Harold: It's beautiful
Taylor Brooks: Course it's beautiful, did you think I'd take you to an ugly mountain?
Taylor Brooks: [to Harold] H! Fuck the rules!
[starts climbing a building]
Harold: What about, uh, Dallas? What's his name? What's his problem?
Taylor Brooks: Dallas Woolf. We went to Law School together. He was good in the classroom... I was better in the courtroom. There's no contest in the bedroom!
Harold: [Harold and Taylor are in a tent] Hey Taylor, you awake?
Taylor Brooks: No.
Taylor Brooks: If you ask me, it costs too much.
Harold: What?
Taylor Brooks: Love. It's way overpriced.
Taylor Brooks: Mrs. Perkins, dinner tonight?
Pam Perkins: What about it?
Taylor Brooks: Have it with me.
Pam Perkins: No.
Taylor Brooks: C'mon! Why not?
Pam Perkins: Look Mr. Brooks, I already have a date.
Taylor Brooks: Break it! Overtime.
Pam Perkins: Thanks. But I nerver shit where I eat.
Taylor Brooks: Oooh. I wasn't aware, Mrs. Perkins, you shat at all!
Taylor Brooks: You climatizing, Harold?
Harold: Good news or bad news when you bleed from your ears?
Taylor Brooks: Good news.
Taylor Brooks: What the Hell is goin' on?
Phillip Claiborne: Just lost the porters.
Takane Shimuzu: What are we going to do now?
Taylor Brooks: Fuck them. We don't need them, we are taking by ourselves.
Dallas Woolf: That's 7 tons of gear. When you wanna do this, before or after you get dressed?
Taylor Brooks: I didn't make the world the way it is, Harold. I'm just trying to get through it, as fast and as clean as possible.
Harold: [after staring straight at him for 5 seconds] We ALL make the world the way it is.
Taylor Brooks: Yeah, well, we know who made this.
[Taylor tosses his unfinished bowl of oatmeal into the pot and exits the tent]
Harold: Check that out. I'm going to free the whole pitch.
Harold: Really? You know what I love about you Taylor? You're too dumb to let reality stand in the way of success.
Taylor Brooks: Summit Party to base camp. Jacki, are you still with us?
Jacki: Taylor, Harold, where are you?
Taylor Brooks: We're on top of the fucking world! That was the idea, wasn't it?
Jacki: Woo hoo! That's great!
Phillip Claiborne: Congratulations!
Taylor Brooks: Yeah Phillip, it's the top spot.
Phillip Claiborne: How's the view up there?
Taylor Brooks: Well, it's probably not as good as the one from your office, but it'll do.
K2 Quotes
Extended Reading