Kalifornia Quotes

  • Brian Kessler: You know, I didn't know this about you, I didn't know you were so prejudice.

    Carrie Laughlin: Oh please, because when someone takes of their shoe and scratches their foot while I'm eating and you call me prejudice?

    Brian Kessler: He can't help the way he was raised. I kinda feel sorry for him.

    Carrie Laughlin: You feel sorry for him. That's so sweet. You obviously didn't get a whiff of that sock!

    Brian Kessler: Bitch, bitch, bitch!

  • Brian Kessler: I'll never know why Early Grayce became a killer. I don't know why any of them did. When I looked into his eyes I felt nothing, nothing. That day I learned that any one of us is capable of taking another human life. But I also learned there is a difference between us and them: it's feeling remorse. Dealing with guilt. Confronting a conscience. Early never did.

  • Brian Kessler: I remember once going on a school trip to the top of the Empire State Building. When I looked down at the crowds of people on the street they looked like ants. I pulled out a penny and some of us started talking about what would happen if I dropped it from up there and it landed on someone's head. Of course I never crossed that line and actually dropped the penny. I don't think Early Grayce even knew there was a line to cross.

  • Brian Kessler: I'd always wanted to be a writer, but there's a big difference between writing a magazine article and writing a book. I know I wrote a magazine article. Everything I ever wanted to know about serial killers fit nicely on those four pages. The article got me a book deal with a little cash up front, but between the rent and the convertible the advance was gone. I owed a book and I was stuck. What little I knew about seial killers I learned in a university library. The only thing I knew for certain was that people didn't kill each other in libraries.

  • Brian Kessler: What the hell did I know about California? For some people it was still a place of hopes and dreams, a chance to start over. The idea was if you could get there everything would be okay, and if it wasn't okay there, well, it probably wasn't going to be okay anywhere.

  • Early Grayce: Tell me, big shot, how you gonna write a book about something you know nothing about?

  • Brian Kessler: How many people have you killed, Early?

    Early Grayce: Well, now, how many people have you seen me kill, Bri?

    Brian Kessler: None.

    Early Grayce: That's how many I killed.

    Brian Kessler: If you say so.

    Early Grayce: Damn right I do. Shut up! Eat your food. You ain't never killed no one, have you, Bri?

    Brian Kessler: No.

    Early Grayce: No. Ain't seen nobody killed either, have you?

    Brian Kessler: No, I haven't.

    Early Grayce: No. Tell me something, big time. How are you going to write a book about something you know nothing about?

  • Early Grayce: Some day me and Adele be walking down the road and we'll see your book and we'll buy it and put it on our coffee table.

  • Carrie Laughlin: Too graphic. Too overt. Not suitable for mass consumption.

  • Early Grayce: Cold weather makes people stupid and that's a fact.

  • Adele Corners: Will you tell me more about California?

    Early Grayce: Yeah, I guess so. Let's see. One thing, people think faster out there on the account of all that warm weather. Cold weather makes people stupid. That's a fact.

    Adele Corners: I guess that explains why there's so many stupid people around here.

    Early Grayce: It sure does. You know what else? You never have to buy no fruit on account it's all on the trees everywhere you turn. And they ain't got no speed limits. I hear your first month's rent is free, state law. So I'm thinking till we get settled we'll just move around from month to month. How will that be with you, momma?

    Adele Corners: What are we going to do out there, Early?

    Early Grayce: By God the first thing we're going to do is get us ! a couple of six-packs of Lucky Lager and we're going to climb up to that famous Hollywood sign. We're going to howl at the moon, goddamn it.


    Early Grayce: Yeah, just like that.

    Adele Corners: I heard once that there ain't nothing on that old moon except some little golf balls the astronauts left behind.

    Early Grayce: Nah, that ain't right. That's bullshit. The government be sending people there all the time. Just don't want us to know about it.

  • Brian Kessler: When you dream there are no rules. People can fly. Anything can happen. Sometimes there's a moment as you're waking and you become aware of the real world around you, but you are still dreaming. You may think you can fly but you better not try.

