Justice League Quotes

  • Bruce Wayne: I'm putting together a team of people with special abilities. See, I believe enemies are coming...

    Barry Allen: Stop right there. I'm in.

    Bruce Wayne: You are?

    Barry Allen: Yeah, I... I need... friends. People are difficult, they require a lot of focus. They, uh... they have a rhythm that I haven't quite been able to - like brunch! What is brunch? You wait in line for an hour for, essentially, lunch. I mean... I don't know. People are... a little slow.

    Bruce Wayne: [smiles] I'll try to keep up.

    Barry Allen: [holds up batarang] Can I keep this?

  • Bruce Wayne: Arthur Curry. Also known as Protector of the Oceans. The Aquaman. I hear you can talk to fish.

  • Bruce Wayne: I need your help. There is a stranger who comes to this village from the sea. He comes in the winter when people are hungry. Brings fish. He comes on the king tide. That was last night.

    [a man speaks Icelandic]

    Arthur Curry: Icebergs in the harbor, four months since the last ship got through.

    Bruce Wayne: Well, this stranger doesn't come by ship. There are enemies coming from far away. I need warriors. I'm building an alliance to defend ourselves. Look, I'll give you 25,000 to talk to this man right now. Outside.

    Arthur Curry: [speaks Icelandic to the others] Pretty sure he'll give it to me anyway.

    [the others laugh]

    Bruce Wayne: [sees a picture of the 3 Mother Boxes] Tell me what those threes boxes are and I'll make it 30.

    Arthur Curry: You should get out.

    Bruce Wayne: Can you at least point me to Atlantis?

  • Bruce Wayne: I believe that an enemy is coming from far away. I'm looking for warriors, this stranger. Others like him. I'm building an alliance to defend us. It's very important that I see this man.

  • Barry Allen: Whoever you're looking for, it's not me.

    [Bruce throws a batarang at Barry, who steps back with super-human speed and catches it]

    Barry Allen: You're the Batman?

    Bruce Wayne: So, you're fast.

    Barry Allen: That feels like an oversimplification.

  • Bruce Wayne: [in the Flash's room] Barry Allen! Bruce Wayne.

    Barry Allen: You said that like it explains why there's a total stranger sitting in the dark in my second favorite chair.

  • Bruce Wayne: We have to be ready. You, me, the others... there's an attack coming from far away.

    Diana Prince: Not coming, Bruce. It's already here. The others... where are they?

  • [Arthur Curry rescues a man from drowning]

    Arthur Curry: [takes a bottle of whisky] It's on him!

  • Commissioner Gordon: [to Batman] Good to see you playing with others again.

    Aquaman: [approaches and sizes Batman up] Dressed like a bat. I dig it.

    Batman: [to Gordon] It may be temporary...

  • Diana Prince: People said the Age of Heroes would never come again.

    Bruce Wayne: It has to. We don't have any more time!

  • Barry Allen: How many people are on this special fight team?

    Bruce Wayne: Three, including you.

    Barry Allen: Three? Against what?

    Bruce Wayne: I'll tell you on the plane.

    Barry Allen: [gets in the car] Plane? What are your superpowers again?

    Bruce Wayne: I'm rich.

  • Steppenwolf: No protectors here. No Lanterns. No Kryptonian. This world will fall, like all the others.

  • German Archaeologist: What did you do this weekend, Diana?

    Diana Prince: Me?

    German Archaeologist: Yeah.

    Diana Prince: Nothing very interesting.

    German Archaeologist: That's all you ever tell us.

    Diana Prince: What can I say, I'm not that exciting.

  • Alfred Pennyworth: Facial recognition is a bit dodgy on this one. But they've got a partial match. A Victor Stone. Genius IQ, football scholarship to GCU and deceased.

    Bruce Wayne: Figures. Fairy tales and ghost stories.

    Alfred Pennyworth: One misses the days whens one's biggest concern is exploding wind-up penguins.

    Bruce Wayne: The simple life.

