Titus Drautos: For hearth and home.
Titus Drautos: You disobeyed a direct order to retreat.
Nyx Ulric: For hearth and home, right, sir? As long as I got strength in my body, I obey that order.
Titus Drautos: Don't fool yourself, Nyx Ulric. Whatever strength you have is on loan from the king. You are nothing without him.
Pelna Khara: Go easy on the magic, hero. You got people waiting for you back home.
Nyx Ulric: I'm worth the wait.
Pelna Khara: Show-off.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: True power is not something that is found by those who seek it. It is something that comes to those who deserve it.
Petra Fortis: Don't know if anyone's told you, but we don't take kindly to insubordination around here. Do yourself a favor, take a look around. This is what a hundred years of peace looks like. It's a lasting peace made by the wall and the wall alone. See, we don't need any of you immigrants jumping around, playing war hero.
Pelna Khara: So, Nyx the gatekeeper. How's the new post treating you?
Nyx Ulric: Oh, it's amazing. You guys would love it. The gate watch are real sweethearts.
Pelna Khara: Ha-ha-ha. Yeah, right. We all know they hate us outsiders more than anything. So bored they got nothing better to do.
Nyx Ulric: Boredom's not so bad. Means there's peace, at least. I'd fight a hundred more wars for Galahdans to know boredom.
Pelna Khara: Fight all you want. Just don't go dying yet. I still owe you. A lot.
Libertus Ostium: So this is what you were talking about, Luche?
Luche Lazarus: You heard the captain. This wasn't our decision to make.
Libertus Ostium: Not ours to make? Those are our homes out there! Our people! And you're just gonna go along with this and abandon them?
Luche Lazarus: If we don't go along with them the empire will unleash all hell on Insomnia.
Libertus Ostium: We'll unleash it right back at them!
Nyx Ulric: Easy, easy. He's not the enemy.
Tredd Furia: Don't you get it? We're nothing to them. Rats, snuck in from beyond the wall. Sure, they had a use for us when they realized we could work their magic. So they handpicked us out from all the other rats out there and just let us nibble away at his royal majesty's precious power. But as soon as this war's over, it's back to the sewers for all of us. That means you too, hero.
Nyx Ulric: A hairpin? I didn't think you were into that kind of thing.
Crowe Altius: It's not for me. It's a gift for the Princess. But keep that quiet. Nobody's supposed to know. Well, that's me.
Nyx Ulric: Watch your back out there.
Libertus Ostium: I know you're sick of hearing it, but you're like a little...
Crowe Altius: Little sister to you. Yeah, I am sick of hearing it.
Libertus Ostium: Just make sure you come back in one piece, all right?
Crowe Altius: Says the guy in two pieces.
Ravus Nox Fleuret: I do not recall granting you permission to leave your quarters, Lunafreya.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Ravus.
Ravus Nox Fleuret: You are not to leave this room again until the journey to Lucis. It is for your own good.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: My own good? What is truly going on here? What cause does the empire have to see me wed to Noctis?
Ravus Nox Fleuret: They have offered a peace, and your marriage is the olive branch.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: You expect me to believe that?
Ravus Nox Fleuret: What you believe does not concern me. Is you sneaking off to go and tell our mother's killer about some plot you've dreamt up.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: You are wrong to hate King Regis. Niflheim killed mother, not him. They murdered her and made you their lapdog.
Titus Drautos: Get in.
Nyx Ulric: I'm reporting to my post now though, sir.
Titus Drautos: New orders. Come on. We've got a Princess to pick up.
Nyx Ulric: Nice ride, sir.
Titus Drautos: It belongs to the prince. We've taken him outside the city.
Nyx Ulric: Doesn't he have a wedding to plan, sir?
Titus Drautos: Cut the "sir" crap. The king has a plan of his own. Prince Noctis and Princess Lunafreya are to meet far from Insomnia.
Nyx Ulric: What's she doing here then?
Titus Drautos: Complicating things. We sent Crowe to find the Princess and escort her out of Tenebrae. We're still trying to figure out what went wrong. So I know what you think about this war, but what do you think about this peace? You happy giving up your home?
Nyx Ulric: It's the king's decision. I owe him for taking me in. I was lucky. There are people in Galahd who weren't. And they need me.
Titus Drautos: So you're going back? What good will you be without the king's magic? Yeah, always wanting to save somebody. I get it. Believe me. But it doesn't win wars.
Nyx Ulric: It's not just wanting. It's not just me. Libertus is the one you need to worry about. He'll go back if things get worse.
