Michael: I knew He'd send you, Gabriel... You were always so eager to please Him.
Gabriel: Unlike you... The rebellious son.
Gladys Foster: [Charlie brings Gladys' steak to her table] Oh, thank you dear. How far along are you?
Charlie: Oh, just about there.
Gladys Foster: The father must be very proud.
Charlie: Nah I wouldn't know.
Gladys Foster: He's?
Charlie: Out of sight, out of mind.
Gladys Foster: I see...
[Charlie tries to wave the flies away from the steak]
Gladys Foster: So I take it you're not married.
Charlie: No.
Gladys Foster: That's too bad.
Charlie: No. Yeah I prefer it that way. I don't need a man telling me what to do.
Gladys Foster: But what about the baby?
Charlie: I got it under control.
Gladys Foster: But it's gonna burn.
Charlie: [pauses, staring at Gladys] What did you just say?
Gladys Foster: I said your fucking baby's gonna burn.
[the whole diner stares in stunned silence]
Charlie: Go to hell, lady!
[Charlie slams the bill on the table and storms off to the kitchen]
Charlie: [Charlie says to Jeep and Bob] Fucking Jesus freak!
Bob Hanson: What happened?
Gladys Foster: [chuckling as she begins to eat her steak] All those little babies are gonna burn!
Percy Walker: [trying to get Gladys to quiet down] Ho... Ho...
Minivan Boy: Don't be afraid. I just want to play with the baby.
Gabriel: This can't be. You've disobeyed Him.
Michael: You gave Him what he asked for. I gave Him what He needed.
Gabriel: [Michael has just spared Gabriel] I would not have shown you such mercy.
Michael: I know. That's why you failed Him.
Bob Hanson: You know this is crazy, right? I mean... I don't even believe in God.
Michael: Well, that's just fine, Bob. He doesn't believe in you either.
Michael: When God chose your kind as the object of His love, I was the first in all of heaven to bow down before you. My love, my hope for mankind was no less than His. But I have watched you trample that gift. I have watched you kill each other over race and greed... waging war over dust and rubble and the words in old books. And yet, in the midst of all this darkness, I see some people who will not be bowed. I see some people who will not give up, even when they know all hope is lost. Some people, who realize being lost is so close to being found. I see you, Jeep. Fifteen years old, your mother leaves. Your father withdraws from the world and you spend the next five years of your young life helping him find his way home. You love a woman who bears the child of another and you love her with no thought of yourself, even though you know she may never love you the way you love her. You, Jeep... you are the reason I still have faith.
Howard Anderson: Audrey? Honey? Your mother was wondering if you got dressed this morning with the specific intention of showing your ass off to the entire world.
Audrey Anderson: You know that's because I woke up hoping to get double-teamed by a couple of meth-head truckers in some bathroom of a desert shithole. It's a good thing we got stuck here.
Howard Anderson: I feel satisfied with that answer. I really do.
Sandra Anderson: I'm being punished for something. I know it.
Kyle Williams: [shouting] Who the fuck is this old lady?
Bob Hanson: [examining Gladys' dead body] Jesus, she's burning up. How is that possible? She's been dead for an hour.
Kyle Williams: I don't give a fuck how long she been dead - the bitch just walked on the ceiling. She ain't staying in here.
Bob Hanson: Where are the flies?
Kyle Williams: How am I supposed to know? You're asking me to explain the behavior of a muthafuckin' pestilence?
Michael: Alright, there's a safety switch on the side of your weapon, you won't be needing it. Push it all the way down, two clicks. Now when this starts, you hold on tight. Otherwise you're gonna blow your hand off.
Percy Walker: [Everyone looks at Percy, who has a prosthetic hand] What the fuck y'all lookin' at me for?
[first title card]
Title Card: "Come, ye Children, Listen to Me. I will Teach You the Fear of the Lord" Psalm 34:11
[first lines]
Charlie: [voice-over] When I was a little girl, my mother would remind me each night before bed, to open up my heart to God, for He was kind, merciful, and just. Things changed when my father left a few years later, leaving her to raise me and my brothers in a place on the edge of the Mojave Desert. She never talked of a kind and merciful God again. Instead she spoke of a prophecy. Of a time when all the world would be covered in darkness and the fate of mankind would be decided. One night, I finally got the courage to ask my mother why God had changed, why He was so mad at His children. "I don't know," she said, tucking the covers around me, "I guess He just got tired of all the bullshit."
Percy Walker: When I was a kid, my father would sit by my bed every night before I went to sleep. And he's say to me, "Percy, if you don't wake up tomorrow, if it turns out that today is your last day on earth. Will you be proud of what you've done in this life? Because if you ain't, you better start getting square."
Michael: I knew he'd send you Gabriel, you were always so eager to please him.
Gabriel: Unlike you.
Michael: [inserts magazine into assault rifle] Listen. I simply don't care what you people believe. And those things outside, they don't care either, they just want the child dead. Now, this first attack was a test of our strength, the next will be a test of our weakness. Now, we can sit here and discuss it or you can try to help me. But believe me, something much worse is on the way.
[racks assault rifle]
Gabriel: This is not your test, Michael. How dare you presume to know His heart?
Michael: [putting a hand to his chest] Because He made this one. And it tells me He shouldn't lose faith now.
Gabriel: They have brought this judgment on themselves.
Michael: They are just lost. It is our duty to guide them.
Michael: Tell me, Gabriel. Do you wish to be the son who gives his father what he asks for, or what he needs?
Michael: Now at least the child will have a chance to grow up. A chance to lead the world out of darkness.
Charlie: What happens until then?
Michael: You need to show him how.
Charlie: What makes you think I can do that? What makes you think I want to do that? If he's so important, why don't you take him?
Michael: Because this journey is yours.
Michael: The last time God lost faith in Man, He sent a flood. This time, He sent what you see outside.
Percy Walker: Are you saying this is the apocalypse?
Michael: I'm saying this is an extermination.
Charlie: Wait, wait a minute, this can't be happening to me. I'm nobody. I'm just a waitress! I don't even own a car.
Percy Walker: I knew this day was coming. I just didn't think I'd be round to see it.
Bob Hanson: Come on, Percy. What are we even talkin bout this for? Angels and possessed people? It's not real! It's...
Percy Walker: Have you looked outside, Bob? I mean, those people aren't exactly are regular customers.
Howard Anderson: [father dying of his wounds, smiling to his teenage daughter, as he hears the monster ice man coming] Audrey. Honey, listen. It's the ice cream man.
Gladys Foster: Shut up, you stupid fucking cunt! All you do is complain, complain, complain!
Legion Quotes
Dannie 2021-12-16 08:01:03
God is a speculator. The archangels are all muscular men. The Virgin Mary wants to kill Jesus. Humans can shoot angels.
Deron 2022-03-24 09:02:00
I was deceived by the trailer... (The reason for 2 stars, there is 1 star is to commemorate the 500 rounds of blank bombs fired in the film ~ MD)