Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life Quotes

  • Kosa: Do you ever do anything the easy way?

    Lara Croft: And risk disappointing you?

  • [Deciding who should jump off first]

    Terry Sheridan: Right, you go first.

    Lara Croft: No, you go first.

    [Thugs shoot at them]

    Lara Croft: I'll go first.

  • Terry Sheridan: The Shay-Ling are like ghosts, Croft. They move constantly, and their home is the most remote mountain region in China.

    Lara Croft: Region? You'll have to do better than that.

    Terry Sheridan: Get me into China, and I'll get you to them in a day.

    Lara Croft: No guns, no money, no weapons of any kind.

    Terry Sheridan: Talk about taking the fun out of life.

  • Lara Croft: You need to take me to the Shay-Ling.

    Terry Sheridan: They Shay who?

    Lara Croft: There's a man named Chen Lo who took something from me, and I want it back.

  • [Lara enters Terry's jail cell]

    Terry Sheridan: Croft.

    Lara Croft: Hello, Terry.

    Terry Sheridan: So, what do you think of my new place? It's not quite Croft Manor.

    [Lara pulls out a key]

    Terry Sheridan: What? A key to your heart?

    Lara Croft: To a flat in Zurich. You can pick another city, if you want. Your record will be expunged, your citizenship restored.

    Terry Sheridan: By?

    Lara Croft: MI6.

    Terry Sheridan: MI6? Now, does that make me Faust or the Devil?

    Lara Croft: Well, you can pick one, because MI6 is also arranging for a new identity.

  • Lara Croft: Something wrong?

    Gus Petraki: First, Alexander doesn't record the temple's location. Then God wipes it from the earth with a volcano. Now even the currents change. Lara, maybe this temple's not meant to be found.

    Lara Croft: Everything lost is meant to be found. Don't worry.

  • Nicholas Petraki: Hey, Lara, what do you say to two handsome Greek partners?

    Lara Croft: Well, when you find two, let me know!

  • Lara Croft: Reiss is going to use the orb to find Pandora's box.

    Agent Stevens: Do you meen the Greek myth? Pandora's given a box by a God, told not to open it - she does and unleashes pain into the world?

    Lara Croft: That's the Sunday school version, yes. How do you think life began? Shooting star? Primordial ooze? In 2300 BC an Egyptian pharaoh found a place that he named The Cradle of Life where we, life, began. And there he found a box, the box which brought life to earth. The pharaoh opened the box but all that was left inside was the "Ramante" or anti-life: The plague which came as the companion to life.

    Agent Stevens: Companion?

    Lara Croft: Nature is about balance. All the world comes in pairs - Yin and Yang, right and wrong, men and women; what's pleasure without pain?

    Agent Calloway: What did this plague do?

    Lara Croft: It levelled the pharaoh's army. The pharaoh's son dispatched his finest soldier to take the box and transport it to the end of the world. 2000 years later Alexander the Great reached India where his army was ravaged by a plague after one of his men found a box amongst some remains.

    Agent Stevens: India? That's where the pharaoh's man brought it?

    Lara Croft: Mm. Alexander felt that the box was too powerful to be trusted to any man so he returned it to its home in The Cradle of Life and it has never been seen since.

    Agent Calloway: And this Cradle of Life is... where?

    Lara Croft: No one knows. Alexander found it using a map that was with the box, a map he then hid from the world. But the name he gave this map was "mati" and the literal translation for the word "mati" is "eye. The orb is the map, hidden in the Luna Temple by Alexander and Reiss will use it to find Pandora's box and when he does, when he opens it, he will unleash a weapon more powerful than you could ever imagine.

  • Agent Stevens: ...but we'll assign two of our best agents to help.

    Lara Croft: I don't want them.

    Agent Calloway: With all due respect, expertise in archaeology doesn't...

    Lara Croft: I didn't say that I don't need help, but your agents will never get me to Chen Lo in time. I need an insider, someone who knows the Shay-Ling. Their methods, their hideouts. I need Terry Sheridan.

  • Lara Croft: A bit rusty, are we?

    Terry Sheridan: Oh, I think it's coming back.

    Lara Croft: I expected more from a Scot.

    Terry Sheridan: I don't expect anything from an Englishwoman.

  • Terry Sheridan: The Shay-Ling have spies all over China. We have to get into the country undetected. So, we slip into Beijing, and we go by truck.

    Lara Croft: Truck? Hmm. I was thinking about something a little faster...

  • Terry Sheridan: So, where do I fit in?

    Lara Croft: What do you mean? You're the guide.

    Terry Sheridan: I mean, when you think back on the vast scheme of your hugely adventurous life... where do I fit in? Was I the love of your life, or just another bump on the road? Was I time well spent? Four months? More good than bad? Come on, it had to be more than that, am I right?

    Lara Croft: You're right. It was five months.

  • Terry Sheridan: Fun's over. From now on, it's by foot. Best to reconsider that "no gun" rule.

    Lara Croft: No.

    Terry Sheridan: Okay.

  • [Lara pulls out her gun, points it at Terry]

    Lara Croft: I'm sorry to have to do this, but you're wasting time.