  • Early Grayce: Reebs. That's what we used to call them when we was kids. It's beer spelled backwards.

  • Brian Kessler: Early lived in the moment. He did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. I don't know if I was fascinated or frightened by him.

  • Brian Kessler: Early seemed harmless. Primitive, but harmless. Of course the fact of the matter was he had killed his landlord less than an hour before we met him. He was even wearing the guy's ring. Who knows what he did with the finger?

  • Brian Kessler: [narrating] Early seemed harmless. Primitive, but harmless. Of course, the fact of the matter was that he'd killed his landlord less than an hour before we met him. He was even wearing the guy's ring. Who knows what he did with the finger.

  • Adele Corners: Early don't eat breakfast. He thinks its a conspiracy put together by the cereal people.

  • Carrie Laughlin: He hits you?

    Adele Corners: Oh, only when I deserve it.

  • Adele Corners: I like your hair 'cause it's short.

  • Brian Kessler: When you first meet people all you notice are the differences between you and them, but as time passes you start noticing the similarities. I guess that's how all friendships begin.

  • Early Grayce: Hey, if you switched two letters in your name it'd spell, um... brain!

  • Carrie Laughlin: Oh Brian, you've got to be kidding me. Look at them. They look like Okies.

    Adele Corners: Oh Jesus, Early, they look kinda weird.

    Carrie Laughlin: They look like they don't have five bucks between them.

  • Carrie Laughlin: Oh, God. Please don't let them be as boring as Brian's friends. Anything but that.

  • [Discussing Early's job at the mirror factory]

    Adele Corners: Know what, Brian? One night when we was stayin' up late we was talkin' 'bout how much bad luck he must have comin' from all those mirrors he broke, and I swear we came to 449 years it would take for him to work it all off, and he'd have to - after he died - he's gonna have to keep comin' back to earth over and over and over again.

    Carrie Laughlin: Karma.

    Adele Corners: What?

    Carrie Laughlin: Karma. You know, when you do something bad to someone and fate pays you back by something bad happening to you.

    Adele Corners: [blowing a bubble] Is that French?

  • Early Grayce: Is it just me, or did this trip go downhill since we ran out of Lucky lager.

  • [Brian is talking about how killer shouldn't get the electric chair]

    Brian Kessler: The answer is primitive psychosis. Not the electric chair.

    Brian's friend: Yeah, that's great Brian. Unless it's your mother's head they find in the freezer.

    Brian Kessler: Yeah, but executing the killer would not bring my mother back now would it?

    Carrie Laughlin: Thank God.

  • Carrie Laughlin: He beats her, you know.

    Brian Kessler: How do you know that?

    Carrie Laughlin: Because she told me, that's how I know that.

  • Carrie Laughlin: Did you happen to know that he was in jail?

    Brian Kessler: Yeah, for stealing a car.

    Carrie Laughlin: Oh, really! Is that what he told you? He told her it was for carrying a gun! Brian, it could be for murder for all we know!

    Brian Kessler: Would you stop being so fucking melodramatic!

  • [about Chinese food]

    Early Grayce: Smells like butt!

  • Early Grayce: What is that?

    Adele Corners: That's Lucy. Hey, that's mine.

    Early Grayce: Adele, what kind of cuckoo-brain carries a cactus in her purse? Huh?

    Adele Corners: I don't know.

    Early Grayce: Straighten up.

    Adele Corners: Oh Jesus, Early, they look kinda weird.

    Early Grayce: Will you just smile and let me do the talking.

    Adele Corners: How many times are you going to tell me that?

    Early Grayce: As many times it takes, Adele.

  • Adele Corners: You know, I used to smoke before I met Early. But he broke me of that.

    Carrie Laughlin: Broke you?

    Adele Corners: Oh. Yeah. Cos Early don't think women should smoke or drink or cuss. So you know what I do? I spell all my cuss words.

  • Early Grayce: I was reading in your deal there how they never caught that Black Dolly killer.