  • Cyborg: [interfaces with the Knightcrawler] Thanks, Alfred, but I'll take it from here.

    Alfred Pennyworth: Uh... do I know you?

  • Commissioner Gordon: How many of you are there?

    Batman: Not enough.

    Commissioner Gordon: Do you really think that...?

    [Gordon turns to see that Batman, Cyborg and Wonder Woman are gone]

    The Flash: Oh, wow. They just... They really just vanished, huh? Oh, that's rude.

    [the Flash runs off]

  • The Flash: Okay, here's the thing. See, I'm afraid of bugs, and guns, and obnoxiously tall people, and *murder*. I can't be here. It's really cool you guys seem ready to do battle and stuff, but - full transparency - I've never done battle. I've just pushed some people and run away!

    Batman: Save one.

    The Flash: What?

    Batman: Save one person.

    The Flash: Uh... which one?

    Batman: Don't talk, don't fight. Get in, get one out.

    The Flash: And-and then?

    Batman: You'll know.

    The Flash: ...Okay.

  • Bruce Wayne: Superman was a beacon to the world. He didn't just save people, he made them see the best parts of themselves.

  • Victor Stone: [saves Aquaman] Ride ain't over yet!

    Arthur Curry: My man!

  • Bruce Wayne: I had a dream. It was the end of the world.

  • Bruce Wayne: What's in the three boxes?

    Arthur Curry: [walks in the water] It's ancient history.

    Bruce Wayne: What is it? Mankind's melting the polar ice caps, destroying the ecosystem. They had it coming?

    Arthur Curry: Hey, I don't mind if the oceans rise.

    Bruce Wayne: How about if they boil?

    Arthur Curry: Dressed like a bat. You're out of your mind, Bruce Wayne.

    [Arthur dives in the water and swims off]

    Bruce Wayne: It doesn't mean I'm wrong.

  • Aquaman: So, your genius plan is dying? You really are out of your mind.

    Batman: I'm not the one who brought a pitchfork.

    Aquaman: [jumps off the Batmobile to attack a Parademon] Yahoo!

  • Diana Prince: You should move on from mourning for your parents.

    Bruce Wayne: You're one to talk, you ran away for a hundred years because your boyfriend died!

  • Superman: Do you bleed?

    [throws Batman into a wall]

  • [the Kent farm was repossessed, but Clark gets it back]

    Clark Kent: "Thank you, Bruce" is not enough for what you did.

    Bruce Wayne: I just undid a mistake, that's all.

    Clark Kent: How did you get the house back from the bank?

    Bruce Wayne: I bought the bank.

    Clark Kent: The whole bank?

    Bruce Wayne: It's like a reflex with me, I don't know...

  • Cyborg: Boo-ya.

  • Black Clad Alpha: I don't believe it. What are you?

    Wonder Woman: A believer.

  • Lex Luthor: I was just celebrating the return of God. He burst out of the ground!

  • Diana Prince: They're children!

    Black Clad Alpha: And they always will be.

  • Lois Lane: There are heroes among us. Not to make us feel smaller, but to remind us of what makes us great.

  • Superman: [to Flash] Slowpoke!

  • Bruce Wayne: [sees the Flash suit] Silica-based quartz sand fabric. Abrasion resistant. Heat resistant.

    Barry Allen: Uh... yeah, I do... competitive ice dancing.

    Bruce Wayne: It's what they use on the space shuttle to prevent it from burning up on re-entry.

    Barry Allen: I do... very competitive ice dancing.

  • Starlabs Employee: Please, we have families!

    Steppenwolf: Why does everyone keep telling me that?

    [throws him aside]

    Steppenwolf: Useless!

    [picks up Silas]

    Steppenwolf: You, then! Where is my mother box?

    Silas Stone: I'll die before I tell you!

    Steppenwolf: At last, one that doesn't whine. But you will scream.

  • Bruce Wayne: The world needs Superman... the team needs Clark. He's more human I am. He lived in this world, fell in love, had a job. In spite of all that power.

