Legend Quotes

  • [first lines]

    Frances Shea: London in the 1960s. Everyone had a story about the Krays. You could walk into any pub to hear a lie or two about them. But I was there and Im not careless with the truth. They were brothers, but bound by more than blood. They were twins as well, counterparts. Gangster princes of the city they meant to conquer. Ron Kray was a one-man London mob. Bloodthirsty, illogical, and funny as well. My Reggie was different. Once in a lifetime do you find a street-fighting man like Reg. Believe me when I say it took a lot of love for me to hate him the way I do.

  • Ronald Kray: Me and my brother, we're gonna rule London!

  • Frances Shea: You could go straight...

    Reggie Kray: Life isn't always what we want it to be.

  • Ronald Kray: You hit me.

    Reggie Kray: Yeah.


    Ronald Kray: Right!

    [hits back]

  • Angelo Bruno: [to Reggie] I'm glad we could make a deal.

    [to Ronnie]

    Angelo Bruno: You should come to Philly some time. You see what you want ad we'll get it for you. Any shape any size. A nice Italian girl, huh?

    [Nudges Ronnie]

    Angelo Bruno: A little spaghetti and meatballs...?

    Ronald Kray: I prefer boys.

    Angelo Bruno: Come again? I didn't get that.

    Ronald Kray: I prefer boys. Italian. Greek.

    [the room goes quiet]

    Ronald Kray: But I'm not prejudiced, I've had Negroes. I even had Tahitian once, who I bent up like a pretzel, yeah, I really fucking hurt him...

    [Am uncomfortable pause, Bruno suddenly bursts out laughing]

    Angelo Bruno: You got some fucking balls on you, kid! That takes a lot of guts to admit that. Bravo, kiddo!

    [Looking around]

    Angelo Bruno: Huh? Am I right? Bravo!

  • Ronald Kray: We're talking about being gangsters, that's what we are!

  • Ronald Kray: Yeah... You're not laughing now, are you?

  • Ronald Kray: You're not afraid of anything?

    Reggie Kray: Oh, only myself you know... and *you*

    Ronald Kray: Um.


    Ronald Kray: Yeah

  • Ronald Kray: Blood is thicker than water!

  • Reggie Kray: [pointing at his twin] Listen to yourself Ron... YOU'RE FUCKING NUTS!

  • Dr. Humphries: ...Your brother is arbitrary, violent and psychopathic. Probably paranoid schizophrenic. What I'm trying to tell you is, he's off his fucking rocker.

    [thrusts a bottle of pills to Reggie]

    Dr. Humphries: It's called Stematol. You need to give it to your brother twice a day. Twice a day or there's going to be fucking trouble!

  • Ronald Kray: [on his twin stabbing Jack] Why would you do that?

    Reggie Kray: [walks up so he is pressing his forehead against his twin] Because I CAN'T KILL YOU! No matter how much I fucking want to!

  • Reggie Kray: What exactly are you asking me to do, Mr Bruno?

    Angelo Bruno: I'm asking you to do something about Ron.

    Reggie Kray: [the words weigh heavy in the room, Reggie never takes his eyes off Bruno. Finally...] I can't do that. He's my brother.

    Angelo Bruno: [Bruno just smiles, let's it go like it was nothing] Okay...

  • Reggie Kray: My loyalty to my brother is how I measure myself

    Frances Shea: What about your loyalty to me?

  • Jack 'The Hat' McVitie: [after being hit] Fuck


  • Ronald Kray: [on his sexuality] I'm a giver... not a receiver... I am NOT a FAGGOT

  • Mike Jobber: Get someone to clean that fucking toilet, it stinks in there

    Pig & Whistle Barman: I keep telling her, but it's not my fault I can't get her to clean it for me, what are you having?

    Mike Jobber: Um

    Pig & Whistle Barman: [notices the Kray twins walk into the bar] Never mind, they just walked in

    Reggie Kray: Alright, can I have two Guinesses please?

    Pig & Whistle Barman: Hang on a minute Reg, just gonna go down and change the barrel

    [hides inside the basement anticipating a fight]

    Mike Jobber: Reg, Ron. The Richardsons were unexpectedly engaged, so we're gonna look after you

    Reggie Kray: Ah, it's alright, the landlord's gonna change the barrel for me. Don't mind if I pour myself a pint, would ya?