Titus Drautos: The worst is yet to come.
Regis Lucis Caelum: Please, go to my son.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: No. Wherever I go, the empire will follow. It would only place the prince in greater danger. It is my duty to protect the prince and see his destiny fulfilled. These twelve years have not changed that.
Regis Lucis Caelum: And what of your destiny?
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: My duty is my destiny, your majesty.
Titus Drautos: I trust the reunion was a happy one?
Nyx Ulric: Has she been a hostage of Niflheim all this time?
Titus Drautos: She's a symbol of the peace. That's all I'm told.
Nyx Ulric: Doesn't sound like it. Sounds like she's here for something bigger than that.
Titus Drautos: Your orders are to protect her. Not the look, not to listen, not to think. Understood?
Libertus Ostium: What a life, huh? She was brought up an orphan. Run out of her village. I still remember the first time I saw her. Scrawny little thing, all covered in dirt. Not a friend in the world. But those eyes... Damn. There was something about those eyes. She deserved better. And I would've done anything to give it to...
Nyx Ulric: Libertus, wait. Crowe died a glaive. You can still honor her by fighting as one.
Libertus Ostium: You're dumber than me sometimes, you know that? Don't you get it? Lucis killed Crowe. Go back to the castle! Tell the king there's no peace to be had from throwing the weak to the wolves. See you around, hero!
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Hello. I'm afraid we were never properly introduced yesterday.
Nyx Ulric: I'm afraid it's going to wait, your highness. I'm on guard duty.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Then surely there's no safer place for me to be. May I ask your name?
Nyx Ulric: Uh, Nyx. Nyx Ulric.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: There is something else I wish to ask you, Nyx Ulric. King Regis said he sent one of your order to come find me. I should like to offer my thanks in person. Where might I find this brave soldier? Oh. Oh, I did not - I am so sorry.
Nyx Ulric: Don't be. Here. She was carrying this. It was meant for you.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: For me?
Nyx Ulric: Keep it. She would've wanted you to have it.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: I will carry it with me always.
Titus Drautos: I received word of the king's order to deploy. I'll see to matters in the city. You have your mission, and it won't be easy. The objective is two-fold. Secure the hostage, and stay the enemy advance. Just be careful. One glaive already died for this Princess. Niflheim won't give her up easily.
Regis Lucis Caelum: Forgive my delay. A bit of unforeseen trouble.
Iedolas Aldercapt: Nothing too vexing, I hope.
Regis Lucis Caelum: A simple theft, nothing more.
Iedolas Aldercapt: A daring thief, to steal from the king. Perhaps magical walls and castle gates do not keep all things safe.
Regis Lucis Caelum: Perhaps. But no matter. That which was taken will soon be returned.
Iedolas Aldercapt: Impressive. You are a paragon of kingly composure. But I must ask, how can you be so sure?
Regis Lucis Caelum: Because this thing is not a mere trinket. It possesses a will all its own. Enough to break any thief's grasp.
Iedolas Aldercapt: Hm. That sounds a very fine prize indeed.
Clarus Amicitia: It's been a long time since I fought at your side, old friend.
Regis Lucis Caelum: Yes, but this time it is not your fight. If you wish to leave, go now.
Clarus Amicitia: And abandon my king? I think not. Besides, our magic is bound to you. If you fall, Lucis falls.
Regis Lucis Caelum: Then let us once more into the fray, old friend.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: You must take me back to King Regis.
Nyx Ulric: Are you out of your mind? Insomnia's a war zone.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: I have a duty. I cannot neglect it.
Nyx Ulric: Yeah, I heard all that before.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Then you know we must hurry.
Nyx Ulric: Hurry to do what? Get yourself killed?
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: I do not fear death.
Nyx Ulric: Oh. Enough with all this brave Princess act! Just pray this thing will make the trip.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: You're going too fast. We have to land.
Nyx Ulric: Yeah, you're gonna have to give me a minute on that.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: There is no time. I will go on my own.
Nyx Ulric: What? You got wings underneath that dress? You can't use magic.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Not all the miracles are made by magic. I do not fear death. What I fear is doing nothing and losing everything.
Nyx Ulric: Oh, come one. You can thank magic for that miracle, your highness.
Ravus Nox Fleuret: The ring of the Lucii. I lost my mother, my country, my birthright. Niflheim was the only life left to me. But all of that was for this. The ring belongs to me now. Hear me, Lucian kings of old, for I am Ravus Nox Fleuret and none is more worthy of your power than I.
