Just Like Heaven Quotes

  • Father Flanagan: [while splashing holy water on the wood floor] The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!

    Elizabeth Masterson: [to David] You're mopping that up.

  • Elizabeth Masterson: [after remembering that she was a doctor] I may have been a lonely home-wrecking whore, but I saved lives!

  • Jack Houriskey: God made alcohol as a social lubricant. To make men brave, and to make women loose.

  • David Abbott: [Elizabeth's ghost is disappearing, she is about to die] Help her! Somebody Help her! Elizabeth!

  • Darryl: Can't you feel that, man? There's like this cancer-causing ray of spirit hate searing right towards your body.

  • [last lines]

    Darryl: Righteous.

  • David Abbott: Darryl!

    Darryl: Dude!

    David Abbott: Yeah.

    Darryl: Whoa, whoa, whoa, the spirit's with you, isn't it? You can't bring that thing in here, what're you thinking, bro?

    David Abbott: Listen, man, you were right about her. She's alive.

    Darryl: Righteous.

    David Abbott: But she's in a coma and her family is gonna take her off of life support.

    Darryl: Not so righteous. So, what, are you guys socializing now?

    David Abbott: We've acclimated.

    Darryl: Yeah, I can tell. In fact, I'm sensing some intense feelings she has for you, bro.

    David Abbott: Really?

    Elizabeth Masterson: No I don't!

    Darryl: Ooh, MAJOR red aura, SOMEBODY's embarrassed.

  • Maitre D': [from trailer] Whats wrong with him?

    Elizabeth Masterson: It's a tension pneumothorax

    David Abbott: I think it's a tension nemothax, sir.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Pneumothorax.

    David Abbott: Nuemathax, sir!

    Elizabeth Masterson: Pneumothorax!

    David Abbott: Numathurman.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Never mind

    David Abbott: Never mind!

  • Elizabeth Masterson: [Tries to pick up phone, but her hand passes right through it] What have you done to my phone?

  • David Abbott: Ok, I'm sorry, maybe you're not dead - maybe you're just really light

  • David Abbott: I... I can't stab a man!

  • Elizabeth Masterson: I'm completely capable of meeting men on my own.

    Abby Brody: I know, I'd just like you to meet one who isn't bleeding

    Elizabeth Masterson: I'll have you know that I have had two marriage proposals today

    Mr. Clarke: Marry me

    Elizabeth Masterson: Yes, of course Mr Clarke. Make that three!

  • Elizabeth Masterson: Oh my, this is more serious than I thought

    David Abbott: Go away, you don't exist!

    Elizabeth Masterson: I'm going to ask you a series of questions and I want you to answer honestly. Has your recent alcohol intake increased?

    David Abbott: Yeah. So?

    Elizabeth Masterson: So are you hearing voices or seeing things that aren't quite real?

    David Abbott: As a matter of fact, yeah

    Elizabeth Masterson: Well then, have you recently sought consult from a mental health care professional?

    David Abbott: What? How did you know that? Stay away from me!

    Elizabeth Masterson: Do you often feel paranoid, like people are out to get you?

    David Abbott: Why are you asking so many questions?

    Elizabeth Masterson: I'll take that as a yes. Listen to me. You have fantasised, quite convincingly that you have rented an apartment that in fact belongs to somebody else.

    Elizabeth Masterson: [Extra dialogue] I think you may need to come to terms with the fact that you may be mentally ill.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Really?

  • Elizabeth Masterson: I think I know what my unfinished business is.

    David Abbott: What?

    Elizabeth Masterson: You.

  • David Abbott: You're dead!

    Elizabeth Masterson: Stop saying that!

  • David Abbott: I've told her to walk to the light, but she won't listen

    Elizabeth Masterson: There is no light! Aaaarrrggg! You're infuriating!

  • Darryl: You've got to let her go man

    David Abbott: How can I when she won't leave?

    Darryl: Not your spirit girl...

  • Elizabeth Masterson: We have an address, a dry cleaning ticket and a book of matches. Do you know what that means?