    Brian Kessler: Black Dahlia.

    Early Grayce: Yeah.

    Brian Kessler: They didn't.

    Early Grayce: I was wondering how come. See what I'm getting at? It's like 'Hmm?'.

    Brian Kessler: Well, some people think he just stopped killing and disappeared back into society.

    Early Grayce: That's fine and dandy, but I wanna know what a smart fella like yourself thinks.

    Brian Kessler: I always thought it was the work of a serial killer. You know, anybody who took such time and care bisecting another human being.

    Early Grayce: Bisecting?

    Brian Kessler: You know, he cut them in two.

    Early Grayce: Oh, he hacked them up?

    Brian Kessler: In two pieces, yeah. In half. Anybody who did that much have been enjoying it and he would have done it again and again until someone stopped him.

    Early Grayce: That's good. That's a good theory, Bri. You wanna hear mine?

    Brian Kessler: Sure.

    Early Grayce: OK. Ain't you gonna record it?

    Brian Kessler: Early Grace's Black Dahlia theory. June 23rd.

    Early Grayce: OK. Now, I'm betting his still alive. Real old, living in a trailer park or something, somewheres. But he's alive, see. Now, he's thinking about what he's done, going over it and over it in his head, every night, thinking how smart he is for getting away with it.

  • Adele Corners: My God, Carrie. If Early ever saw me in a picture like that I'd be black-and-blue for a week.

    Carrie Laughlin: You shouldn't let him do that to you.

    Adele Corners: You think Early's mean to me? Well, he's not. He may punish me once in a while, but he's not mean. Um, when I was 13 there was these three boys and they raped me in the back of this truck. They hurt me sob bad that I was in the hospital for, like, four months. And I feel safe with Early cos most of the time he treats me really nice. I know that he'd never. He would never let anything like that ever happen to me again.

  • Early Grayce: How long have you had your woman, bud?

    Brian Kessler: Three years.

    Early Grayce: Yeah? She's a good one. She's a breeder, you dog.

    Brian Kessler: I'll tell her you said she's a breeder. She'll like that. I'll tell her that.

  • Early Grayce: Only thing my old man ever gave me was this goddamn .45. Japanese but it's pretty good. Go on, shoot it.

    Brian Kessler: No, I never did this. I don't know how to do this.

    Early Grayce: Yeah, you can do it. Point and shoot the damn thing. No, bud, you're jerking it. You're all like this. You gotta hold it soft, like your pecker. OK?

  • Early Grayce: What's your name, boy?

    Walter Livesy: Walter Livesy.

    Early Grayce: Well, I think I gotta kill you, Walter. How you feel about that?

    Walter Livesy: Not so good. Are you sure you have to?

    Early Grayce: Don't know. Wish I did.

    Carrie Laughlin: Early, please be.

    Early Grayce: Shut up! Goddammit! I'm trying to have a conversation with Walter! Sorry about that, Walter. Where you from?

    Walter Livesy: Vernon, Florida.

    Early Grayce: Don't know it. Any hunting?

    Walter Livesy: Turkeys sometimes.

    Early Grayce: Yeah, turkeys are real smart. Smarter than most people think. Tell you what, Walter. I want you down on your belly. Get on your belly. I want you to stay there a long time after we leave. We got a deal, son?

    Walter Livesy: Yeah. Yes, sir. You mind if I hold onto that Bible over there?

    Early Grayce: What do you want with a Bible, Walter? Huh? He thinks I'm gonna kill him. Now that would make me a liar, wouldn't it?

    Walter Livesy: No.

    Early Grayce: No?

  • Early Grayce: Got them both on the dead run.

    Adele Corners: No! No, no, no Early!

    Early Grayce: Come on, momma.

    [Walks over to Brian who is standing over the wounded cop]

    Early Grayce: Tell me that don't hurt. Here.

    [Hands Brian a gun while pointing another one at his head]

    Brian Kessler: What?