Regis Lucis Caelum: Take this. It is time it passed to another's keeping.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: No, please. Stop. Please. Don't leave us.
Regis Lucis Caelum: I know your mother would wish the same as me. That you and Noctis live happily. All those years captive because I failed you. Not again. Locked doors will seal your fate no longer.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: King Regis...
Regis Lucis Caelum: Our hope goes with you now, Nyx Ulric. Godspeed.
General Glauca: Behold the king of Lucis, who hoarded tranquility within his precious walls. Where is your tranquility now, king? Here is your peace, by steel's swift descent.
Petra Fortis: You're making a mess of my city, glaive. I thought I told you not to go playing hero. Leave the ship to me. Looks like you got a royal fare to see to.
Nyx Ulric: Maybe not all miracles are made by magic.
Nyx Ulric: Oh, great. What the hell did you do to piss these things off?
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: It's not me they're after. It's the ring.
Nyx Ulric: What's so special about this ring? Don't tell me the future's riding on it.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: He who wears the ring communes with the Lucii and commands great power.
Nyx Ulric: What kind of power?
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: A forbidden one. Sealed within the ring, long ago.
Nyx Ulric: The old wall. I thought that was just a bedtime story.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: I can assure you it is not. But the Lucii grant their power only to those they deem worthy.
Nyx Ulric: I had a little sister once. She was killed when the empire came. I couldn't save her. I was as helpless then as I am now. I couldn't show her the future she wanted.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: True power is not something that is found by those who seek it. It is something that comes to those who deserve it. Your sister wanted you to see a future as well. Anyone would wish the same for the family they love.
Nyx Ulric: You don't pull any punches, do you?
Titus Drautos: You're to rendezvous and regroup. Understood?
Nyx Ulric: That might not be so easy, captain. My wings have been clipped, in case you didn't know.
Titus Drautos: Ulric. Are you all right?
Nyx Ulric: I'm not dead, if that's what you mean, sir.
Titus Drautos: Head for section D as soon as you can. I'll have an evacuation team ready.
Nyx Ulric: Don't suppose you could meet me at the gate. I'd kind of like to get the hell out of this city.
Titus Drautos: Imperials hold all exits. There's no way trough. I'll meet you at section D. Cut all the radio contact until then. And make sure you get there.
Nyx Ulric: It's a date, sir.
Luche Lazarus: You've got some fight in you, Nyx, I'll give you that.
Nyx Ulric: Run! Now! Aah!
Luche Lazarus: I can't believe you're still moving with that hollow-point in you. All Crowe could do was scream, when one tore her insides apart.
Nyx Ulric: Why's you do it?
Luche Lazarus: Because the Kingsglaive is nothing. An old man's battle fodder sent to die in Insomnia's war while our home are bound and shackled.
Nyx Ulric: Niflheim took your home. Took all our homes! Nothing will ever change that.
Luche Lazarus: You never were too smart. You could've had a new future with the empire.
Luche Lazarus: There's nowhere to run, Princess. The ring. Give it to me. So many dead over so simple a thing. But why? For what?
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Power. Untold power, beyond the control of someone like you.
Luche Lazarus: Power...
General Glauca: It's over. The daemons are unleashed. Lucis is fallen. Surrender the ring.
Nyx Ulric: Plan on giving those kings a piece of your mind, Princess? You got a destiny to take care of here, remember? Besides, didn't anyone tell you? I'm the hero around here.
General Glauca: So, the power of the Lucii return. No matter. You are out of time.
Nyx Ulric: For you, I'll make some.
General Glauca: What can you hope to do? One man against an empire. Against the daemons. How will you save Insomnia with no wall to protect you?
Nyx Ulric: You've got it all wrong. I'm not fighting to save Insomnia.
Ardyn Izunia: So this is the might of the old wall. Marvelous. Truly marvelous.
Nyx Ulric: How could you serve the empire? After everything they did!
General Glauca: I do not fault them for taking what was given. I fault the man who gave it. The man who cowered behind his wall and abandoned us to save his throne and his son. Give me the ring, and our homes will be free again. The empire has promised it.
Nyx Ulric: I don't see much of a future on the other side of that promise.
General Glauca: Don't be a fool. Save your friends. Give your dead sister peace. What do you fight for if not that?
Titus Drautos: What of your kings' power now? They've given you a burden you cannot hope to bear. I told you before. Just wanting doesn't win wars. For the honor of my home, I fought and killed under a king I loathed. And still he betrayed me. He betrayed us all.
