?


    Lupe Lamora: I think it's gonna work out very well.


  • Professor Joe Butcher: This is my humble sanctuary away from the cares of the world.

    Pam Bouvier: Your own private meditation chamber.

    Professor Joe Butcher: Built from the sacred rocks of the original temple.

    [Pam seductively lies down on the bed]

    Professor Joe Butcher: I did have it soundproofed, so nothing will disturb our - "meditation."

  • Franz Sanchez: Now, do you want to make this hard or easy?

Extended Reading
  • Bill 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    Not bad, not so bad. Bond is a human, not a superman.

  • Jed 2022-04-23 07:02:07

    Continue to reverse 007