    Early Grayce: Gotta put that crippled dog out of his misery. You wanna know about it, you gotta do it, son. Shoot him. Come on, lay it on in there. Come on, mean boy. Come on, mean boy. Do it! Shoot him! Shoot the dog! Time to live, boy. Shoot him. Come on. Go! Go, mean boy.

    [Brian drops the gun]

    Early Grayce: You faggot.

    Brian Kessler: Look at his face! It's not your father. Look at him!

    Early Grayce: I know that, you idiot. That's police in a world of hurting. This here's a mercy killing.

    [He kills the cop]

    Carrie Laughlin: Oh God!

    Early Grayce: Let's hit the road.

  • Early Grayce: You haven't even said thank you.

    Adele Corners: Thank you.

    Early Grayce: Thank you for what, Adele?

    Adele Corners: I don't know, Early.

    Early Grayce: Well, Adele, it's for saving your fucking life back there! Goddamn! You were this close, momma, from spending the night in the county morgue.

    Carrie Laughlin: He wasn't going to shoot her, you murdering son of a bitch!

    Brian Kessler: Stop it, Carrie.

    Carrie Laughlin: What are you fucking insane?

    Brian Kessler: Shut up!

    Carrie Laughlin: He's a monster!

    Brian Kessler: Shut up, Carrie!

  • Early Grayce: Momma? What are you crying for? I'm the one who got hit.

    Adele Corners: Cos I decided, Early, I'm not gonna climb up that Hollywood sign with you.

    Early Grayce: And why not?

    Adele Corners: Cos you're mean, Early.

    Early Grayce: No, I'm not.

    Adele Corners: You hurt those people, Early. I don't wanna do it with you. I loved you, Early. You just be quiet. You are mean.

  • Parole Officer: [Early tells his parole officer of his desire to pack up and move] What are you talking about? You know you can't leave the state.

    Early Grayce: Just a thought.

    Parole Officer: What you CAN do is get a job. Be at this address at 3 o'clock.

    Early Grayce: What for?

    Parole Officer: [snickering] Janitor's job.

    Early Grayce: [sighs, disgusted] Well, I don't wanna be no janitor.

    Parole Officer: [turns to Early and shoves his artificial arm into the bottom of his beer bottle, knocking it back against his teeth] I don't give two shits what YOU want. All I'm saying is you better be there or you'll be having dinner with the sheriff.

    [erupts into coughing fit]

    Parole Officer: You understand me, boy?

    Early Grayce: I understand you need to take care of that cough. Put a paper bag over your head and breathe deep. Works every time... peg-armed piece of shit.

  • Early Grayce: [Early arrives home, sees strange car parked out front] Adele! Where you at?

    [enters and sees his parole officer... under his breath]

    Early Grayce: Aw, shit.

    Parole Officer: She's not here. You know, you're supposed to notify me Early, when you lose your job. I stopped by the mirror factory today... you left quite a mess back there.

    Early Grayce: Yeah... well, that wasn't my fault. Besides, it's dangerous, and they treat me like shit.

    Parole Officer: [with sarcasm] Aw... nobody ever has treated you right, have they Early?

  • [from TV hot spot]

    Brian Kessler: Does it make you feel good?

    [camera zooms in]

    Brian Kessler: Powerful?

    [camera zooms in]

    Brian Kessler: Superior?

  • [at abandoned place eating Chinese food for breakfast]

    Early Grayce: [to Adele] Mama... sing us a song.

    Adele Corners: Ahm...


    Adele Corners: I... wish... Carrie was happy.

    [smiles and looks at Carrie]

    Carrie Laughlin: [puts her face on her hand even more miserable than before Adele started singing]

    Adele Corners: [still smiling continues to sing as the camera shows the outside of the place] I... wish... she would smile.

  • [Early has just shot two cops]

    Adele Corners: [crying] Ohhhh nooooo, Early.

  • Early Grayce: Do you remember them doors? Them doors I was talkin' 'bout Bri?

