Kiss of the Dragon Quotes

  • Richard: There is a time for diplomacy and a time for action. Diplomacy is dead.

  • Jessica: How long did I sleep?

    Liu Jian: Only a minute.

  • Liu Jian: I don't sell shrimp chips.

  • [Richard with a gun to Isabel's head]

    Liu Jian: Wait! You're making a big mistake.

    Richard: Am I?

    Liu Jian: In the second it takes you to kill her, I will have all the time I need to kill you...

  • Richard: What did you do to me?

    Liu Jian: I put a needle in your neck.

    Richard: That's it?

    Liu Jian: In a certain point. Very forbidden. It's called the Kiss of the Dragon.

    Richard: Kiss my ass!

  • Liu Jian: I am a cop.

    Jessica: I am Santa Claus.

    Liu Jian: Who is Santa Claus?

  • Jessica: I'm not your type, huh?

    Liu Jian: I don't have a type.

  • Uncle Tai: You know, since I've been here I've had four others like you. Strong, fast, young, they've all died, the last right in my arms. Before I go home I'd like to send one back alive.

  • [Richard and his men chased Liu inside the supply room]

    Richard: Check the vent!

    Thug: I think...

    Richard: [shoots him] Don't think!

  • Liu Jian: I don't like to get bored.

    Richard: Me neither, but you turn out to be VERY boring.

  • Richard: Sometimes the best are also the worst. It's really sad.

  • Liu Jian: The blood from your whole body goes to your head... it stops there... never comes down. But soon, it will come out of your nose, your ears, and even your eyes... and then... you will die... painfully...

  • [Richard handing Isabel a matchbox car]

    Richard: Here, sweetie.

    Isabel: Don't you have any Barbies?

    Richard: All my Barbies are working.

  • Liu Jian: We need to get him to the hospital.

    Richard: [refering to the Chinese customer] He doesn't want to go to a hospital. He want to go to heaven.

    [Richard shoots the Chinese customer]

    Liu Jian: [shocked] Why did you kill him?

    Richard: The question is "Why did you kill him?" Thanks for the help, Johnny.

  • Uncle Tai: You play Mah-jongg?

    Liu Jian: A little.

    Uncle Tai: I love Mah-jongg. Keeps the mind sharp. It's hard to find good players around here. That's why I play by myself. This way, I always win.

  • Fat Hooker: [coming out from an apartment building with a customer; shoves Jessica on the ground] Bitch! I've gone for five minutes, and you think you can park your skinny ass in my spot? Fuck off! You want some more?

    [Jessica, completely stoned, head-butts the hooker; breaks the hooker's nose]

    Fat Hooker: Aah! She... She broke my nose!

  • Jessica: No, no, no, no needles.

    Liu Jian: No needles?, No

    [grabs a needle and uncuffs her]

    Jessica: Ow, how did you do that?

    Liu Jian: Chinese magic.