  • [seeing Superman alive again]

    The Flash: Pet Cemetery!

  • Bruce Wayne: Must be 100, 150 feet.

    Alfred Pennyworth: Must be.

    Bruce Wayne: Big round table. Six chairs, right there.

    Diana Prince: But room for more.

    Bruce Wayne: But room for more.

  • Bruce Wayne: The motherbox was designed to reshape a planet. But what if you were stronger than a planet? If your cells were lying dormant, but incapable of decay? A boost from the motherbox...

    Barry Allen: ...could bring him back to life.

  • Queen Hippolyta: Listen to me, Diana.

    [fires a flaming arrow]

  • Menalippe: The arrow hasn't been shot in five thousand years. Men won't know what it means.

    Queen Hippolyta: Men won't. She will.

  • Diana Prince: You were pushing me to lead the team, but leaders get people killed. I fought, always, when I was needed. But to lead, step into the light and to say to people, "This is worth your life"... it's your fault. They're all Steve Trevor.

  • Mera: Your mother would have gone to the surface world to stop that thing. But she's not here, so it has to be you.

  • Barry Allen: [after Cyborg briefly leaves during the first battle against Steppenwolf] Did he just bail on us?

  • Kal-El: You did this!

    Batman: I had to.

    Kal-El: You won't let me live, you won't let me die.

    Batman: The world needs you.

    Kal-El: But does it need *you*?

  • Lois Lane: I wish you could stay a little longer.

    Clark Kent: Why?

    Lois Lane: Because now I have to send you away.

    Clark Kent: Bruce.

    Lois Lane: He needs you.

    Clark Kent: I guess I owe him one.

  • Superman: I'm glad I didn't miss this.

    Wonder Woman: Me, too.

    Batman: Yeah, *now* she's glad.

  • Arthur Curry: So, let me get this straight. You do it dressed like a bat? Like an actual bat.

    Bruce Wayne: It worked for 20 years in Gotham.

    Arthur Curry: Oh, that shit hole.

    Bruce Wayne: When the fight comes, we'll need you.

    Arthur Curry: Don't count on it, Batman

    Bruce Wayne: Why not?

    Arthur Curry: 'Cause I don't like you coming here, digging into my business and getting into my life. People from Atlantis tell me, "Do this." Now you say, "Do that." I wanna be left alone.

    Bruce Wayne: Is that why you help these people out here in the middle of nowhere? 'Cause you can just leave?

    Arthur Curry: I help them 'cause no one else does.

    Bruce Wayne: If you want to protect them, you need to work with me.

    Arthur Curry: "Strong man is strongest alone." You ever heard of that?

    Bruce Wayne: That's not a saying. That's the opposite of what the saying is.

    Arthur Curry: Yeah... Doesn't mean I'm wrong.

    Bruce Wayne: You ever heard of Superman? He died fighting next to me.

    Arthur Curry: My point exactly.

  • [after been beaten by Superman and is thrown to the ground]

    Batman: Yeah... Something is definitely bleeding.

  • Black Clad Alpha: This is man's best hope. Down with the modern world, back to the dark ages and the safety of holy fear.

  • Steppenwolf: You're all too weak to see the truth!

    Superman: [appears behind hiim] Well, I believe in truth. But I'm also a big fan of justice.

  • Bruce Wayne: [to Wonder Woman] Superman was a beacon to the world... Why aren't you? You're an inspiration, Diana. You don't just save people; you make them see their better selves. And yet, I'd never even heard of you until Luthor lured you out by stealing a picture of your dead boyfriend. You shut yourself down for a century, so let's not talk about me moving on!

  • Diana Prince: You have to learn to move on.

  • Bruce Wayne: Did Steve Trevor tell you that?

  • Lois Lane: This is what we know: The world has grown dark, and while we have reasons to fear we have the strength not to. There are heroes among us, to remind us that only from fear, comes courage. That only from the darkness, can we truly feel the light.

  • Batman: [Parademon about to attack him] Son of a bitch.

    Wonder Woman: AHH!