    [Brian laughs]

    Early Grayce: I think I got me a couple of them, found me a couple of them in Kentucky. Hell, I wasn't even lookin' for the first one. I was just on the side of the road, swingin' my sickle, I turn around and there's this door, this big old door and lights comin' out blindin' me, real gold and I'm thinkin': 'This can't be, this can't be.' So I close my eyes and I count one, I count two, I count three I count four-five and I open my eyes... and it wasn't there. Haaa...

    [kicks can toward Brian]

  • Waitress: Um sir, we don't have a liquor license here, so I'm afraid you're going to have to...

    Early Grayce: Oh that's okay, I've got plenty more of this where it come from.

  • [last lines]

    Adele Corners: Hi... Guess who this is... It's me, Adele. Um, I know I'm probably not supposed to be talkin' on the tape recorder, but um, I just wanted to say thank you for taking me and Early with you on your trip, cuz me and Early is havin' a really good time. And um, I just hope when we get to California, that you guys don't forget all about us. Cuz friends are important, and well, you're the only friends we got. Bye.

  • [looking at and admiring Mrs. Mustgraves cactus plants. Everyone else is naturally in a state of silence]

    Adele Corners: [to Mrs. Mustgrave] You have such beautiful cactuses ma'am. I just love them. My mama had a cactus garden, and I had this baby cactus, and I was gonna plant it...

    [scene shifts to Carrie and Brian who are tied up to the leg of a heavy piano]

    Brian Kessler: [in low voice to Carrie] You gotta talk to Adele. She looks up to you. She'll listen.

    Carrie Laughlin: I tried talking to her at the mine. It didn't work.

    Brian Kessler: Then try again.

    Early Grayce: [enters the room eating a sandwich and acting like he owns the place] Hey Bri


    Early Grayce: you ever stop and think

    [picks up phone box]

    Early Grayce: that if you switched two letters in your name

    [disconnects the phone line from box]

    Early Grayce: you'd spell "brain"?

    [Early rips the phone line out of the wall. At that Adele makes a grunt but tries to keep her composure. Brian just stares at Early]

    Early Grayce: Boy, you got a problem.

    [throws the phone box at Brian and Carrie. It crashes right by them]

    Early Grayce: [goes over to Mrs. Mustrgave and yanks her glass of liquor out of her hands] What's wrong with grandma?

    Early Grayce: [sits down and puts his feet on the coffee table. He then uses them to rotate a photo frame around. The photo shows presumably Mrs. Mustgarve and Mr. Mustgrave, which Early acknowledges] Where's your husband?

    Mrs. Musgrave: [after a moment] I'm a widow.

    Early Grayce: [studying her, not really believing her] Yeah?

  • Early Grayce: [looking at Carrie's photos] Boring.

    [drops photo on ground]

    Early Grayce: Boring.

    [drops photo on ground]

    Early Grayce: Dog shit.

    [drops photo on ground, looks at next photo and shows it to Brian and Carrie saying]

    Early Grayce: Now that don't leave much to the imagination, does it?

    [drops it to the ground and looks at the next photo and shows it to the two again saying]

    Early Grayce: I know him.

    [photo shows a person with white mask on]

    Early Grayce: That's my daddy. Fucker.

    [drops it and proceeds to the next photo]

    Early Grayce: Boring

    [drops it and then pauses a moment studying the next photo. He shows it to Carrie and says]

    Early Grayce: That's you ain't it?

    Carrie Laughlin: [after a moment says] Yeah, that's me. Do you like it? What do you think?

    Early Grayce: [studies it a moment longer and then jabs his finger through it where the explicit body parts are and then sticks his tongue through it wiggling it and making odd sound effects and then says] Dog shit!

    [drops photo on ground]

    Early Grayce: Boring.

    [drops photo on ground]

    Early Grayce: Stinky.

    [drops photo on the ground]

    Early Grayce: Stinky.

    [drops the final photo on the ground]

    Early Grayce: [sits back in chair and rests his gun on the arm of the chair and says to Brian] You gotta learn how to control your woman better. But lucky for you, they take all kinds in California. That's where we'll be tomorrow. California.

