Let the Right One In Quotes

  • Lacke: Thank you again for another evening steeped in merriment and friendship.

  • Oskar: Are you a vampire?

    Eli: I live off blood... Yes.

    Oskar: Are you... dead?

    Eli: No. Can't you tell?

    Oskar: But... Are you old?

    Eli: I'm twelve. But I've been twelve for a long time.

  • Oskar: How old are you?

    Eli: Twelve... more or less.

    Eli: What about you?

    Oskar: Twelve years, eight months and nine days. What do you mean, "more or less"?

    Oskar: When's your birthday?

    Eli: I don't know.

    Oskar: Don't you celebrate your birthday? Your parents... they've got to know.

    Eli: [Eli looks down on the ground]

    Oskar: Then you don't get any birthday presents, do you?

    Eli: No.

  • Eli: [standing outside the door] You have to invite me in.

    Oskar: What happens if I don't? What happens if you walk in anyway?

    [feels the air between himself and Eli]

    Oskar: Is there something in the way?

  • Oskar: Who are you?

    Eli: I'm like you.

    Oskar: What do you mean?

    Eli: [accusing tone] What are you staring at? Well?

    Eli: Are you looking at me?

    Eli: [points her finger at Oskar] So scream! Squeal!

    Eli: Those were the first words I heard you say.

    Oskar: I don't kill people.

    Eli: No, but you'd like to. If you could... To get revenge. Right?

    Oskar: Yes.

    Eli: Oskar, I do it because I have to.

    Eli: Be me, for a while.


    Eli: Please Oskar... Be me, for a little while.

  • Jimmy: You stay under water for three minutes. If you can do it, I'll just nick you.

    [brandishes switchblade]

    Jimmy: But if you can't, I'll poke one of your eyes out. An eye for an ear, right?

  • [first lines]

    Oskar: Squeal like a pig. So, squeal.

  • Eli: Oskar... Do you like me?

    Oskar: Yeah, a lot.

    Eli: If I wasn't a girl... would you like me anyway?

    Oskar: I suppose so.

  • Eli: I'm twelve. But I've been twelve for a long time.

  • Oskar: Eli... Can you and I be together?

    Eli: What do you mean?

    Oskar: Well... Will you be my girlfriend?

    Eli: Oskar... I'm not a girl.

    Oskar: You're not?


    Oskar: Can we be together?

    Eli: Can't we just be how we are?

    Oskar: I guess...

    Eli: Do you do something special if you're "together"?

    Oskar: No.

    Eli: We stay just as we were?

    Oskar: Yes.

    Eli: Then I agree...

    Oskar: What?

    Eli: We can be "together".

    Oskar: Really?

    Eli: [Whispers] Yes.

    Oskar: Good.

  • [last lines]

    Martin: Let's go, Conny.

    Jimmy: I told you to shut up!