Kill for Me Quotes

  • Maria Klein: We don't always need the law, because we have our guilt and our conscience, and sometimes that's more than enough.

  • Hayley Jones: [returning from burying the body, parking car] Zoe's not home yet, so that's good. It's over. Never happened. Say it.

    Amanda Rowe: [numbly] Never happened.

    Hayley Jones: Say it again.

    Amanda Rowe: It never happened.

  • Amanda Rowe: Hayley, we're in a lot of trouble.

    [notices bruised face, whispers:]

    Amanda Rowe: Oh, my God.

    [hands before her mouth:]

    Amanda Rowe: Oh, my God. What happened?

    Hayley Jones: My dad dropped by for a little visit.

    Amanda Rowe: Your dad? Wha-?

    Hayley Jones: I called the cops.

    Amanda Rowe: What? Wha-?


    Amanda Rowe: You called the cops?


    Amanda Rowe: Why would... why would... why would you do that?

  • Garret Jones: [in bar] Aren't you a little young to be honing in on me?

    Amanda Rowe: I'm older than I look.

    Garret Jones: No, you're not.

    Amanda Rowe: [after long silence, trying again] What are you drinking?

    Garret Jones: It doesn't have a name.

    Amanda Rowe: [smirks] Just like you.

    [he scoffs]

    Amanda Rowe: What's in it?

    Garret Jones: A half glass beer, quarter glass whiskey, quarter glass 7-Up.

    [takes a sip]

    Amanda Rowe: That's a cocktail.

    [grins victoriously]

    Garret Jones: No, it ain't.

    Amanda Rowe: A cocktail has two or more ingredients in it, and one of them has to be a spirit. A whiskey's a spirit, so that, my friend, is a cocktail.

    Garret Jones: Yeah? What are you, cocktail police?

Kill for Me

Director: Michael Greenspan

Language: English Release date: February 12, 2013

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