    Ronald Kray: [Notices a weapon held by one of the mob] What is that?

    Mike Jobber: Yeah what do you think, poof? It's a fucking tool

    Ronald Kray: No it's not it's a fucking rolling pin. What are you, Fanny Craddock? What are you doing with that? Gonna bake me a cake? Sing me a song whilst I blow out me fucking candles?

    Ronald Kray: [Lifts jacket, mimicking two guns in his pockets] I come here for a fucking shootout. A proper shootout with some proper men. Like Colonel Custer and Geronimo, you ever heard of them? No. Cause you're too busy in your pinny baking fucking fairy cakes, weren't ya?

    Ronald Kray: [Turns to Reggie] Reg. This lot are fucking nonces to a man, they're fucking nonces. Get out of me fucking way, go on, get out, go on, fuck off. Call yourself a fucking gangster.

    Ronald Kray: [Turns round angrily before walking out of the pub in a rage] A SHOOTOUT, RIGHT, IS A FUCKING SHOOTOUT! Like a western. WANKERS! Fucking embarrassing, waste of my time. FUCKING waste of my time!

    Mike Jobber: Well your brother's done a runner

    Reggie Kray: Nah he's just genuinely disappointed with you, that's all.

  • Reggie Kray: A paranoid schizophrenic walks into a bar...

  • Reggie Kray: [Grasping his injured genitals] Never mess with a man's jewels, mate!

  • Frances Shea: God doesn't ask if we accept this life. There is no choice. Life is forced upon you. The only choice is how we live it. Or not. That's a choice as well.

  • Frances Shea: A cup of tea can solve anything. Bit under the weather? Tea. You left you husband? Tea is the answer.

  • Frances Shea: What do you, after all, when the only person that can ever get to you is gone? cup of tea? I don't think so.

  • Ronald Kray: [to Frances's mum] You fuckin' sing!

  • Ronald Kray: People who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.

  • Ronald Kray: ...And I'm staring at the back of this geezer's head. Drilling him with my eyes. The whole time thinking "Give Ron Kray your sausage. Give Ron your fucking sausage." Until, I'm not thinking it anymore; I'm broadcasting , through his skull and into his brain. 'Til he looks back at me and says "Ron, do you fancy my sausage? I've got no appetite this morning."

    [pauses to let it sink in]

    Ronald Kray: Interesting...

    Frances Shea: [Voice Over] When my future brother-in-law said "Interesting", it meant he had no fucking idea what he, you or anybody else was talking about.

  • Leslie Payne: ...The world could be our oyster!

    Ronald Kray: Payne. You say WE a lot. You also say OUR a lot

    Leslie Payne: Do I?

    Ronald Kray: My question is, Is your last name Kray?

    Leslie Payne: You take the pearls Ron, I'm perfectly happy with the soft bits.

  • Frank Shea: You've got glamour, Frances. You're like an East End starlet.

    Mrs Shea: East End harlot's, more like it.

  • Frances Shea: [to Ron] You know, one of these days, Ron Kray, your miserable life will swallow you whole.

  • Ronald Kray: [to Frances] I'm sorry, all right? Yes. I'm truly very sorry the club's very, very empty. A bit like you, really. There's fuck-all in it, apart from my brother's cock.

  • Nipper Read: [watching from stake out] Some are born to be Ronnie Kray, and some have Ronnie Kray thrust upon them.

  • Reggie Kray: [to cop] The difference between us, right, apart from, you know, the obvious, and that is that I, right, I work for me. And you, well, you work for them.

  • Frances Shea: [narrating] We honeymooned in Greece. The Parthenon had stood for 2,400 years. Reggie's promise to go straight lasted two weeks.

  • Angelo Bruno: In our line of work, it's not good to be famous. Anonymous is the goal.

  • Frances Shea: [it's raining into her convertible] Help me put the top on.

    Reggie Kray: Oh, I'm not sure I can help you.

    Frances Shea: Reggie, please, it's going to get ruined.

