La virgen de los sicarios Quotes

  • Fernando: Where to?

    Alexis: New York?

    Fernando: No! Its full of Colombians.

    Alexis: Miami?

    Fernando: It's full of Cubans.

    Alexis: France?

    Fernando: France is full of shit. They have problems with everybody.

  • Fernando: "Thou shalt not kill." Why? Taking someone's life is doing them a favor. A huge favor. Let them live. It's what they deserve.

  • Fernando: You can't live without sex. People go crazy without sex. Look how nutty the Pope's become. Spouting crap everywhere and kissing floors. Saying that homosexuality and all that is a sin. That's a sin? Having kids is a sin! There's no space left, the Planet will explode!

  • Fernando: Glory is a statue that gets shit on by birds.

  • Fernando: Everyone's rotten. The world is run by crooks. Look at our despicable President: "A decision that will benefit all Colombians!" Ha.

    Alexis: If you want, I'll shoot him. I mean it.

    Fernando: That's just a waste of bullets.

  • Alexis: Tell me something. Do you also like women?

    Fernando: Depends...

    Alexis: Depends on what?

    Fernando: If they have little brothers. When they have cute little brothers I do. Otherwise, no.

La virgen de los sicarios

Director: Barbet Schroeder

Language: Spanish Release date: September 20, 2000