Nyx Ulric: We fought for the same thing. All of us. But you've looked too long on the past. You're blind to the future.
Titus Drautos: Predictable. Unlike you, I learn from history.
Nyx Ulric: But you're a slave to the past.
Titus Drautos: A man's past is his pride.
Nyx Ulric: No. My pride is shaping the future. Looks like I'm gonna owe him big.
Nyx Ulric: King Regis did what he did for the future. Because of him, there's still hope for our homes.
Titus Drautos: Hope...
Nyx Ulric: Not the worst way to go. Rule well, young king.
Libertus Ostium: We should move. It ain't safe here either. Hey. Don't worry about Nyx. He can take care of himself. Come on.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: No. We must part ways here. I can hardly travel in secrecy alongside so great a hero. And I, too, have a promise to keep to Nyx. I pray you too see each other soon.
Libertus Ostium: Yeah. Me too.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Thank you, Libertus.
Libertus Ostium: Hey, queen! You and the king are always welcome in Galahd! Me and Nyx will be waiting for you!
Regis Lucis Caelum: Tell me, how heavy a sentence does the crime of theft carry in your empire?
Iedolas Aldercapt: Among the heaviest. Although there is one exception.
Regis Lucis Caelum: What is that?
Iedolas Aldercapt: A curious old law I still permit in the outlands. A thief who escapes his captor can no longer be held to account for his crime.
Regis Lucis Caelum: A warning to the victim. Never show weakness, lest you forgo the hand of justice.
Iedolas Aldercapt: Oh, no, good king. Far from it. It is a warning to the hand of justice itself, never to loose its grip.
Regis Lucis Caelum: Quickly, through here. This lead to a hidden passageway. Follow it. Once you are away, make for Altissia. Noctis awaits you there.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Your majesty.
Nyx Ulric: You knew this was coming...
Regis Lucis Caelum: Yes. But it was the only way to draw their wrath from Noctis.
Nyx Ulric: Is that the way of our king? Sacrifice Lucian sons to save his own?
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: To save the world.
Regis Lucis Caelum: See Luna safely to Altissia. This is not an order from a king to his glaive. This is a plea from one man to another. Please, Nyx Ulric, keep her safe. For the future of all.
Nyx Ulric: Show yourselves, kings of Lucis.
Kings of Lucis: You call upon the wards of this world's future, mortal. And if you come lusting for our power, you must first stand in our judgment.
Nyx Ulric: How long will you do nothing whilst Insomnia burns? Old or new, or whatever it is. Summon your wall!
Kings of Lucis: You do not command us. Yours it not even royal blood. It does not fall to us to guard your city. Man is fool creature, clinging to his past and cowering from his future. Wasting his strength on bygone days.
Nyx Ulric: And what future are you wards of?
Kings of Lucis: So shortsighted. And cursed never to rise above it.
Regis Lucis Caelum: Wait. I have seen what this brave soul is prepared to do. He, too, seeks to safeguard the future.
Kings of Lucis: Very well, young king. We will weigh your warrior's worth. But our boon does not come cheap. The cost is a life. His or her.
Nyx Ulric: No. To hell with your power. I'm not here for it. I only came to tell you, you are no kings, heh.
Kings of Lucis: Your worth has been weighed and found wanting. Now burn.
Nyx Ulric: You're going to lose your precious ring. But it's not too late to save it.
Kings of Lucis: You mean to barter for your life?
Nyx Ulric: No, no. My life is nothing. Giving a future to those who want to see it... is everything.
Kings of Lucis: Hmm. You do not fear, even if that future is doomed. If that sentiment is not false, perhaps you are worthy. We will grant you our light. But know it will set when the sun rises. And the price for it will be your life.
Nyx Ulric: You guys drive a hard bargain. Where do I sign?
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV Quotes
Jessyca 2022-03-14 14:12:27
Aaron Paul's excellent personal show, so that even the game fan can not directly look at the four killers in the egg. The plot is very simple, but the narrative is very chaotic. The group drama is just as horrible as Queen Cersei's great reading. The use of the zero-type background does not add points at all, but is full of middle and second feelings. But in view of the expressiveness of the little fans, I want to force them to add stars :)
Ernestina 2022-03-23 09:03:02
Another Salted Fish of Light has fallen for the FUTURE.//The game is worth it for Amway, but Brotherhood has already passed Amway and it's not necessary//The special effects are dazzling and the rhythm is very mysterious. Soundtrack for games.
Director: Takeshi Nozue
Language: Japanese,English,Chinese Release date: July 9, 2016