  • [in an upstairs bedroom Early curiously looks around examining things while, Mr. Mustgrave looks through his telescope thinking his wife is in the room]

    Mr. Musgrave: [in awe looking through telescope not aware that Early is really in the room instead of his wife, keeps calling out] That you peaches? Sweetheart, you gotta come over here. It's so clear, you won't believe it. It's just amazing. Come on over. Take a look, honey. I want you to see this.

    [Early notices some golf clubs near by and picks one up]

    Mr. Musgrave: [now hearing this finally, looks up] Peaches?

    [presumably a short while later, Early is now looking through the telescope]

    Adele Corners: [enters the room] Early? Early.

    [Early turns around to see a worried Adele]

    Adele Corners: Ahm, ahm, ahm.

    [surges up every ounce of enthusiasm she has and her eyes light up as she says]

    Adele Corners: Guess what, Early? Ms. Mustgrave has this guest house in the back... and it's real, real beautiful, and it's empty hon. She said that if you and me wanted to...

    [is cut off by]

    Mrs. Musgrave: Hank!

    [shocked and crying, trying to keep her balance as she enters the room seeing Early at the telescope with a golf club]

    Mrs. Musgrave: Hank!

    [camera reveals Mr. Mustgrave dead. Adele loses all enthusiasm as she buries her face in her hands crying]

    Early Grayce: [puts golf club over shoulder] Well, you're a widow now, Peaches.

    [Mrs. Mustgrave faints]

  • [Carrie has just seen a news report on a grainy TV about Early being most wanted. She's about to run out of the gas station when she runs right smack into Early who's just entered]

    Early Grayce: [about the fact that Brian has kicked him out of the road trip] I ain't riding no bus, bitch.

    [sees Carrie's terrified look and then the TV which has the news report of himself on there. A new wave of terror begins]

    Early Grayce: [shoves Carrie across the floor] Get over there, and keep quiet.

    [rummages through the cash register area and finds a sawed off shotgun]

    Early Grayce: Knew that boy would have a hogleg around here somewhere.

    [sees Walter the gas station attendant approaching the store and says to Carrie]

    Early Grayce: Not a word.

    [Walter enters the station]

    Early Grayce: [to Walter with gun pointed at him] Hello! Get over here, skinny. Sit your ass in that corner. Come on.

    [Walter does terrified as Early struggles to hold onto the gun with one hand and empty out the cash register with the other. Adele enters and sees the scene]

    Adele Corners: Honey, whatcha doing?

    Early Grayce: They gave us the boot, mama. Go on out to the car and keep Brian busy. I don't want him coming in here.

    Adele Corners: Honey, you're scaring me.

    Early Grayce: Right now, missy! Get!

    Adele Corners: [leaves and returns to the car, searching the backseat. Brian is aware of her presence] Hi.

    Brian Kessler: Hi.

    Adele Corners: I'm just getting my things, and then I'll leave.

    Brian Kessler: Don't forget your yo-yo. Listen, Adele. The reason you aren't coming along for the rest of the trip doesn't have anything to do with you guys. It has something to do with me and Carrie.

  • Early Grayce: [after killing fat guy exits bathroom and runs right into Brian] Whoa.

    Brian Kessler: Wow, you were in there for awhile.

    Early Grayce: Yeah. I took a dump.

    [realizing that Brian is going to go in]

    Early Grayce: I don't think you wanna go in there though. It's wall to wall stink.

    Brian Kessler: I just need to wash my hands.

    Early Grayce: Ain't got no sink.

    Brian Kessler: [stunned] No sink?

    Early Grayce: Yeah. It's the damnedest thing I've ever seen.

    [Brian wipes his hands off on the wall of the gas station. The two return to the car]

    Gas Station Attendant: $28.35

    Carrie Laughlin: [pointing at Early] Talk to him.

    Early Grayce: How much?

    Gas Station Attendant: $28.35

    Early Grayce: Hope I got that.