    Reggie Kray: I can't, can I? I'm a club owner. You know what I mean? I can pick a nice model, all right, in a nice colour, but I'm not very good at anything else. I'm not a mechanic, am I? I'm more of a... a gangster,

  • Ronald Kray: [to Frances] Sometimes to achieve greatness, you do, you have to cut off a little piece of yourself no matter how much it hurts, in order to grow, in order to move on. It takes courage and I admire that, you know?

  • Ronald Kray: We both love him, all right? We both made the effort. So we shall just have to see what happens when we get there.

    Frances Shea: Where?

    Ronald Kray: Heaven.

  • Ronald Kray: I always liked you, Frances, I always did. 'Cause you have the ability to see into the future. You do. And that's the same as me.

  • Reggie Kray: Frankie, come home.

    Frances Shea: I *am* home. At least until I find somewhere else. I can't go and live with my mum.

    Reggie Kray: What can I do to change your mind? You can't. I've changed my mind about one thing, though. What's that? I do want you to remember me. Always. That I existed, that I once walked beside you.

  • Ronald Kray: [about stabbing Jack to death] Why would you do that?

    Reggie Kray: [whispering into his ear] Because I can't kill you. No matter how much I fucking want to.

  • Frances Shea: [narrating] Reggie once said, "The centre of the world could be anywhere you like."Even here, in the East End of London. The world is quite like London. It's not good, it's not bad, it just is. There's no morality or dishonour, just your own lonely code. Until your race is run. Until the end. Until we're all just ghosts of the people we once thought we were.

  • Reggie Kray: Ron are you still taking your meds?

    Ronald Kray: FUCK MY MEDS

  • Ronald Kray: He knows too much about things. Things about us Reg, he knows too many things about us.

    Reggie Kray: He knows too many things about us. Right. Albie, do you know things about us, mate? Do you know things? Eh? About Ron, about me, about the firm, right? You know about payments, right? You know we cash bearer bonds, yeah? D'you know we pay off juries to make 'em look fucking favourably upon us, do you?

    Albert Donoghue: Yes

    Reggie Kray: You do, there's a fucking surprise. Jack! Mate, do you know anything about fraud? Anything at all? Take a punt. Do you know anything about how we pay off policemen every fucking final Thursday of the month? Do you know that?

    Jack 'The Hat' McVitie: Of course I do.

    Reggie Kray: Fucking surprise, that. So why don't we kill Jack now? Or we do Albie as well? We do the fucking lot. Or you can do me and I'll do you and we're both fucking dead! That's a genius idea! Listen to yourself, Ron! You're fucking nuts!

  • Frances Shea: Aristocrats and criminals have a lot in common. They're both selfish, get bored easily, and have access to wads of cash they didn't have to work honestly to get.

  • Ronald Kray: You know, it's possible, right, for a person to become a ghost while they're still alive.

    Frances Shea: You think so?

    Ronald Kray: Well, it's happened to you, ain't it?

  • Reggie Kray: .. that's my formula -- What I like to do is I like to mix celebrities with a few, just a few, East End villains. The punters, they love it! It's really good for business.

  • Frances Shea: Not even the Scotland Yard could ignore murder on the streets.

  • Mike Jobber: Charlie Richardson says we're to knock the granny out of you, Reg.

    Reggie Kray: Oh yeah, he did, did he? That's good of him. Right, listen. When you see him next, you tell him from me, yeah? That I say : "Fuck Charlie, right? Fuck his brother, yeah? Fuck that fat poof Cornell that hangs out with him. Fuck your face, yeah, yeah? And fuck the fucking lot of you all! What you think of that, eh? You like that, eh?

  • Reggie Kray: [Mike Jobber has informed Reggie Kray that several members of the Richardson gang, including him, have been ordered to "knock the granny" out of Reggie and his brother Ron] . You won't mind if I fight back, will ya?

    Mike Jobber: If you think you can manage it!

    Reggie Kray: It's more for my pride, you know. I warn you, I'm not gonna fight fair, though. So I brought these.

    [Holds up fists to reveal a pair of "brass knuckles, while Ron, who has left earlier, slowly re-enters holding a hammer in each of his hands]

    Reggie Kray: .


Director: Brian Helgeland

Language: English Release date: November 20, 2015