    David Abbott: We could start a very small fire?

  • Darryl: Wow, major red aura. Somebody's embarrassed!

  • Katrina: She was like, totally antisocial.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Ok, maybe we weren't close friends

    Katrina: She was like a cat lady with no cats.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Ok. We're done here.

  • Elizabeth Masterson: Why is she wearing workout clothes? I mean, if you were gonna work out in the middle of the day, which is basically the only reason to be wearing workout clothes, do you really need a push up bra? The whole point is to strap 'em down, not push 'em up.

    David Abbott: You know what? You're NOT coming with me any more!

    Elizabeth Masterson: Why? Something might jog my memory.

    David Abbott: Too bad. You're like an AM radio that someone SHOVED in my head and I can't turn off.

    Elizabeth Masterson: You don't think she was completely unclassy and predatory?

    David Abbott: Those happen to be two of men's favorite things.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Why don't you just date a pit bull?

    David Abbott: Maybe I will.

  • Elizabeth Masterson: She said that the only thing to do was to burn the scores and drink lots of margaritas.

  • David Abbott: You ate here a lot?

    Elizabeth Masterson: No. I never did. I remember looking in the window and wishing I could.

    David Abbott: Well why didn't you? Were you like a homeless street urchin?

  • Abby Brody: What are you doing?

    Zoe Brody: Looking for the stick

    Abby Brody: What stick?

    Zoe Brody: You always said she had a stick up her...

    Abby Brody: Stop it! Come on. You know, tv is going to become a very dim memory to you two.

  • Elizabeth Masterson: But I'm in a coma David, that's not good.

    David Abbott: It's way better than dead!

  • Brett Rushton: Did you know your sister's opinion on artificially prolonging life?

    Abby Brody: No

    Brett Rushton: She was against it.

    Abby Brody: Really?

    Elizabeth Masterson: That was before! I'm totally for it now!

    Brett Rushton: Honestly, most in our profession feel that way.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Not me! I'm perfectly happy.

  • David Abbott: I don't think your sister's a very spiritual person.

    Elizabeth Masterson: She's just trying to be a good parent and keep her kids away from a crazy man.

  • David Abbott: We were romantic

    Fran: What do you mean?

    David Abbott: You know, like boyfriend and girlfriend.

    Fran: Yes, I know what romantic means...

  • David Abbott: I shouldn't be seeing a little blonde control freak

  • Elizabeth Masterson: You had no idea she was naked on your bed?

    David Abbott: No.

    Elizabeth Masterson: You're wondering what she looks like.

    David Abbott: No I'm not.

    Elizabeth Masterson: A little?

    David Abbott: Not enough to, to go look.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Tell you what: I'll do a little recon for ya.

    David Abbott: Please don't!

    Elizabeth Masterson: Don't worry, I'm a doctor.

  • David Abbott: Your sister really wouldn't sign those papers, would she?

    Elizabeth Masterson: I don't know. I hope not. It won't even matter if I don't wake up soon. My brain activity's decreasing every day.

    David Abbott: Well maybe that's not such a bad thing, you're kind of a smarty-pants. No, it'll bring you down to my level.

  • Elizabeth Masterson: Can I do anything to make you comfortable?

    Mr. Clarke: Marry me?

    Elizabeth Masterson: [to an assistant] Decrease Mr. Clarke's morphine drip.

  • Darryl: Yo, do you have like a diet anything? I'm like 99.9% parched here. Could really use a CO-la.

  • Abby Brody: Who put Sponge-Bob in the pasta?

  • David Abbott: Have you have any traumatic experiences recently?

    Elizabeth Masterson: Like what?

    David Abbott: Oh, I don't know. Like DYING?

  • David Abbott: Get out of my house!

    Elizabeth Masterson: You get out!

    [She tries to shove him, but passes through him and falls through the wall]

    David Abbott: Rest in peace!

    [He turns around to see her standing there]

    Elizabeth Masterson: I'm not leaving!

