Kodachrome Quotes

  • Ben: No matter how good something looks, you can't beat the real thing.

  • Ben: Let me tell you something, happiness is bullshit. It's a great myth of the 20th century. You think Picasso was happy? You think Hemingway was? Hendrix? They were miserable shits. No art worth a damn was ever created out of happiness. I can tell you that much.

  • Ben: People are taking more pictures now than ever before, billions of them, but there are no slides, no prints. Just data. Electronic dust. Years from now when they dig us up there won't be any pictures to find, no record of who we were or how we lived.

  • Ben: We're all so frightened by time, the way it moves on and the way things disappear. That's why we're photographers. We're preservationists by nature. We take pictures to stop time, to commit moments to eternity. Human nature made tangible.

  • Matt Ryder: Are you ever happy, Ben?

    Ben: Let me tell you something. Happiness is bullshit. It's the great myth of the late 20th century. You think Picasso was happy? You think Hemingway was? Hendrix? They were miserable shits. No art worth a damn was ever created out of happiness. I can tell you that. Ambition, narcissism, sex, rage. Those are the engines that drive every great artist, every great man. A hole that can't be filled. That's why we're all such miserable assholes.

    Matt Ryder: So you know you're a miserable asshole.

    Ben: What? Do you think I'm an idiot? Of course I know.

  • Zoe Kern: Behave.

    Ben: I don't have time to behave, I'm dying

    Matt Ryder: Oh that's bullshit. you were a prick long before you had the cancer.

  • Ben: What are ya gonna do, Dean, huh? What are ya gonna do, you gonna come over here and hit me?

    Uncle Dean: There's nothing left to hit.

  • Matt Ryder: This was the last chance I'd have to see, uh... and how you measure up against the colossal bastard I've hated all those years?

    Ben: How am I doing?

    Matt Ryder: You're holding your own.

    Ben: [whispers to himself] I know.

    [to Matt]

    Ben: You wanna know the sad part? I've actually been trying.

  • Zoe Kern: People change.

    BenMatt Ryder: No, they don't.

  • Ben: You like your women damaged?

    Matt Ryder: No, you like to damage yours.

  • Ben: Every star in the sexual galaxy is lined up. You couldn't seal the deal? What do you need, landing lights between her legs?

  • Jasper: You've got massive pair of balls on you, don't you?

    Matt Ryder: Yeah. They make my dick look *really* small.

  • Zoe Kern: For a moment there, I thought I had it together, like I was a someone to be reckoned with.

  • Zoe Kern: Nothing good comes from living in the past, does it.

  • Zoe Kern: Nothing good comes from reliving the past, you know.


Director: Mark Raso

Language: English Release date: April 20, 2018

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