    [peels off bills from the fat guy's money clip, Carrie seems to be well aware of this]

    Early Grayce: Call it an even $30.

    [puts bills into gas station attendant's pocket]

    Gas Station Attendant: [grateful] Thank you.

    Early Grayce: How about I drive, bud?

    Brian Kessler: Sure.

    [gives keys to Early]

    Early Grayce: Mama. You get in the back.

    [Adelle climbs into the backseat. The gas station attendant is so grateful at the tip Early gave him, he opens the car door for Carrie allowing her to get in and then shuts it]

    Early Grayce: [Brian starts the car up and they exit out of the parking lot. The gas station attendant watches them go. A sort of spiraling sound effect plays in the background]

  • [a short while after Early killed the gas station clerk, the four are on the road again in silence]

    Adele Corners: Do you want your picture taken?

    [no one responds]

    Adele Corners: Come on.

    [snaps one off and then sits back trying to get something going. She then whispers into Early's ear]

    Early Grayce: He was breathing when I walked out of there.

    Adele Corners: See, Carrie it's okay. He didn't kill him.

    [Carrie doesn't respond back]

    Early Grayce: Ain't we getting close to the next murder site?

    Brian Kessler: Forget about it! It doesn't matter anymore!

    Early Grayce: The hell it don't!

    [reaches up front and takes map]

    Early Grayce: Where's that map?

    Early Grayce: [scene shifts out of the car as we see it drive by as Early adds] Someday, me and Adele, will be walking along and see your book in a bookshop window. We gonna buy it and put it right on our coffee table. Ain't that right mama?

  • Early Grayce: Look mama, there's a purdy little house. Maybe they got some beer.

    [scene shifts to large garden with lots of various giant cactus plants as we hear Adele admiring/describing the cactus plants and a sort of jiggling sound effect. The camera pans to the Lincoln]

    Adele Corners: Look at all the cactuses. They sure are beautiful. You know what makes a cactus so strong? You can forget about them forever and they'd just keep on growing.

    [scene now shifts to Brian who has his hands cuffed inside the steering wheel. He's trying to get free, while Adele keeps rambling on about the cactus plants]

    Brian Kessler: Adele listen, we got to do something before Early kills someone else.

    Adele Corners: And they breed.

    Brian Kessler: [voice raising] Adele.

    [Adele finally stops rambling and looks over]

    Brian Kessler: Would you listen to me?

    Adele Corners: [hopeless voice crying] You can't do anything Brian. Just sit still.

  • Early Grayce: [has gun pointed at Walter] What's your name boy?

    Walter Livesy: [struggling to speak] Wal - Walter Livesy.

    Early Grayce: Well, Walter. Think I gotta kill you. How do you feel about that?

    Walter Livesy: [trying to hide his fear] Not so good. You sure you have to.

    Early Grayce: I don't know. Wish I did.

    Carrie Laughlin: [terrified] Early please.

    Early Grayce: [explodes] Shut up!

    [smashes some things around the gas station as he shouts]

    Early Grayce: Goddamnit! I'm trying to have a conversation with Walter.

    [calms back down]

    Early Grayce: Sorry about that Walter.

    Walter Livesy: [just nods scared]

    Early Grayce: Where you from, boy?

    Walter Livesy: Vernon, Florida.

    Early Grayce: Never heard of it. Any hunting?

    Walter Livesy: Yeah, sometimes. Turkey mostly though.

    Early Grayce: Yeah, turkeys are real smart. Smarter than most people think.


    Early Grayce: Tell you what, Walter. I want you down on your belly.

    Walter Livesy: [starts to but not quickly]

    Early Grayce: Get on your belly. Now I want you to stay there. You stay there for a very long time after we leave. We got a deal?

    Walter Livesy: [crying in fear] Yes, sir.

    Early Grayce: Ok, then.

    Walter Livesy: [still terrified] Would you mind if I hold onto that bible?

    Early Grayce: [very ignorant] What you want your bible for?

