Tom: It's good luck you know.
Kate: What is?
Tom: Getting pooed on by a bird.
Kate: I'm busy, you're weird, good-bye!
Tom: There's no such thing as normal. It's a stupid word. Does a lot of damage.
Tom: I think the whole special... being special thing is overrated. I think just to be a human being is hard. You know, really hard.
Kate: You seem to manage all right.
Tom: One thing someone said to me helped me. "Every little action of the common day makes or unmakes character." It just means that you're built of everything you do. And that's OK.
Kate: Why can I feel you
Tom: Because I'm apart of you. Take care of my heart
Kate: Yeah I promise
Tom: It was always going to be yours one way or another.
Young Kate: Let me tell you a secret put it in your heart and keep it something that I want you to know
Kate: I'm auditioning for Frozen. You know one has magical powers the other doesn't and it's on ice.
Petra: I'll nail you to my dick
Kate: I'm a mess
Tom: Yeah sort of
Kate: I was ill so I had a heart transplant
Kate: Oh.
Tom: They took my heart away.
Tom: Can I.. its ok
Kate: Now I cant do anything.
Petra: Dick means penis? No Dick is our neighbor. Our neighbor is called penis?
Kate: I was just incredibly bad at what I do in front of people who could've given me a job.
Tom: I thought you had a job.
Kate: Yes, but it's not what I "do" do. I'm not a career elf.
Tom: What do you do?
Kate: Sing.
Tom: Wow. That's pretty amazing.
Kate: Would you like to give me your number?
Tom: I don't have a phone.
Kate: I was just beginning to think you're not as weird as you look.
Tom: Before you throw me in the bin with the rest of your battered conquests, it's not completely true... I do have a phone - It's just locked in a cupboard.
Kate: Why?
Tom: I got so tired of staring at my hand all day. You should try it.
Kate: That's like saying you should try death.
Tom: Somebody really wants to get hold of you.
Kate: Someone really isn't gonna get a chance.
Kate: No
Tom: Ditch that. All of your stresses will just melt away.
Kate: Oh, but I just like stress.
Last Christmas Quotes
Paris 2022-03-25 09:01:14
"...take good care of my heart... It's always gonna be yours one way or another ♡" / "look up!"
Brittany 2022-01-05 08:02:05
I want to watch a simple Christmas romantic comedy to warm up this middle-aged frozen persimmon-like heart, just like "Fate is Destined" and "True Love First"... Unfortunately, this film is not required for this. Can satisfy me... At the end comes an expected flip... Add some elements of the current rise of British conservatism... That's it. Long Ma's singing skills are quite good... The two or three sections of this film are like "Notting Hill".
Director: Paul Feig
Language: English,Serbo-Croatian,Mandarin,French Release date: November 8, 2019