Last Flag Flying Quotes

  • Larry 'Doc' Shepherd: I'm not going to bury a marine. I'm just going to bury my son.

  • Sal Nealon: You put this somewhere and you let it remind you what was in your son's heart

  • Reverend Richard Mueller: I thought we were going to a funeral?

    Sal Nealon: We are going to a funeral. Just looks like it's going to take a little longer to get there.

  • Sal Nealon: Every generation has their war. Men make the wars and wars make the men. It never ends!

    Reverend Richard Mueller: Maybe one day we'll try something different.

  • Larry 'Doc' Shepherd: You know what amazes me about you?

    Sal Nealon: Could be anything. I'm a pretty amazing guy.

  • Sal Nealon: Guys like us, we take all that shit till it's a disaster. And then we're cool. The worst has happened, like we knew it would.

  • Reverend Richard Mueller: I will dwell in the house of Lord.

    Sal Nealon: What are you doing with the bouncing? What is that?

    Reverend Richard Mueller: I'm speaking a psalm.

    Reverend Richard Mueller: A psalm? Oh.

    [whispering to the rent-a-car lady]

    Reverend Richard Mueller: As in, a psalm-a Bin Laden.

  • [first lines]

    Sal Nealon: If you could just see yourself right now. You look like you just had a lobotomy. What's wrong with you?

    O'Toole: [sitting on his barstool] This is reality.

    Sal Nealon: Reality? My ass. It's all made-up. Let me ask you this, huh, how many times on this show have you seen the cops arrest, you know, killers and-and rapists or something like that? How many times did they slap the cuffs on some crooked CEO fuck?

  • Sal Nealon: [walks into church and recognizes the preacher] Oh, my fucking God.

  • Sal Nealon: I'm sorry, Doc. You know me, I-I don't mean nothin'.

    Reverend Richard Mueller: We pay for what we say, Salvatore.

    Sal Nealon: Yeah? Well, put it on my tab.

  • Reverend Richard Mueller: I can promise you, Doc, you will meet your wife and son again, in a better place.

    Sal Nealon: Oh, come on.

    Reverend Richard Mueller: And all of this will seem like a momentary separation.

    Sal Nealon: Oh, come on. What better place are they going to, huh? Las Vegas? Miami Beach?

  • Sal Nealon: Man, I never heard anyone talk to the colonel like that. Colonels don't scare me. Never have, never will.

    DAFB Guard: You a marine?

    [seeing his USMC tattoo]

    DAFB Guard: Yeah, I thought so.

    Sal Nealon: I got more time in the chow line than you got in the corps.

  • Reverend Richard Mueller: Don't be ridiculous.

    Sal Nealon: Why not? You know a better way to be? You wish you could be ridiculous, but it's too late now.

  • Sal Nealon: [about his dead son] We're taking him with us today.

    Colonel Wilits: With all due respect, sir, you're cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    Sal Nealon: Hey. Colonel. Did you look at these faces? They've already been spited, so why should we give a fuck about your opinions? - With all due respect.

  • Sal Nealon: Man, I would've loved to run into you in the field in my younger days.

    Colonel Wilits: You really think so?

    Sal Nealon: Oh, yeah. 'Cause one of us would have been fragged. And the other would've gone to the brig.

  • Colonel Wilits: You will protect the dignity of that dead marine, and you will see to it that he is buried with honors in his uniform, not some cocksucking, motherfucking pussy civilian graduation suit! Clear?

    DAFB Guard: Yes, sir!

    Colonel Wilits: And don't let that Sal fucktard outflank you. He's old but he's dangerous. Do not let that happen. Kill him first.

    DAFB Guard: Sir?

    Colonel Wilits: That is not an order.

    DAFB Guard: Yes, sir!

  • DAFB Guard: I'd rather be fighting them over there than in our own backyard.

    Sal Nealon: Sound familiar?

    Reverend Richard Mueller: Oh, yeah. See, we fought the commies in 'Nam so we wouldn't have to fight 'em on the beaches of Malibu.

    DAFB Guard: Guess it worked.

  • Sal Nealon: Hey, at least we're not drug addicts.

    Reverend Richard Mueller: Thank... God. Not anymore.

    Sal Nealon: "Not anymore." We never were.

    Reverend Richard Mueller: We took the shit, Sal.

    Sal Nealon: Yeah. 'Cause we needed the shit.

    Reverend Richard Mueller: No. We needed it, the corps would've issued it to us.

    Sal Nealon: Yeah. In a way, they did.

    Larry 'Doc' Shepherd: That shit was meant for pain. All drugs are.

    Sal Nealon: So? What's wrong with taking it, then?

    Reverend Richard Mueller: Morphine - is - addictive.

    Sal Nealon: Yeah, so is pain.

    Larry 'Doc' Shepherd: We weren't the ones who were in pain, though.

    Sal Nealon: The fuck we weren't.

    Reverend Richard Mueller: Different kind of pain.

    Sal Nealon: Pain is pain.

  • Sal Nealon: [back in New York city] Take that in. Take a deep breath. What, you do it? What do you smell? There's one distinct smell. What is it? Urine. I love it. It's like the official scent of the city.

  • Sal Nealon: I ask you, you see a man in this uniform? Huh? Could you resist all this? Huh? I, um...

    Girl at Wake: No, I - I don't think I could.

    Sal Nealon: Mm-hmm. It's the uniform, or the man in the uniform?

    Girl at Wake: It's a killer combination.

    Sal Nealon: It's the combination. Isn't it?

    Girl at Wake: Yeah, it's the combination. Yeah. Kind of seductive.

    Sal Nealon: Thank you. Yeah. You are a very perceptive young lady.

  • Reverend Richard Mueller: Sal, if you had any more manners, you would be a dog.

  • Reverend Richard Mueller: Think about it, Sal. What's more important?

    Sal Nealon: I don't know. But it's never the lie.

  • Larry 'Doc' Shepherd: I hate the government!

  • Reverend Richard Mueller: [after being interrupted by Sal] I thought I was talking!