    Terry Sheridan: You want to shoot me? Shoot me. Personally, I'd rather you do it... than them.

    [the Shay Ling appear from the mountains]

  • Terry Sheridan: You wanted to find the Shay-Ling. The only way to get into their place is as their prisoners.

    Lara Croft: Hmm. You might have told me that little gem before.

  • Terry Sheridan: Were you really going to kill me?

    Chen Lo: [Approaching] Oh, I bet she would have.

  • Terry Sheridan: Just like old times.

    [Lara laughs]

    Terry Sheridan: I think that's the first time you've actually smiled because of me.

    Lara Croft: Why did you do it?

    Terry Sheridan: I started thinking. I was tired of doing things somebody else's way, and it was always going be somebody else's way.

    Lara Croft: So, you abandon your men and betray your country?

    Terry Sheridan: Leaving my men and my country, that didn't actually hurt as much as I thought. But leaving you did.

    Lara Croft: Mm.

    Terry Sheridan: You're a hard act to follow, Croft. You know why you and I get along so well?

    Lara Croft: [laughs] No.

    Terry Sheridan: We are two of a kind, me and you.

    Lara Croft: [laughs harder] We are nothing alike.

    Terry Sheridan: I don't think we're alike, but I do think we're a pair. Opposite sides of the same coin.

  • Terry Sheridan: Are you okay?

    Lara Croft: Never better.

    Terry Sheridan: Looks like we lost the orb.

    Lara Croft: Please. You don't think I'd go vaulting into thin air for nothing, do you? I put a tracer on the crate.

    [Pulls out a tracing receiver]

    Lara Croft: Got it. Look.

    Terry Sheridan: Impressive.

  • Terry Sheridan: I don't suppose either of you know how to fly a helicopter?

    Bryce: I can.

    Terry Sheridan: What?

    Hillary: What...?

    Bryce: Yeah. I've got over 150 hours between flight simulation games, models.

    Terry Sheridan: And in the real thing?

    Bryce: Two.

    Terry Sheridan: Two? Well, you're only going to fly it once I'm out, so I hope you remember your two hours well.

  • [last lines]

    [Bryce and Hillary are getting made over by tribes people]

    Bryce: Lara, are you okay?

    Hillary: Lara, you all right?

    Lara Croft: [smiling] This is... very touching.

    Bryce: You know us, always making friends... having a laugh.

    Lara Croft: Getting married.

    Bryce: What?

    Kosa: This is a wedding ceremony and you are the grooms.

    Lara Croft: Good luck, boys.

  • [Walking up a hill]

    Terry Sheridan: And don't be looking at my ass.

  • [Upon hearing that the queen insists Lara retrieves the orb]

    Lara Croft: Well, now that I have Her Majesty's permission...

  • Lara Croft: Remember that "no gun" rule? I reconsidered!

  • Kosa: Can't you ever do anything the easy way?

    Lara Croft: I wouldn't want to disappoint you.

  • [after Lara and Terry leap off the roof of a skyscraper]

    Sean: Holy cow!

    [to his henchmen]

    Sean: Go after her.

  • [first lines]

    Jimmy Petraki: They found another one. There's going to be no treasure left by the time she gets here.

  • Terry Sheridan: This is a little faster. But the Chinese will track the pod.

    Lara Croft: There won't be any pod to find.

    Terry Sheridan: Will there be any of us to find?

  • Terry Sheridan: You're laughing at ne.

    Lara Croft: No, at the fact that I used to find you charming.

    Terry Sheridan: I am charming.

  • Terry Sheridan: [Terry enters the room and places his hand on Lara's shoulder. She turns, her hand on his wrist] You can break my wrist... but I'm still gonna kiss you.

    Terry Sheridan: [they kiss. Minutes later Lara handcuffs Terry's hand to the bed post] Not exactly where I thought this was going, but... OK.

    Lara Croft: Why didn't you shoot Reiss?

    Terry Sheridan: What?

    Lara Croft: He must have walked right past you in the lab

    Terry Sheridan: I didn't have a clear shot... plus, I had no idea where you were.

  • Lara Croft: Some things were not meant to be found.

  • Armin Kal: [welcoming Lara at Terry's prison] Welcome to Fantasy Island, my name's Armin Kal and I'll be your guide!

  • Lara Croft: I'm not leaving you because I couldn't kill you. I'm leaving you because I could.

  • Terry Sheridan: I'm getting tired of you pointing that thing at me!

  • Hillary: Perhaps you gentlemen would like some tea while you wait?

    Lara Croft: No, they wouldn't. Tea is for guests. The door is for intruders.

  • Kosa: This is a wedding ceremony and you are the grooms...

  • Lara Croft: Take the offer before it expires.

    Chen Lo: No.

    Lara Croft: Then I will have to force you.

    Chen Lo: Then I will have to kill you!

Extended Reading
  • Domenick 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    It's just for action and beauty, what's wrong? ! !

  • Mona 2022-03-21 09:01:44

    The impression is quite deep, and I still have a heart that has always been eager to see the sequel.