  • David Abbott: [after Elizabeth falls out the window] Rest in peace

  • Jack Houriskey: [in a hospital storage room] Dave, what the hell are you doing? This isn't a sale, man!

  • Jack Houriskey: Why do you want to do this?

    David Abbott: ...Because I love her, okay? I love her.

    [looks at Elizabeth]

    David Abbott: I love you.

    Elizabeth Masterson: [taken aback and smiling] ... No ones ever said that to me before.

  • David Abbott: You saved lives.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Yeah... including my own. I saved my life, for later. I just... I never thought there wouldn't be a later.

  • Elizabeth Masterson: David?

    David Abbott: What?

    Elizabeth Masterson: Tell him thank you.

    David Abbott: We're really grateful, Jack.

    Jack Houriskey: I'm not doin' it for you.

    David Abbott: Then why are you doing it?

    Jack Houriskey: Because someday, trust me, I'm gonna need help movin' a body. When that day comes, I don't wanna hear any shit from you.

  • Katrina: Osama, communism is way over, so like give your people some toliet paper

  • Jack Houriskey: You need to stop swimming in your own mind, that is a dangerous neighboorhood that you should not go into alone!

  • David Abbott: I have a dinner date.

    Katrina: Well, I got dessert.

    Elizabeth Masterson: I just threw up in my mouth.

  • Elizabeth Masterson: I guess you got my job.

    Brett Rushton: Yeah. I think I've earned it. I deserve it.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Everything you thought it would be?

    Brett Rushton: It is.

    [she realizes he's talking on the phone]

    Brett Rushton: And it's time to upgrade from the to the... I'm goin' to the dealer tonight... Hold on. It's Walsh, I have to take this... Hello?... Really?... You want me to do it?... Sure, of course I can... Dude, did you know I can get a built-in jack for my iPod?

    Elizabeth Masterson: Did you know there's people out there dying? I'm in a coma, have you noticed?

    Brett Rushton: I know. Sweet!

  • [first lines]

    Nurse Maria: Elizabeth...

    Elizabeth Masterson: How long was I out?

    Nurse Maria: Um, about six minutes.

    Elizabeth Masterson: Thanks, I'll be right there.

    Nurse Maria: OK, I'll be outside.

  • Jack Houriskey: [in the process of stealing Elizabeth's body, sees that David has just punched out Brett] Oh David, and the felonies just keep pilin' up!

  • Elizabeth Masterson: Why do I know you?

    David Abbott: Maybe from your dreams


    Elizabeth Masterson: It wasn't a dream

    David Abbott: No

    [They kiss]

  • Elizabeth Masterson: [looking through a door at Katrina who is naked off-screen] Ooh! She's got a tattoo on her ass. It says "all aboard".

    David Abbott: Really?

    Elizabeth Masterson: In three languages!

  • David Abbott: Ugh! Why are you still here?

    Elizabeth Masterson: That's a scary question, I have no idea.

  • Elizabeth Masterson: You think if you could ever really touch me, I might wake up from all of this.

    [David and Elizabeth try to touch their hands together]

  • Mr. Clarke: [runs up to Elizabeth] Will you marry me doctor?

    Elizabeth Masterson: Of course, Mr. Clarke...

    [sees that he is naked]

    Elizabeth Masterson: ...but you might want to put on a robe first.

  • Grace: [while visiting an Asian arranged apartment] This place is heaven! It has been photographed for magazines.

    David Abbott: I think I told you I need something furnished.

    Grace: Oh, it is furnished.

    David Abbott: Where's the couch?

Extended Reading
  • Giuseppe 2022-04-21 09:02:14

    This romantic comedy is so cliché that it made me laugh, but it's better than I thought it would be. First, the casting is good. Mark ruffalo has played so many romcom male protagonists who are familiar with this sincere and slightly sloppy role. The second is that it is set in san francisco, and you can see a lot of city scenery, and the female protagonist's apartment is very big and beautiful. No wonder the agent said that he was the luckiest man in sf lol!

  • Aron 2022-03-27 09:01:08

    This is the love I want...even if it's just a soul! Only I have it! !