    [knocks Parademon from Batmobile]

    The Flash: [running by] Oh, snap!

    Cyborg: [finishes several Parademons] You're welcome.

    Aquaman: [Jumps onto Batmobile fender] YEAH!

    Batman: This isn't the plan.

    Alfred Pennyworth: No, Master Wayne. This is the team.

    Cyborg: Hey, blame the lady. We would've left you, but she didn't ask for a vote.

  • Philippus: Steppenwolf...

    Steppenwolf: [approaching the Mother Box] Mother... millennia in exile, searching, at last you call me home.

    Queen Hippolyta: You will *not* like your welcome!

    Steppenwolf: Oh, I think I will.

    [He slams the haft of his ax into the ground, summoning a horde of Parademons]

  • Steppenwolf: For Darkseid!

  • Barry Allen: [scarfing a whole pizza on the way to Bruce's car] It's like this layer of dimensional reality that seems to manipulate space-time. I call it the Speed Force. It causes me to burn a tremendous amount of calories, so I am just a black hole of snacks. I am a snack hole.

  • Arthur Curry: Honestly... I think we're gonna be dead way before that. And you know what? I don't mind. It's an honorable end. But we've gotta shut Steppenwolf down. Superman's a no-show.

    [to Bruce]

    Arthur Curry: You've got no powers, no offense.

    [to Victor]

    Arthur Curry: This guy might be working for the enemy. We don't know.

    [to Barry]

    Arthur Curry: You're tripping over your feet, and mine...

    [to Diana]

    Arthur Curry: Whuf, you're gorgeous, and fierce... and strong. I know we went to war with the Amazons, but that was before my time. You know what? I don't wanna die. I'm young. There's shit that I wanna do. I just feel like... I didn't really embrace the sea or the land. I've been a loner my whole life. But being part of something bigger, like this... maybe I'm scared because... I'm meant to...

    [Bruce smiles and gestures to Arthur, who looks down and realizes he's sitting on Diana's Golden Lasso. Irritably, he pulls it out from under his butt and tosses it back to her]

    Diana Prince: I think that was beautiful.

    Arthur Curry: [as Barry starts to speak] You say a word about this, you'll meet every piranha I know.

    Barry Allen: ...I honestly didn't hear anything after "we're all gonna die."

  • Cyborg: [attempting to separate the three Motherboxes] Superman! We gotta pull these things apart. A couple more seconds, you'll see your opening.

    Superman: Any blowback?

    Cyborg: Big time. But I think we can take it.

    Superman: Good... 'cause I really like being alive.

    Cyborg: So do I.

    [Both separate the Motherboxes, resulting in a huge explosion, knocking them both back]

    Batman: Clark...

    Superman: [groaning] I take it back - I wanna die.

    Cyborg: [both laughing in pain] Man, my *toes* hurt! I don't even understand the physics of how my toes hurt!

    Wonder Woman: Children. I work with children.

  • Superman: So, how do I help?

    Batman: [regarding Cyborg] We buy him some time, he can stop that box from destroying all life on Earth... we hope.

    Superman: Well, I know you didn't bring me back 'cause you like me.

    Batman: I don't... *not*...

  • Bruce Wayne: But this is science beyond our limits. And that's what science is for. To do what's never been done. To make life better.

    Wonder Woman: Or to end it. Technology is like any other power. Without reason, without heart, it destroys us.

  • [first lines]

    Podcast Kid 2: [camera phone POV of Superman with police, firefighters and paramedics after a heroic deed] There he is!

    Podcast Kid 1: Shh! Shh! C'mon, let's go.

    [to Superman]

    Podcast Kid 1: Superman! Superman! Can we ask you some questions?

    Podcast Kid 2: It's for our podcast.

    Superman: Well, in that case...

    Podcast Kid 1: How many people that you saved - have you saved?

    Superman: I...

    Podcast Kid 1: Never mind. Does your thing really stand for "hope"?

    Superman: Yes, it does.

    Podcast Kid 2: But it looks like an "S".