    [to Carrie]

    Early Grayce: He thinks I'm going to kill him. Well now that would make me a liar, wouldn't it?

    Walter Livesy: [sanctimoniously] No, sir.

    Early Grayce: [finds it] Well

    [throws it down to Walter with no respect]

    Early Grayce: here you go, Walter.

    Walter Livesy: [takes it and starts praying]

    Early Grayce: [sees a yellow happy face pillow, which reads FREE WITH EVERY 20 GALLONS OF GAS] I wonder if Adele would like one of these

    [after a second's beat]

    Early Grayce: Nah.

    [uses it against the sawed off shotgun, aims it at Walter...]

    Carrie Laughlin: [... shuts her eyes in terror as...]

    Early Grayce: [... fires. Feathers fly everywhere and Carrie naturally goes into hysterics as Early drags her out of the gas station]

  • Brian Kessler: [at the gunshot which Early has just killed Walter] What was that?

    Adele Corners: [nervously] Nothing, Brian. It was just the thunder.

    [then to self]

    Adele Corners: Oh my God.

    Brian Kessler: [to Early who's dragging Carrie along] Hey, Early, what the fuck are you doing? We talked about this.

    Early Grayce: Oh, Brian. You gonna like this one. Get in. Big fella you riding shotgun. Adele, you drive.

    [throws Carrie into backseat with him]

    Brian Kessler: What's going on? What are you doing?

    Early Grayce: [motions Brian to get in car] Come on bud, let's go. Get us out of here mama.

    [Brian does and they all peel out of the gas station. Carrie is crying in hysterics and mumbling incoherently]

    Brian Kessler: What happened back there?

    Carrie Laughlin: [crying very hard can hardly speak] Oh my God. He shot him. He shot him in the head.

    Brian Kessler: Who shot who in the head?

    Adele Corners: No, he didn't Carrie.

    Early Grayce: [shouting] Everybody just shut up! Goddamn, bitch, quit squawking.

    [now in normal voice]

    Early Grayce: Nothing's changed. I'm gonna get you there, safe, to California.

    [now with chuckle]

    Early Grayce: That is, if Adele don't kill us with her driving first.

  • [after Early killed two cops back at murder site, Adele is speechless in the front seat with her hands over her ears]

    Early Grayce: Not even a simple thank you?

    Adele Corners: Thank you, Early.

    Early Grayce: Thank you for what Adele?

    Adele Corners: [at a loss] I don't know, Early.

    Early Grayce: [explodes] Well, Adele it was *for saving your fucking life back there.* God dang, honey. You were about this close

    [shows with fingers]

    Early Grayce: to spending the night in the county morgue.

    Carrie Laughlin: [shouting] He wasn't going to shoot her, you murdering son of a bitch!

    Brian Kessler: [warning] Stop it, Carrie!

    Carrie Laughlin: Are you fucking insane?

    Brian Kessler: Shut up!

    Carrie Laughlin: God, why are you so fucking blind, Brian? He's a murderer for crying out loud.

    Brian Kessler: Just shut up!

    Early Grayce: [Early starts swerving the wheel like maniac and also screeching/laughing like one. He stops after a moment when everyone has quieted back down and says] Goddamn bunch of loons.

  • Middle Aged Farmer: Elvis, get the fuck off of him!

  • Brian Kessler: How many people have you killed, Earl?

    Early Grayce: How many have you *seen* me kill?

    Brian Kessler: None.

    Early Grayce: That's how many I've killed.

    Brian Kessler: If you say so.

    Early Grayce: Damn right I do! Eat your food!

  • Carrie Laughlin: You cut your hair.

    Adele Corners: Early cut it. He said it makes me look more pretty. And I think he's right 'cause... he's right.

Extended Reading
  • Vern 2022-04-23 07:02:36

    nice. Although I don't like Pete's bloody and vicious gangster. The little girl's cast is so cute~~~ Three and a half stars.

  • Haven 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    Guilty insane murderer. Didn't recognize it was Pete.