King of New York Quotes

  • Frank White: From now on, nothing goes down unless I'm involved. No blackjack no dope deals, no nothing. A nickel bag gets sold in the park, I want in. You guys got fat while everybody starved on the street. Now it's my turn.

  • Frank White: [to Bishop] I'm not your problem. I'm a business man.

  • Frank White: You think ambushing me in some nightclub's gonna stop what makes people take drugs? This country spends $100 billion a year on getting high, and it's not because of me. All that time I was wasting in jail, it just got worse. I'm not your problem. I'm just a businessman.

  • Jump: Yo, congratulations, Frank. Congratulations, man. Them Columbian motherfuckers, they took permanent vacation in hell, if you know what I mean.

    Frank White: Well, I must've been away too long because my feelings are dead. I feel no remorse.

  • Joey Dalesio: I've got a message from Frank White. He wants to sit down, he wants to talk.

    Arty Clay: You tell him I don't talk to nigger lovers.

    Joey Dalesio: Well, he says he's got things on his mind that he wants to discuss with you, and he wants to know where and he wants to know when.

    Arty Clay: You tell him in fucking Hell, that's where. He's gonna wish his lawyer left him fucking those Sambos in the joint when I get through with him.

  • Jump: I wanna know who I'm selling drugs to, you know what I mean?

    Joey Dalesio: You don't sell drugs, my brother. You shoot people.

    Jump: Yo, I'm unemployed. Ain't nobody left.

  • Dennis Gilley: I heard a rumor about you.

    Frank White: What's that?

    Dennis Gilley: I heard you got AIDS getting dicked up your ass in prison. That's what I heard.

    Frank White: I thought about you every time I jerked off, dickhead.

  • Frank White: When the D.A's office investigated the sudden death of Arty Clay, they found that he left a $13 million estate. How do you explain that? There there's Larry Wong, who owned half of Chinatown when he passed away. Larry used to rent his tenements to Asian refuges, his own people, for $800 a month to share a single toilet on the same floor. How 'bout King Tito? He had thirteen-year-old girls hooking for him on the street. Those guys are dead because I don't want to make money that way. Emil Zappa, the Mata brothers, they're dead because they were running this city into the ground.

    Roy Bishop: You expected to get away with killing all these people?

    Frank White: I spent half my life in prison. I never got away with anything, and I never killed anybody that didn't deserve it.

    Roy Bishop: Who made you judge and jury?

    Frank White: Well, it's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.

  • Frank White: There are some things I don't do.

  • Frank White: How come you never came to see me?

    Jump: Who wanted to see you in a cage, man?

  • Jump: He's a fucking glitter-boy! He's looking to get sprayed, laid, played, and slayed. You know what I'm saying?

    Frank White: I heard that.

  • King Tito: [after Jump and Test-Tube have "paid" for a shipment of cocaine with a suitcase full of... tampons!] What the fuck is this?

    Jump: [pulling a pair of semi-autos from his jacket] They're for the bullet holes, puta!

    [He blows Tito away]

  • Blood: [as he enters a hotel room and proceeds to gun down King Tito and Company] ... ROOM SERVICE, MOTHERFUCKERS!

  • Frank White: I've got a $250,000 contract on any cop involved with this case.

  • Dennis Gilley: Frank's Park-Avenue attorney can get him out in TEN MINUTES! TEN MINUTES later, he's back on the street again. There's only one way to get Frank.

    Roy Bishop: So... what? Are you going to shoot everybody you can't arrest?

    Dennis Gilley: We can make it look like a rival gang.

  • Dennis Gilley: Hey, scumbag, guess what? You're under a-fuckin'-rrest!

  • Blood: [after Frank's lawyers get him out of jail, he tosses some cash at the feet of Bishop, while Gilley and Flanigan look on] Here. Go buy some flowers for your witness.

    Thomas Flanigan: With *your* money?


    Blood: [picks up some of the cash and pockets it] Fine. Get some CHEAP flowers.

  • [Frank is taking a woman hostage]

    Roy Bishop: You can't hide behind her forever.

    Frank White: I don't need forever!

  • Frank White: [to Gilley before he kills him] Hey. You.

  • British Female: Frank White. I've heard a lot about you. And it's all bad.

    Frank White: Don't believe everything that Pete writes in the columns.

  • Jennifer: I thought people like you didn't believe in the legal process.

    Frank White: I thought people like me were the legal process.

  • Ariane: What can we expect from the "reformed" Frank White?

    Frank White: I'm gonna run for mayor!

  • Frank White: How's the family?

    Pete Hamill: Better then when you left. They're all working. My son is back from college. What about you?

    Frank White: Back from the dead!

  • Roy Bishop: You're under arrest for the murder of Miguel Matta, Salvador Tito, and Raphael Santo Domingo.

    Thomas Flanigan: What's this, huh? This the gun you used on Matta?

    Jump: Yeah, it's the same one I'm gonna use on you, punk!

    Thomas Flanigan: Heh! Laugh now, motherfucker! Cuz for the rest of your life, you're gonna be somebody's bitch - some motherfucker named Bubba!

    Dennis Gilley: This... is the best day of my life, ya know why? Cuz we got a real, live, talkin, witness!

    Jump: I don't leave no witnesses!

    Dennis Gilley: Oh yeah, motherfucker, you must be getting old then!

  • Roy Bishop: You're under arrest for the murder of Miguel Matta, Salvador Tito, and Raphael Santo Domingo.

    Thomas Flanigan: What's this, huh? This the gun you used on Matta?

    Jimmy Jump: Yeah, it's the same one I'm gonna use on you, punk!

    Thomas Flanigan: Heh! Laugh now, motherfucker! Cuz for the rest of your life, you're gonna be somebody's bitch - some motherfucker named Bubba!

    Dennis Gilley: This... is the best day of my life, ya know why? Cuz we got a real, live, talkin, witness!

    Jimmy Jump: I don't LEAVE no witnesses!

    Dennis Gilley: Oh yeah, motherfucker, you must be getting old then!