Just Before I Go Quotes

  • Ted Morgan: When its darkest we can see the stars. They're always there. You just gotta remember to tip your head back and look up.

  • Albert: Memories are like a magpie. It picks up all the bright and shiny shit and pays no attention to what really matters.

  • Rowley Stansfield: He's the biggest fucking asshole to ever slip an arm through a sleeve!

  • Greta: You are not lonely, you're empty! And that's worse!

  • Greta: The real reason that I don't have a boyfriend is that I don't... I don't trust anyone to stick around and I can't take people leaving me anymore, so I need you to stay. Please,I need to think that I'm worth somebody sticking around for.

  • Dad: The trick to beating fear is to live a life so full that there is no room for it. Fear thrives in emptiness son, so just fill it up Teddy, I know u can do it.