    Superman: Yes, it's meant to. It's meant to wind... like a river. It comes and goes. My f -


    Superman: A man I knew used to say that hope was like your car keys: easy to lose, but if you dig around, it's usually close by.

    Podcast Kid 2: Did you ev - ever fight a hippo?

    Podcast Kid 1: [whispering to Podcast Kid 2, as Superman smiles] Shh! No, that's not it!

    Podcast Kid 2: [whispering to Podcast Kid 1] But hippos are the most deadly!

    Podcast Kid 1: [to Superman] Um... What is, uh... What's the best thing about Planet Earth?

    [Superman ponders the question, then smiles as he's about to answer the question when the podcast abruptly ends]

  • Lois Lane: [after Clark is resurrected] You smell good.

    Clark Kent: Did I not before?

  • Burglar: What do you want from me?

    Batman: Fear. They can smell it.

  • [the Parademon explodes]

    Burglar: What was that?

    Batman: A scout.

    Burglar: From space? Like an alien army?

  • Burglar: [to Batman] It's 'cause they know he's dead, right? Superman. He's gone. Where does that leave us?

    [Batman jumps off the roof]

  • Victor Stone: Does anybody know?

    Silas Stone: What?

    Victor Stone: At the lab. Does anybody know I'm alive?

    Silas Stone: Uh... I didn't think you were ready for them to...

    Victor Stone: To what? For them to see the monster?

    Silas Stone: You are not a monster.

    Victor Stone: It's weird that you thought I meant me.

    Silas Stone: What I did... I lost your mother in that accident. I wasn't about to... I couldn't bear to lose my son.

    Victor Stone: But you did. I got a language in my head that I don't speak. It's not just digital. It's alien. Every day, I wake up different. Modified. How do you...

    [Victor hovers about the floor and drops back down]

    Victor Stone: Couldn't do that last night. Ever since we got visitors from Krypton, people have been waiting for the next alien invasion. Now I gotta wonder if I'm it.

  • Diana Prince: [from 2016 Comic-Con special footage] He agreed to fight with us?

    Bruce Wayne: More or less.

    Diana Prince: More-more or more-less?

    Bruce Wayne: Probably more-less.

    Diana Prince: He said no.

    Bruce Wayne: He said no.

  • The Flash: [after deflecting Wonder Woman's sword back to her, Flash trips on a staircase] Oh, fuck.

  • [Steppenwolf leaps onto the Nightcrawler]

    Batman: Jesus... he *is* tall.

  • Steppenwolf: [sees Cyborg] Ah... you were born of her. A creature of chaos.

    Cyborg: Now how I see it.

    Steppenwolf: Give it time.

  • [Parademons attack Wonder Woman, the Knightcrawler appears and blasts them with its cannons]

    Batman: Sorry, guys. I didn't bring a sword.

  • Steppenwolf: [catches one of the Nightcrawler's missiles in his bare hand] Primitive beings...

    [He releases the missile to explode against the wall]

    The Flash: What are we under right now?

    [Ominous rumbling]

    Batman: ...Gotham Harbor.

  • [from trailer]

    Barry Allen: [looks up] Oh, awesome! That's the Bat-Signal! That's your...!


    Barry Allen: Oh, shh, sorry. That's your signal, that means we have to go now?

    Bruce Wayne: Yeah, that's... that's what that means.

    Barry Allen: [giggling] It's so cool!

    [Bruce rolls his eyes at Diana and they all set off together]

  • [the League faces the resurrected Superman]

    Aquaman: He's not all right.

    Cyborg: Scanning... scanning...

    The Flash: What?

    Cyborg: Arthur, you need to relax, your adrenaline's spiking...

    Aquaman: [through clenched teeth] Because he's *not* all right!

  • Lois Lane: Darkness, the truest darkness, is not the absence of light. It is the conviction the light will never return.

  • Arthur Curry: [Steppenwolf is on the verge of defeat] Recognize that smell?

    Bruce Wayne: Fear.